VIOFO A119 V1 V2 Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Here is a sample of 1080p .TS using MOD 5Re and watch out for the Vikings.

5Re 1080p sample

Sample for MOD 7Rf 1440p sample MOD 7Rf
Excellent 5Re example of lower 1080@30fps at 20Mbps BitRate, some fine detail missing but acceptable for most owners that want smaller video file sizes.
Never saw a Viking Long Boat before, that thing is huge for such a long time ago, great capture.
Great 7Rf 1440p at 27Mbps example of fine detail comparison even on dull day, very noticeable on roof tops between both clips.
Those are the narrowest winding streets in the world! Thanks for sharing this early Stable Rf series footage.
1920x1080 60fps
WOW ! huge difference in image quality dropping from 1440P 27Mbps to 1080P 20Mbps using same higher 170 Sharpness appears as Soft after comparing with your earlier 7Rf 1440P footage.
Based on this one clip 1080P is clear but lost much detail on cloudy day conditions. That is a very good example, thanks for sharing, very revealing.
Obviously the A119 is best using 2560x1440 resolution.
1440p sample of MOD 5Rf another rural scene. Wooded area to open country side nice day for time of year. cars passing some buildings.

MOD 5Rf sample
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1440p sample of MOD 5Rf another rural scene. Wooded area to open country side nice day for time of year. cars passing some buildings.

MOD 5Rf sample
Interesting A119 5Rf footage, now I know how to play 'chicken' on rural country roads. The image quality is excellent using lower 25Mbps even on horizon line. Nonington has the narrowest streets, here they are called bike paths. That white house behind the bushes has the front door on the road, handy for VIOFO deliveries! Thanks for sharing.
In the clip prior to the one shared, I had a horse and rider to contend with, in the same wooded lane.
Created new A119 - Beta version 6Pg = Major IQ improvement !!! See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.
Welcome to Wacky Weekend MODs !!
Request feedback on Sharpness, Saturation, Brightness under all lighting conditions.
6Pg contains newly discovered two stage Sharpness and Saturation control producing crisp object definition and warmer tone. Special thanks to @Caerus and the DCTeam for sharing comments and footage which lead directly to this improved IQ control. More work is needed to tweak these initial settings and levels, all feedback is welcome.

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Installed all I need is somewhere to go. Definitely turn wintery here but tropical compared to Canada.
Couple of samples of MOD 6Pg same area but slightly differing light. Very crisp and picks out the colours in autumn foliage well. No night time yet but soon, can not avoid it this time of year.
MOD 6Pg samples

Footage was general excellent but on 4K TV play back noticed some blocking mainly in the blue of the sky. On the PC monitor no blocking was noticed. White buildings can be a bit overpowering as if lacking contrast.
Couple of samples of MOD 6Pg same area but slightly differing light. Very crisp and picks out the colours in autumn foliage well. No night time yet but soon, can not avoid it this time of year.
MOD 6Pg samples

Footage was general excellent but on 4K TV play back noticed some blocking mainly in the blue of the sky. On the PC monitor no blocking was noticed. White buildings can be a bit overpowering as if lacking contrast.
Great early A119 6Pg test footage, considering it was pouring rain here and couldn't do road test the IQ levels aren't bad.
This clip suggests -2 brightness, +1 sharpness, -2 saturation. More test footage is needed before adjustments are made. thanks for sharing.
Version 6Pg Significant improvement in evening shooting. Day shooting has better brightness. I like it.Night & day sample.!MFMTFSKT!x4bEZLvdpm8lQv7TwjCEWT0tDo_fbmaCeo3ZyRFCgcM!5IEXVCrC!9RfW4m-_Irxds-M9ejP7id193igfpQhFEYfH9XxUYRQ
Very good 6Pg highway day & city night footage, that evening clip showing the round-about is insane looks like a free-for-all-anything-goes traffic chaos, my horn would be worn out driving that route.
Your clips suggest +1 sharpness, -1 saturation everything else looks very good. My windshield is similar to yours, lots of stone chips and inside may require special cleaning in front of DVR, streaks are hardest to clean. thanks for sharing.
P.S. if you find simple/cheap way to clean interior windshield let me know, tried winter windshield washer fluid, vinegar, newspaper, my sweater... none remove streaks.
P.S. if you find simple/cheap way to clean interior windshield let me know, tried winter windshield washer fluid, vinegar, newspaper, my sweater... none remove streaks.
this is a big problem. actually it's huge. most of the drivers don't have their windshield even close to a "clean" state.
I think testers should start shooting the video outside of the car. yet they still have to keep the lens clean.

and here are 3 samples MOD_6Pg: 1440P, no windshield, no CPL, WDR Off. very low light conditions.
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this is a big problem. actually it's huge. most of the drivers don't have their windshield even close to a "clean" state.
I think testers should start shooting the video outside of the car. yet they still have to keep the lens clean.

and here are 3 samples MOD_6Pg: 1440P, no windshield, no CPL, WDR Off. very low light conditions.
Your A119 with 6Pg is a very good hand-held Action Camera, the image quality is crisp with some adjustments will be great, thanks for sharing your daring experiment.

Took some time today to clean both sides of windshield, took 1 hour experimenting with products and methods found my favourite then of course the 5 days rain began. Posting my procedure.
Created new A119 - Beta version 6Ph See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.
Welcome to Rainy Weekday MODs !!
Request feedback on Sharpness under all lighting conditions. Increased sharpness probably too much from 116 to 130, let me know if your eyes bleed.
More work is needed to tweak these initial settings and levels, all feedback is welcome.

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Wet miserable day but here is a ample of MOD 6Ph. It's sharp and looking good no blocking notice on TV or monitor. Did not notice halos.

Sample of MOD 6Ph in the rain.
You'll have to excuse the squeaky wipers and splashes.
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Wet miserable day but here is a ample of MOD 6Ph. It's sharp and looking good no blocking notice on TV or monitor. Did not notice halos.

Sample of MOD 6Ph in the rain.
You'll have to excuse the squeaky wipers and splashes.
Very good rainy day 6Ph footage, no changes to IQ values are apparent, will collect more test footage, thanks for early Beta sample.
The beginning looked like a Road Race, especially like the tight curves, 25.6Mbps is just enough to capture complex patterns without seeing mushy blocky trees and bushes.