Viofo A119S dash camera reviews

Does anyone know on the A119S the Light Sensitivity specs, is it the same as the Dod DVR's which has ISO12800 ?
ISO 12800 is more for marketing.
We have checked the night video of DOD camera, they tuned the night video very bright and show ISO value on video, even the sky at night is bright.
Different company have different style for IQ.
ISO 12800 is more for marketing.
We have checked the night video of DOD camera, they tuned the night video very bright and show ISO value on video, even the sky at night is bright.
Different company have different style for IQ.

DOD is just a marketing company with some unusual ideas about how to promote their products with features that don't really mean much but maybe look good to consumers that don't understand the product
It's the IPC-HDW5231R-Z - I ordered from here (and have just ordered another since I liked it so much!)

Apologies @Mtz for derailing the thread - if anyone else is interested in the Dahua there's a great thread over on IPCamTalk about the Dahua.

I just wanted to point out how nice these new Sony sensors like in the A119S are :)
I also have a few of these same dahua cams en route from the same seller, originally found on can't wait!
Just picked up an a119s for the rear of my hatchback. It will be nice for when im driving at night with no headlights behind me, will pickup more footage incase some animals etc are about and when im backing up.
Hello guys. After a day of using A119S in a car, I cannot share only good notes unfortunately :(

  1. image is indeed a bit blurred on sides. Left side seems to be a bit more blurred than right one.
  2. Cigarette plug is prone to disconnecting. It can't latch enough in cigarette socket. Moving/pulling cable with VERY small force can shut camera power off
  3. And then the biggest issue. Camera shakes. Or to be more precise: the recorded video shakes. What is even strange, I recorded a moment while my car is not rolling, and image jumps in a rhythm of music played on a radio. Please note, music wasn't played kinda loud. It's goes worse on bumpy road or paving.
  4. Maybe related to previous point. While pressing buttons, camera slightly moves under pressure toward the windscreen. Right now I'm not sure is it because of 3M sticker flexibility or due to some leeway between camera itself and the holder (GPS module)
I still use my previous camera (G1WH) being able to record the same moments and compare recordings (I can provide them if needed). There are no shakes or blurs on G1WH (besides 01WH has a worse image quality overall). G1WG is mounted using regular holder delivered with the camera.
BTW quality of sound is significantly worse (more muffled, unclear) comparing to G1WH.

To summarize. I can leave with little blurs on sides, since it's really far from the centre of the scene. I can leave with unreliable power supply. I can use another one. But shakes are unacceptable IMO. Any clues how to fix it or how to manage the situation?
The shaking and camera moving issues are caused by a small gap (1-2 mm) between the camera and GPS base. This can be solved by sticking an extremely thin rubber band on the opposite part of the connection pins. Doing so would force the camera to stay "fixed". You can also put some paper between the 2 devices after you have mounted the camera (temporary solution to see if this fixes the problem).
Please release a A119s firmware update to fix the bad quality of very foggy washed out daytime and very grainy blurry night time. I have compared the dod LS370w with the A119S day and night footage and the Dod seems to be much much better. The Dod is sharper better focus and colors are HD quality not washed out like the A119S. I am sure you also did your comparisons so please if your engineers have a fix please submit it. Also reading license plate is very is difficult with the A119S

They are certainly working on firmware, dont worry. Its currently on version 1.0. There will be many more updates for IQ just like the original A119.
They are certainly working on firmware, dont worry. Its currently on version 1.0. There will be many more updates for IQ just like the original A119.
From your mouth to God's ears lol.
I`ve tested camera indoors. Left side is more blurry than the right side. Optic is clear. I guess it`s hardware problem...View attachment 28344
Viofo ignores me in their support mail (5 days already) and in conversations on this site.
Viofo ignores me in their support mail (5 days already) and in conversations on this site.

They should warranty it, but worse case you take the case apart and RE-SEAT the lens. At worst you'll have to remove glue and re-focus, at best its just a screw needs to be tightened on 1 side.
Initially i thought it was just my cam but i see a lot of you have blur.
Its actually a bit subtle. I've seen significantly worse. COUGH 903 nano.
I have the blurry left side as well.. The video quality is also washed out, especially at night. I live in NYC, so you can imagine everything is super lit, my videos are nothing but glare circles. But I realized is pointless to complain here as you get the same responses that it can't be possible, it's you, it's your windshield, it's the weather, it's.... I find it humorous at least.

I'll do more tests with recording with the camera being outside and behind behind the windshield. I'd love to see the excuses to flow like the blame on the sun, clouds, a fat bird blocking the light, etc :P

PS Those who are self-fixing the problems, hellllllllllo, you've paid money for the device :D
I get my a119s sat. I'll do some tests and see if i have the issue.
I cant agree more with you, my A119S is not the greatest. So much for quality control at the Viofo factory. Why didn't Viofo keep it till it was perfected and not release it. Many members will suggest to give Viofo a chance with future firmware update? be released with such lousy (lack of a better word) performance playback seems to be a money grab with fantastic built up hype leading us to believe this cam would be among the group of great quality products. This is bull!!. Some say awww just give Viofo a chance with future updates, but why should we be beta testers/purchasers? I only bought it cus of all the hype how upgraded the A119S was. My SG9665gc quality performance puts the A119S to SHAME.:(:(

Firmware is everything.
That amazing SG9665gc you have took a VERY LONG time (over a year) to get the firmware right and they still are improving the firmware to this day.

This is a new image sensor, let them try to figure it out before condemning them.
Sutton, I waited patiently for A119S because of the hype; I'll give them time to release firmware. I won't even complain about my audio noise as this is not important for a dash cam, but I do insist on HD quality video. Perhaps also the IQ can be tweaked to recognize flares to deal with them better.
You have your opinion I have mine that's what a forum is for. My SG that I have over a year, even with out any firmware updates was released to the public working great never had any major defects other than bright sunlight focus

the SG9665gc is 2 years old in FEB. Their first firmware wasn't horrible but it has become a new camera with firmware updates.