VIOFO A129 non-IR 1080p Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Thank you. Your dedication and work is invaluable and greatly appreciated. I tried both 6Ur and 6Uq today to compare the two with my unit. I think the +2 saturation in the Uq firmware is a little too much, but I haven't used it during the evening yet. The additional saturation might make lowlight footage more accurate considering the A129's stock lowlight footage is noticeably desaturated and has a higher(blue) white temperature. The Uq firmware has a more correct sharpness level for my lens, however, my footage still looks a tad blurry, compressed and noisy compared to some of the footage I've seen from other members here and reviews on Youtube. To be specific, Kernelp's footage looks a lot more clean and clear compared to my footage. I'm starting to think the lens in my unit isn't focused as well as it should be or there is something else wrong with my unit. I would appreciate if anyone could give their opinion on my footage to compare with there own.
Post a link to short RAW clip.

The image quality from wide angle Lens will be brighter and different from narrow angle coated Lens, they will never be the same since one Lens is coated making comparisons difficult. Bright sunny days will always look better than cloudy day footage.
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If the Strong Sharpness MOD-6Uq produces acceptable quality and the other sharpness levels are blurry your Lens has soft focus issue. Order a new Lens module or attempt to manually re-focus it using video above as guide. I've had to re-focus both original Rear cameras and Front Lens.
Post a link to short RAW clip.

The image quality from wide angle Lens will be brighter and different from narrow angle coated Lens, they will never be the same since one Lens is coated making comparisons difficult. Bright sunny days will always look better than cloudy day footage. Focus issues seem to plague both A129 and A119S which both use the same Lens pointing to a quality control problem on production line.
What? According to your site, MOD Series - Uq increases saturation by +2 and decreases sharpness by -32. That firmware looks the most accurate compared to UR and the stock firmware on my unit. The Ur and stock firmware look too sharp on my unit.
What? According to your site, MOD Series - Uq increases saturation by +2 and decreases sharpness by -32. That firmware looks the most accurate compared to UR and the stock firmware on my unit. The Ur and stock firmware look too sharp on my unit.
oops, got my comment backwards.
If the Uq low/soft sharpness looks best on your Lens then focus should be fine.
After reviewing your 3min 597MB clip the focus is the best that Lens will get, probably perfect focus, no Lens adjustments required.
I understand why you dislike increased color saturation, that bright red hood is on fire. It would be nice to have color control in the Menu.

Try this revised 6Uq with -2 Saturation
Download >
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It is? Oh, alright then. I wasn't expecting that. I guess it's the size and color scheme differences in the license plates that is creating the illusion of a reduction in clarity. Thank you for taking the time to watch the footage and give your opinion. I appreciate it greatly. Yeah, I agree, it would be very nice to have image adjustment controls in the menu. It's a very capable sensor that could be improved with even basic image adjustments.

I don't necessarily dislike the +2 saturation, I just personally think the stock setting or even your +1 mod is more accurate during the day. With that being said, I would much rather have and take correct sharpness and mildly oversaturated colors over accurate colors but with oversharpening any day, especially if the extra saturation improves lowlight footage.
It is? Oh, alright then. I wasn't expecting that. I guess it's the size and color scheme differences in the license plates that is creating the illusion of a reduction in clarity. Thank you for taking the time to watch the footage and give your opinion. I appreciate it greatly. Yeah, I agree, it would be very nice to have image adjustment controls in the menu. It's a very capable sensor that could be improved with even basic image adjustments.

I don't necessarily dislike the +2 saturation, I just personally think the stock setting or even your +1 mod is more accurate during the day. With that being said, I would much rather have and take correct sharpness and mildly oversaturated colors over accurate colors but with oversharpening any day, especially if the extra saturation improves lowlight footage.
Consider installing higher Bitrate version to see if any noticeable improvement occurs.
Try 9Uq which has been revised with -2 saturation.
Revision completed to all MOD versions 0Uq , 1Uq , 9Uq , 8Uq , 7Uq , 6Uq , 5Uq , 4Uq , 2Uq , PKq
These soft Sharpness MODs now uses default color saturation.
Download the revised modified firmware.
Why do not match stamps?
Why are the same file names?
Why when disconnecting the GPS, does the order of the files change?
The time zone is set correctly !!!
In my, single-chamber, working dvr everything corresponds !!
Did I have this error or firmware error?
I can not check yet !!


  • D.jpg
    183.2 KB · Views: 32
Why do not match stamps?
Why are the same file names?
Why when disconnecting the GPS, does the order of the files change?
The time zone is set correctly !!!
In my, single-chamber, working dvr everything corresponds !!
Did I have this error or firmware error?
I can not check yet !!
Я заметил, что это также происходит, когда GPS плохо подключается.
Мое единственное решение - установить TIME + ZONE вручную после каждого обновления прошивки .
Это происходит с официальной прошивкой?

I have noticed this also happens when GPS doesn't connect well.
My only solution is set the TIME + ZONE manually after each firmware update.
Seems to have started with A129 FW v1.50
Does it occur with official firmware?
My only solution is set the TIME + ZONE manually after each firmware update.
Seems to have started with A129 FW v1.50
Does it occur with official firmware?
Agree, in my case GPS sets the time to GMT+0 (UK) but since Summer Time started (31st March) I have to set the time zone to GMT+1 manually after each update (MODs and stock FW).
Ukraine is GMT+2 but in summer time should be GMT+3
Agree, in my case GPS sets the time to GMT+0 (UK) but since Summer Time started I have to set the time zone to GMT+1 manually after each update (MODs and stock FW).
Ukraine is GMT+2 but in summer time should be GMT+3
The Time Zone setting is predictable but not the incorrect duplicate file numbering @vvs49 and I noticed.
I've found the same file name sequence number repeated many times the same day with correct time which shouldn't occur.
What is offset location for Date separator ". / -"
I replaced "/ -" everywhere with a dot, which is in the files, which is on the video output, and what is on the monitor.
I'm so comfortable.
On all my dvr did it and everything is OK!
Did you mean it?
I already thought about it, but I can’t check it out yet !!
I replaced "/ -" everywhere with a dot, which is in the files, which is on the video output, and what is on the monitor.
I'm so comfortable.
On all my dvr did it and everything is OK!
Did you mean it?
I already thought about it, but I can’t check it out yet !!
I will test the modifications for conflicts, there is another way to change overlay text directly.
check your email

I never use to give this feature much thought till the mini 0906 had that IR fob and I found it coming useful if you wanted to capture something in front or behind you, not nessaseraly needing to capture a full movie clip but just something someone was doing something wrong or just want to capture something you’ve seen interesting

I had mine fixed on the steering wheel near my thumb so was quick and easy if I wanted to capture something

You gave a table of temperatures by using two cameras.

28-35Mbps Bitrate up to 20C/69F 20-25Mbps Bitrate up to 35C/96F
26-27Mbps Bitrate up to 30C/83F 10-19Mbps Bitrate up to 40C/102F

What will be the values of the table when using only the front camera?
Thank you!
You gave a table of temperatures by using two cameras.
30-35 Mb/s Bitrate up to 25C/77F . . . . . . 20-26 Mb/s Bitrate up to 40C/102F
27-29 Mb/s Bitrate up to 35C/96F . . . . . . 10-19 Mb/s Bitrate up to 45C/113F
What will be the values of the table when using only the front camera?
Thank you!
I was wondering how long it would take until this question was asked, it absolutely requires an answer.
The dual camera suggested temperature table was much easier to generate since Viofo locks 30fps (30+30=60) when both cameras are connected.
Single A129 camera has no locks thus owner may select 60fps or 30fps or leave WiFi enabled for pure insanity.
These unlocked owner variables complicate temperature table creation.
30fps = normal cooler camera temperature
60fps = higher hotter camera temperature
WiFi = higher hotter camera temperature

A129 in single camera mode using 60fps without WiFi supports up to 32 Mb/s with minimal temperature change.

Predictably A129 in single camera mode using 30fps without WiFi supports all Bitrates.

A129 in single camera mode using 60fps plus WiFi enabled = bad idea while driving. I locked WiFi Bitrate to 24 Mb/s MAX.
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BCHobbyist hi!!
And you did not check !!!
Will the AV output work if the monitor is removed?
Exactly AV output !!
Sam dvr will work, I checked, but AV?
I can not check !!!

If everything is OK, then removes the monitor, and installs a radiator there !!!
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