The phone app obviously needs to support the features added to the Dashcam. It will get released when it is ready, I guess.
I've noticed this issue with every Viofo model since 2019.
Sometimes certain settings & features are only available in the on screen LCD menu, and sometimes they are only available in the smartphone APP.
They are "never" identical.
You would think Viofo would use a modular menu of settings & features for all models so the LCD on screen menu is a mirror image of what is offered in the APP.
But that is not the case.
Almost every model is different, and unique.
It kind of drives me crazy. lol
Version 4.2.1

Version: 3.2.16
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Version 4.2.1

Version: 3.2.15
Fixed the issue for some specific iPhones no Live view issue.
Fixed the issue for some specific iPhones no Live view issue.

I intend to do an update regarding the Viofo App and how it now works without 4G needing to be disabled.
Glad you could fix this as it was a little frustrating. :)

Good things take time, but the wait is rewarding. Great work Viofo.
If the OTA is nearly done I might wait till then?
What are we all on now then? This is mine tonight.

Chuck - does these versions have/cure the green/magenta flashing the other guys reported recently?
your versions
It's not really "my" version.
It was released on the public website 64 days ago. lol

My biggest complaint is the night time HDR performance is only 90%-95% as effective as the night time HDR performance of the A139 Pro.
But I will take what I can get. lol

I had a watch of footage over the weekend. It's good.

I'm assuming now that we have reached a point where it's likely reached it's best?

Test firmware for the front and rear cameras can be downloaded here:
Test firmware for the front and rear cameras can be downloaded here:
Changes that I noticed during setup after the firmware.
Video setting for front and rear cameras: 21:9
HDR on/off/auto on front and rear cameras
Disabling HDR in parking on the front and rear cameras
Disabling the interior camera in the parking lot
Settings for the new remote control
Dear VIOFO!!
Nothing significant happened in the new firmware!
In the HDR auto mode, the pause in working with the HDR became 5 seconds, this is not acceptable in the security of the DVR, why can’t it be done like in A139?
My idea of using a Bluetooth remote control to work with HDR was implemented by you in the same A139 and showed excellent results!!
We discussed using a Bluetooth remote control for the A229PRO and came to the conclusion that you will do it, and we were talking about the old remote control, with one button on/off HDR, double click - turns on file protection, but in the new firmware it doesn’t work!
Let the firmware understand the old and new remote control, it’s not difficult to implement!!
You have not worked out the exposure, the screenshot, highlights are inevitable, and in the professional photo/video community this is called an error and is not acceptable, modifying the firmware in the same A139PRO eliminates this defect!!!
I hope you pay attention to all this!!
Thank you!!


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Perhaps for some the changes in the new firmware are insignificant, but for others they are very significant and desirable. :cool:

Here are some of them:
Video setting for front and rear cameras: 21:9
HDR on/off/auto on front and rear cameras
Disabling the interior camera in the parking lot
Disabling the interior camera while driving