Will this be the new H.265 dash camera processor for Mobius 2?

The only camera currently using H265 is the Samsung NX1. Sure you'll get an improvement with bitrates but currently Vimeo nor YouTube support H265. Further more, you want to edit those files? Get Adobe Premiere as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker or any 'free' editor does not currently support H265. Sure they'll add support over time but that time is not for a while. Maybe in a year or so. .

even the stuff we have now is often a challenge as soon as you start talking anything bigger than 1920 x 1080 when you want to do something with the files, particularly if relying on freeware
As I know, they are working on a H.265 1080P 30fps version before, but the development is not going smoothly, require a very good development team.
As so many 1080P 60fps cameras in the market, if they release a 30fps version even support H.265, there is no obvious advantage.

For H.265, the big advantage is for real 4K camera, as for real 4K, the bitrate can go upto 60Mbps, save space and easy to share.
I've been grabbing some 4k & 1080p HEVC files to test out on my TV and it's surprising how good it looks at a much smaller bitrate than h264 (less than half)

Likewise VP9 is an impressive codec too at the higher resolutions - these probably had multiple passes done as they're video but they look great either way.
I've been grabbing some 4k & 1080p HEVC files to test out on my TV and it's surprising how good it looks at a much smaller bitrate than h264 (less than half)

Likewise VP9 is an impressive codec too at the higher resolutions - these probably had multiple passes done as they're video but they look great either way.
H265 works best if there is not much movement in the image and a lot of areas with not much detail.

However Dashcam and Action cam video normally has a lot of movement and a lot of detail, so I'm not sure that H265 is actually a big advantage in terms of saving space.

I tried converting some of my dashcam video to H265 thinking that it might be a good way to store it, but in most cases I couldn't compress it much at all without noticeably loosing detail compared to what I could achieve with H264. Normally I can compress the original dashcam video significantly using H264 without it being noticable. Compressing H264 too much makes it look obviously poor while compressing H265 too much just removes detail, it doesn't make it look poor.

As so many 1080P 60fps cameras in the market, if they release a 30fps version even support H.265, there is no obvious advantage.
Certainly with a good smooth gyro stabiliser, 60fps is more important than real 4K so unless the 4K can do 60fps it will not get used by most people.

Looking a the Gitup Git2 thread, There are still a surprising number of people using 720, and a surprising number of people wanting 240fps, but not so many people using 4K!
The new UHD Blu-rays are using HEVC and can go up to 100MB/sec - the quality should be great!

The BBC did some good testing on it here and there's a paper linked in there:

Single pass dashcams where you only get one attempt at getting it right may not come out as well though - I guess it will take a long time to get it tweaked up nicely.

The HEVC videos I've seen in 1080p were great though with zero loss of detail.
I don't think taking one compressed format and re-encoding into a different compressed format delivers the best of results so maybe not the best way to test
Selling coffee? :cool:

Just for marketing purposes, this can be the top:
4K + H265
4K + H264
FullHD 120fps + H265
FullHD 120fps + H264
FullHD 60FPS + H265
4K + VP9.

Most of people will look for a cheap camera which can record 4K and then some of them for 265. Just imagine how desperate can be some actual 4K fakers to find some (even poor) codec to encode (even poor) their poor interpolated video.

Just add some letters and numbers on the front case, gift box, no brand is needed:


Why not put on H386 that should sell even better :D
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Unless you are old and/or computer savy and will remember the 386 days where your old Amiga was still faster than your computer :D
it's in Google's best interests to do something that will reduce bandwidth consumption so I could see them throwing plenty of resources at this
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As long as it will be "OS" i am okay with it, otherwise i dint like google getting more evil than they allready are.
it's in Google's best interests to do something that will reduce bandwidth consumption so I could see them throwing plenty of resources at this
Also, it doesn't need to be compressible in real time by the tiny processor in a dashcam. As long as YouTube's super computers can manage to compress it in reasonable time it is only decoding that needs to be fast. For YouTube, storage and bandwidth must be a much larger cost than processor power.
Well h265 will not be updated as it is the standard for 4k blurays, just as the h264 will not be updated. They aim for wide spread use and for things to be compatible. I would argue for the next mobius to do 1080p 60fps, higher bitrates (if you want to), having something like a range of 10-50Mbit depending on what bitrate you need. Most of the time, for say, dashcam use a bitrate of around 20Mbit for 1080p 30fps and that will be just fine. You can use lower, but it is good to have a bit more, just in case, so it is there when you need it.

It is not possible to compress dashcam video that much, unless you dump quality, reason is that there is to much movement and changing things going on in the video. h265 might be able to compress a clear blue sky much better but that is about it. In worst case scenario (real world tests), h265 only does about 10-15% better than the older h264, but under optimal conditions, it can be as good as 50%, but I would guess that more realistic view is that h265 will on average get you 15-35% better compression without loosing any quality.

Another factor that I have not seen is a larger sensor, would give you better quality but it might consume to much power. For a dashcam it would be possible, better low light performance, "1 inch" or a "micro 4/3" would be nice. But it might be to expensive.

As I see it, the reason the mobius is popular is that you can modify it for your needs, that is so great for custom installations, and then the price, so low that you can mount in permanently in a car and not having to worry about someone stealing it or that the camera breaks down. It is a real problem, at least over here in Europe with car thefts, or stuff that is in the car. It has become worst too in the last decade.
Another factor that I have not seen is a larger sensor, would give you better quality but it might consume to much power. For a dashcam it would be possible, better low light performance, "1 inch" or a "micro 4/3" would be nice. But it might be to expensive.
price is no issue for us, I have no problem with using a more expensive component, the issue is there's no support in the SDK so we are limited to working within the framework of supported hardware
Oh, well what a bummer, if the SDK is not up to speed, nothing we or anyone else can do. Without a working SDK for the hardware, we can kiss new hardware goodbye.

So it comes down to a waiting game I guess, to bad, but eventually we will get the SDKs and hardware. Anyway I know they are working on it, as 4k and h265 is kind
of new anyway, it will sort is self out in time.

The current mobius is still a great camera, that is the one I am thinking of getting for permanent installation in a car, main reason is price, I could use a more
expensive camera but I think it would be stolen, as I park the car in public places because of commuting. The mobius give you the option to just have the
lense visible in a custom houseing, and it will be tiny and almost hidden. That is a great thing for a dashbacm.
Yeah i assumed that you could pair just about any sensor with any chipset, but as it turn out what is supported by who is the name of the game.
Still assuming you could proberly get a new sensor or somthing to work with a given chipset, but then you will have to fork over all the money for development.

And with all the sensors out there i have to wonder who the hell support them, and if the game is as it is, why dont sensor makers list who support ther product.
Yeah. There should be a SDK for novatek NT96660 and that chips does 1080p 60fps as that is used in the gitup2. On the other hand that actioncam is a bit more
expensive than mobius but still. Perhaps there are other issues with using a new chipset, I would not know as I do not know anything about how hardware and
software interact, or programming for that matter.

But waiting is perhaps better, there are new chips on the horizon, we will probably get them this year, I think they are working on it, but it takes time. The nice thing
is that this time around, if the chips get smaller, so will the power they consume, so better performance, longer lasting battery, better image quality. Real nice, it
took them a long time to get to 16nm or 14nm, it is just now that we will start getting the products.
Unless you are old and/or computer savy and will remember the 386 days where your old Amiga was still faster than your computer :D

i started out fresh in the 80's with 8086, full size fdd 320kb..... An an orange mono hercules screen ... What a drag when looking back..

Anyway, all nice and shiny that 4k 60fps and what not, but I'd be all happy with 128gb support, possibly even dual, and BETTER NIGHT recordings.

It takes way too long already now, and the longer they develop and try to get ahead of the competition, the more expensive our Mobius will get..... And for what?

h265? 4k? I really don't care.

Maybe 2k would be nice, 60fps too, but really, for a dashcam we basically just need better night recording.... I don' really care about the fancy stuff. Maybe a better way would have been to focus on that first to keep prices down, and then focus on developing further on the fancy stuff.

Really, i'd feel silly when the new mobius would cost more than the Joovuu X (no offense Dan), and I had waited all that time for the new Mobius while all that time I could have bought the Joovuu X already...

The only reason I didn't buy:

Joovuu X: Price
Foxeer Legend 1: night recording worse than Mobius
Runcam 2: Not suitable for dashcam use (or am I misinformed?)
Hetai Nautilus: weird plug, way overexposed at daytime (although great night recording...!)

All others are jus too big to carry around.
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