Windows 10

did that.. one of the first steps, nahnah! seemed as some sort of hardware support/compatibility issue and as for searched- did that alot, where had little joy, as Acer had quite a bit of posting and issues discussed, not that some (as you say obscure) manufacturer (I think V3-731G).
Hate being defeated, hate all the work put inn and not getting much to work well, especially as with those specs it was absolutely "flying" on W7.
ANW, maybe, once I'll find some or any spare time will go to see them again, but as the way everything is set-up on W10- pure diabolical nonsense in my experience
(still, making mental note: "Equivalent of bluesoleil or something" ... not that there is much to look out for else) :(
Old Clippy has a problem with the rise of Windows 10 Cortana/Apple Siri:

Absolutely perfect emotion via clip, for those in any knowledge of IT development!
several thousand machines
Put them to work; send them the script and then request a reply with a log of remained installed apps. You can make new friends like that :D
...Very frustrating.
There is always an answer ..somewhere

or even show on connection(or hardware configuration) options
So, does it appears or not in "Device Manager" ? It should be there, even if it is in "Other devices" as an "Unknown device".
From what I found, your V3-731G probably uses an Atheros Bluetooth. If you find your device, what's the hardware IDs ? It's easier to find the necessary drivers like that.
Ha! thank you!
Clearly, you are knowledgeable person- everything is "spot-on!
As you said- everything in that order, still, nothing gets found or if does- nothing made it to work, so at the end I left it as no errors, but no BT functioning devices, hence no connections or networking.

Basically, once I'll get hold of damn thing again- I'll get another try, for now- everything from memory.
Hate being defeated, hate all the work put inn and not getting much to work well, especially as with those specs it was absolutely "flying" on W7.
Nevertheless, MS says that Windows 10 will work with the system requirements of a 2002 machine...
But please, do continue. I'm enjoying the reading. :)
(Note: please don't take this the wrong way!)
Sure it'll function on a single core processor with 512mb ram...
Sure it'll work but you'd be left without sound, wireless, printer, optical drives and probably so many other things people haven't find out yet.
When even relatively recent machines (like in BMbler's case) are having hardware compatibility issues, imagine what it'd be like in machines designed for Win XP or less.
... not Brocken don't fix it! else...
Looks different, uses less of resources, the end of stupid frameworks... Vs compatibility.

w10 experience in dealing with on 3'rd machine ad I think I'll keep one on of my own pc's ;)
My update was relatively painless in the end. Had an issue with not downloading properly, but sorted that but using Media Creator and downloaded to a USB and installed from that.
Once the updated installed have had no problems with any drivers etc.
I just read in one of the tech forums that the updates for Win 10 are mandatory. In previous versions there were options but apparently that's no longer the case. Does anyone who's already installed Win 10 have any insight into this?
I just read in one of the tech forums that the updates for Win 10 are mandatory. In previous versions there were options but apparently that's no longer the case. Does anyone who's already installed Win 10 have any insight into this?
there's pesky win Update called ...
How many updates we are talking about?

  • KB 3035583 - According to Microsoft, this update enables "additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications when new updates are available".
  • KB 2952664 - Labeled a compatibility upgrade for upgrading Windows 7, its purpose is to "make improvements to the current operating system in order to ease the upgrade experience to the latest version of Windows".
  • KB 2976978 - A compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 which "performs diagnostics on the Windows system [..] to determine whether compatibility issues may be encountered when the latest Windows operating system is installed.
  • KB 3021917 - Does the same as KB 2976978 but on Windows 7.
  • KB 3044374 - This update for Windows 8.1 enables systems to upgrade from the current operating system to a later version of Windows.
  • KB 2990214 . Does the same as KB 3044374 but on Windows 7.
I just read in one of the tech forums that the updates for Win 10 are mandatory. In previous versions there were options but apparently that's no longer the case. Does anyone who's already installed Win 10 have any insight into this?

you can turn updates off, the annoying feature for me though is even if you have it set to notify it still auto reboots after installing updates, this I don't like as I leave my desktop running all the time and often have stuff I'm working on still active, doesn't seem to be a way around that, not that I've found so far anyway , I'm fine with it doing the update, just don't want the auto reboot
you can turn updates off, the annoying feature for me though is even if you have it set to notify it still auto reboots after installing updates, ...
Even Win 7 reboots after an update, that I can live with because some changes cannot be made to a running program.

The article I read seemed to imply that there was no way to turn off updates, or get 'notifications only'. The way it was written led me to believe that Win 10 updates were 'pushed' and installed with no ability to control the process or the timing. If true that's very disconcerting to me.

Looks like I'm going to 'bite the bullet' and install '10' on my spare laptop that I use for playing around with Linux.
Even Win 7 reboots after an update, that I can live with because some changes cannot be made to a running program.

The article I read seemed to imply that there was no way to turn off updates, or get 'notifications only'. The way it was written led me to believe that Win 10 updates were 'pushed' and installed with no ability to control the process or the timing. If true that's very disconcerting to me.

my Win7 machines will sit there with a reboot notification as long as I let it, Win10 just reboots

you can opt out of the updates (for several months according to the warning) but no notifications only or download but don't install options, I appreciate that it's better for security but getting up in the morning and finding it has installed updates and rebooted (twice within one week now already) is annoying