Woman gets t-boned. Turning into a shopping center.


Jun 22, 2013
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United States
Both driver at fault? How can you NOT see that.... Sorry, youtube muted the damn video because of JayZ and Beyonce.

Is there any chance that the car coming from behind had just changed lanes suddenly? There's something about its position that makes me think it did.
Yes, the car from behind tried to avoid the accident at the last minute. Looks like both drivers weren't paying attention.

When I see a car on the left stopped, I can usually tell some car is going try and turn into the plaza so I slow down and look ahead. Not sure what the guy in the Scion was doing.
I'm trying to avoid a rant about undertaking (and filtering/lane splitting - note the biker who flashed through too fast for comfort.) They are not the same as 'proper' overtaking, and require different approaches. Even in the U.S. where undertaking is more common and expected, the increased difficulty in seeing whether it's safe to proceed shouldn't be ignored.

Basically, overtaking on the correct side should be done as quickly as possible for the circumstances. Undertaking should be done with low relative speed. They are very different in nature, and shouldn't be viewed as the same thing.
Yeah, imagine if this happened to the biker...... Not sure why people are speeding to stop at a red light up ahead.
This one is 1000% the Lexus and its driver knew it too by the way they floored it trying to beat the scion. Feel sorry for the scion and the black car that was just waiting to pull out.

Did you stop to give your name as a witness at least?
This one is 1000% the Lexus and its driver knew it too by the way they floored it trying to beat the scion. Feel sorry for the scion and the black car that was just waiting to pull out.

Did you stop to give your name as a witness at least?

I think 70% Lexus and 30% Scion.

Scion driver saw the Lexus trying to turn into the plaza, blocking the middle lane. So he didn't want to slow down and let her through. So he jumped to lane #3 and hit her while she was pulling into the plaza.
the scion was going pretty damn quick, I think 65/35 to Lexus is fair, they booted it after they made the decision to go, shortly after they made the decision to move they realised the car was traveling way quicker than they originally though. the guy changing lanes did so to try avoid, like most drivers they try to turn the wrong way, they would have been better to stay in their lane. so many accidents you see on here are made worse by the driver turning away from the oncoming car, 9 times out of 10 you need to turn to where the car was or coming from, not in the direction they are going to go
Yeah, imagine if this happened to the biker...... Not sure why people are speeding to stop at a red light up ahead.

Thats what i often think when i chill on the speed cuz the light up ahead just changed to red and so there is no need to get there quick, but the ppl behind me :rolleyes: they seem to get very frustrated with me not doing the max posted speed.
i've always slowed down when i'm passing a line of stopped traffic because i've nearly hit people trying to nose through a gap like this. and after seeing some particularly gnarly wrecks on the russian dashcam stuff, now i go even slower. i don't care if there's someone crawling up my ass. if i have to brake, they're gonna hit me and it will be 100% their fault.
Well, I'm sorry to say this, (flame suit on), but you should NOT have been giving space for anyone to enter there from a"suicide" lane.
They should wait there until THEY know it's safe for them to turn. This was an accident waiting to happen. There are three lanes for them to cross, not just yours, and you are letting them through where they are blind to see??? Now if it were a street intersection where it is illegal to block, that is a different story, but giving ROW to someone who doesn't have ROW is asking for trouble. I see this thing all the time where people creep through crowds of cross traffic just asking for trouble!
I learned the hard way back in the 80's when turning left out of a fast food joint with a stop light sveral yards to my right. The folks were being "nice" in letting me out through 2 driving lanes, but when I got to their left hand turn lane a limo had gone around the stopped traffic and yellow lines to get to the green arrow in that turning lane and, BOOM", T Boned me in the drivers side. Luckily for me I was OK and the limo driver was at fault for being on the wrong side of the road, but still it was a chance I shouldn't have taken and would have been better off waiting for my safe turn out. If everyone followed the rules and stopped being nice, we'd all get there safely!
Well, I'm sorry to say this, (flame suit on), but you should NOT have been giving space for anyone to enter there from a"suicide" lane.
When I do stop to help anyone out, I stop WAAAAY back, leaving a huge gap. This makes it clear I've yielded to them without the need to 'inform' them somehow - which can be taken as telling them it is safe, which can make you liable for a crash.
The huge gap gives visibility to everyone. The person pulling out, the clowns who might overtake in a dangerous situation, etc. etc.

Actually most of the time I don't stop, I just slow down, or even just take my foot off the accelerator. It's amazing how well this works if you stay observant.
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ok, then what about when they paint KEEP CLEAR on the road or have "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs? to me, this has the same problem and is even endorsed by the local gov't. doesn't make it any better though...
ok, then what about when they paint KEEP CLEAR on the road or have "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs? to me, this has the same problem and is even endorsed by the local gov't. doesn't make it any better though...
Those things used to be reserved for places where they prevented gridlock. But now they are everywhere. I suspect that businesses just need to ask for their entrance to have keep clear markings and it is automatically granted. After paying a suitable fee, of course!
People just need to slow the F down. Like the idiot who was speeding in the center divider to cut everyone off. Cars could be coming in through the plaza or idiots jaywalking.

Be aware of your surrounding. The Scion driver was driving too fast also. You see him splitting lanes because he didn't want to slow down thinking the SUV would yield to him. So yeah, 70 / 30 fault.

In the eyes of insurance it's 100% on the Lexus for pulling out into traffic blindly.

Without knowing what the speed limit is and a way to calculate the Scions, it may only appear they are speeding because the rest of traffic was stopped. Which they aren't required to do when their lane is clear.
Sorry, youtube muted the damn video because of JayZ and Beyonce.

Thank you, Youtube!

I bet there are other entrances and exits to that shopping center, that are MUCH safer to use than trying to get across oncoming traffic?

Most people will not even consider driving a few hundred feet more, maybe sitting a minute at a stop sign or traffic light, to enter/exit some shopping center or mall easier, or safer.
Was that recorded by you? How can you go on after such an accident? In germany you would be guilty in denial of assistance.

Why you haven't stopped to help and offered yourself as a witness or provided the dash cam footage?

Imo it's the complete fault of the Lexus but on the other side the Scion was obviously speeding so he should get partial blame.