Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

Hi @Andy_S, will you keep update your github for CC ?
I found a bug in:
def FileDownChunk(self, chunk_size=0, report_hook=None, FileTP=""):
    towrite = ""
    towrite += chunk
you use the "towrite" to keep file data get from YiCam, but final only write the last chunk to the downloaded file.
Hello there! :)
Unable to use the program, unfortunately. Same problem of several people: when I try to connect, it gives "cannot connect to spec. adress".
After reading tens of pages here I discovered the problem, thanks to usefull video tutorial by mr. jreinjr, here:

Unfortunately for me, the point was at very beginning: my windows 8.1 has a working WIFI (my phone can navigate internet with no problem with it) but, at same time, it hasnt the WIFI icon, so there isn't a place to connect my Xiaomi CAM to wifi...
After 2 days of frustrating attemps to reconfigure windows 8.1 (is atrocious how everiting is unclear, bad made and irritating) i gived up, for the moment...

Anyway, I would suggest to put the link for the video tutorial in the first page, near the link of C&C program. Reason is: if people is seaching for a PC program, probably dont have a SmartPhone to do it. So is better to explain very clear how to do and how to connect. When i read: "Simply, connect to your Yi-s wifi with default password 1234567890", it may be not clear how to do it and where to input the password, like in my case... O_o
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By the way, yesterday the new 1.2.12 firmware was out, with official support for 2K (30fps max) and improved endurance of battery.
I'm impressed for the quality of the product. The Android App, also, looks very good, does well what should do... and there is also a video community to watch other's videos! Another good point, Xiaomi is really working to improve the features. Really the entire feeling now is very far from usual cheap chinese products. I also tested the remote control and there is zero delay when you star/stop the recording. Very good.
Possible weaks points are because this cam lays a lot on others connections: Android, Wifi, Windows... all of them are sources of delays and incompatibilities: when they automatically work, is all ok... but if there is a problem you can get crazy...
Hey there i installed the new 1.2.12 firmware, but now i can't acces the YI Cam anymore, i can connect to the WIFI of the Cam, but if i click on connect in the App, it says connection failed.
Do i have to change the port or the IP?
Nice tools, Andy. It's lovely to use Yi from laptop. I just encounter 1 inconvenience: it's awfully slow when connecting, configure (and apply) and going back to control. Files is a bit faster. What could possibly be the cause? FYI, I'm on Linux.
Hi. I have a CarPC in my car I plan to use this camera as a dashcam and use the carpc to connect to it. BUT We really need a hack for the missing AutoStart/AutoStop function :-)
Is USB streaming now working, either through this software or in general? Firmware updates appear to support it, but it's rather unclear to say the least. I want to get a decent quality cam (or cams for a multi-setup) for streaming pinball and other things on Twitch TV. However it seems a real sore point on virtually all digital cameras, even action cams, at the moment. Is it working or possible now on the Yi Sport, or do I need to wait until next year when USB Type-C hopefully takes over and this becomes a formality? I'd really rather not have to get a €1000 pro capture card that can take 4-5 HDMI inputs simultaneously.
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@'Sarath s n' Download the zip from the link, unzip it, then run the CC.pyw file on terminal. Then you should see it!

Works great on El Capitan, with my z23L yi cam.
I want to use Xiaomi yi action cam for my thesis
i just using for streaming video on the robot and I use visual studio c# 2010
I want to ask how to connecting xiaomi yi cam to my program ? because when i open in mozilla is no responses
anybody help me?
thx guys
Is this thread still live? Is there a step by step guide to using the CC.exe program. Im lost at the moment. My network at home is not the same as the ip address that the camera is (I cant change the one at home as there are to many things connected to it.) I have tried to change the ip address of my camera using a script but I just cant seem to make it work. So back to my original question... is there a guide somewhere?
This is the guide and it's sleepy.I connect via the wifi on my laptop.Just d/c laptop from the router and then switch on the camera and wait for it to show up in my laptop networks.Hope that helps.
Andy, thanks for the great software. Like bluf, I would also like to use it for my research.
Firstly, do I absolutely need an AP to use the MultiTrigger script, or is it possible to do it somehow via multiple Wifi adapters connected to a computer? This is what I have right now -- connected to multiple Yi cameras, but not sure how to use/adjust the MultiTrigger script to use them.

Also, I'd like to bump bluf's question from Nov 4:
Is USB streaming now working, either through this software or in general? ...[omitted]... Is it working or possible now on the Yi Sport, or do I need to wait until next year when USB Type-C hopefully takes over and this becomes a formality?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I have tried to modify the script (using SO_BINDDEVICE for Linux - tested, IP binding for Windows - untested), and it works for connecting to one camera, but whatever camera I connect last it cannot access. Although it's network interface is used by the computer, I have a feeling that it's just not being properly connected. Perhaps there is something fundamental I'm missing? (sorry, I'm mostly newb in networks).
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Andy, thanks for the great software. Like bluf, I would also like to use it for my research.
Firstly, do I absolutely need an AP to use the MultiTrigger script, or is it possible to do it somehow via multiple Wifi adapters connected to a computer? This is what I have right now -- connected to multiple Yi cameras, but not sure how to use/adjust the MultiTrigger script to use them.

Also, I'd like to bump bluf's question from Nov 4:

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I have tried to modify the script (using SO_BINDDEVICE for Linux - tested, IP binding for Windows - untested), and it works for connecting to one camera, but whatever camera I connect last it cannot access. Although it's network interface is used by the computer, I have a feeling that it's just not being properly connected. Perhaps there is something fundamental I'm missing? (sorry, I'm mostly newb in networks).

No you do not, however it would make it easier. To use multitrigger i suggest you take a look at andys wifi script. simply let all your yi-s connect to your wifi router, or conf one of your wifi cards as AP, and let the cams connect to it.
There is config file for multitrigger (called Multisettings.cfg) where you need to specify IP adresses of the cams. (when yi connects to ap using wifi script, dhcp will assign it an ip, those adresses must be in config file, for each cam)

And for second part of your question, i'm not sure if i understand correctly, but if you connect to your yi when yi is ap, then you can connect to just 1, like you can connect to 1 wifi router. However, if your yis connect to an ap, its not an issue.
I dont know if i make much sense, but its just whether your yi cams are hosting wifi or your yis are clients connecting to wifi.

Is USB streaming now working, either through this software or in general? Firmware updates appear to support it, but it's rather unclear to say the least. I want to get a decent quality cam (or cams for a multi-setup) for streaming pinball and other things on Twitch TV. However it seems a real sore point on virtually all digital cameras, even action cams, at the moment. Is it working or possible now on the Yi Sport, or do I need to wait until next year when USB Type-C hopefully takes over and this becomes a formality? I'd really rather not have to get a €1000 pro capture card that can take 4-5 HDMI inputs simultaneously.

I have not been keeping up to date with whats happening with yi, last time i checked usb streaming was not implemented. Can you point me to those firmware updates that appear to support it?
Type-C has not much to do with device being able to stream over usb, its just a connector type.
Last time i checked there was no other way to get HD streaming with yi, only HDMI
You can stream low resolution over wifi, also you can use av out and cheaper capture cards, but still no HD.
Also you can take a look at other (xiaomi also) cams that are meant for streaming over usb.

I want to use Xiaomi yi action cam for my thesis
i just using for streaming video on the robot and I use visual studio c# 2010
I want to ask how to connecting xiaomi yi cam to my program ? because when i open in mozilla is no responses
anybody help me?
thx guys

Take a look at links under resources in first post.

Nice tools, Andy. It's lovely to use Yi from laptop. I just encounter 1 inconvenience: it's awfully slow when connecting, configure (and apply) and going back to control. Files is a bit faster. What could possibly be the cause? FYI, I'm on Linux.

It's to do with how the app gets settings from the camera, one by one.

Anyway, I would suggest to put the link for the video tutorial in the first page, near the link of C&C program. Reason is: if people is seaching for a PC program, probably dont have a SmartPhone to do it. So is better to explain very clear how to do and how to connect. When i read: "Simply, connect to your Yi-s wifi with default password 1234567890", it may be not clear how to do it and where to input the password, like in my case... o_O

Ehm, this little program is perhaps a little advanced by those standards. Take it as a test to see if you got basic skills to fiddle with it.
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And for second part of your question, i'm not sure if i understand correctly, but if you connect to your yi when yi is ap, then you can connect to just 1, like you can connect to 1 wifi router. However, if your yis connect to an ap, its not an issue.
I dont know if i make much sense, but its just whether your yi cams are hosting wifi or your yis are clients connecting to wifi.
@ecqu, thank you very much for your reply. So, do I understand correctly that when I connect to two different cameras through two separate wifi adapters I still can only use one? Seems like, in theory, it should be possible to connect to more than one... And I have every indication that the my Linux box here successfully connects, judging by both the GUI and the ifconfig output. Unless, off course, I'm missing something.
@ecqu, thank you very much for your reply. So, do I understand correctly that when I connect to two different cameras through two separate wifi adapters I still can only use one? Seems like, in theory, it should be possible to connect to more than one... And I have every indication that the my Linux box here successfully connects, judging by both the GUI and the ifconfig output. Unless, off course, I'm missing something.
I'm sorry, i can not help you with Linux and multiple wifi cards stuff :p, just try it the easy way. Andys wifi script will do it for you.
I'm sorry, i can not help you with Linux and multiple wifi cards stuff :p, just try it the easy way. Andys wifi script will do it for you.
Well, thanks anyway for trying to help. We're disallowed to use our own APs here where I work, but I've filed a ticked with the IT staff and they're working something out.

In the meantime, I'll wait around to see if anyone else can offer any advice on the multiple-wifi-card setup. As a recap, I've augmented Andy's script so it can optionally bind to specific network interfaces (when specified), but still unable to connect to more than one camera this way.