[Xiaomi Yi] Share your scripts and settings

It came from a GitHub link but I can't remember which one. I know it was for 1.2.12 firmware and since I read that addresses didn't change for 1.2.13, I edited the scrip however I should not have left the line "Funnel" . There are several other edits in there that I got from other contributors but the part with the buzzers is Funnel's work.
I asked it cause I didn't find it on funneld github...
I just found it in my Downloads folder. It was a script for 1600 x 1200 and it was for firmware 1.0.12 not 1.2.12. Here it is.


how to set this line for saturation... for fotos not only video or both:

#This script is for video mode vibrance/saturation adjustments
t ia2 -adj ev 10 0 60 0 0 140 0
Thanks, I'll try it. I assume the 140 number is the one to play with.
Thanks, I'll try it. I assume the 140 number is the one to play with.
140 is for saturation and 60 for vibrance, but the whole line is only for video according to description!
but what value sets video or foto, or do i need another issue to set the saturation and vibrance for foto mode?
I am pretty well satisfied with the video performance on subdued lighting, such as just after sunset, but my camera has always been a little overexposed in very bright full sun conditions. I would like to add a line in the script to tone it down a little. Should I adjust WB or AE.

you can test fixing AE + WB:
#fix ae/awb/adj locks
t ia2 -3a 1 1 0 1

or shadow/highlight clipping adjustments:
#this makes blacks not crushed
t ia2 -adj l_expo 163
#this gets back the highlights
t ia2 -adj autoknee 255

playing with gamma:
#this makes blacks not crushed
t ia2 -adj l_expo 163
#this gets back the highlights
t ia2 -adj autoknee 255

or test another metering mode by app: center, average, spot
or write your own AEtable with Ambrella firmware editor: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/dashcam-mode-rotated-image-hint.14587/
Anyone found a way to force audio recording on 720p/120fps mode?
my firmware is 1.2.13 and im trying to get script running for 720p 30fps.
i made autoexec.ash and wrote writew 0xC05C2152 0x4190 but it doesnt work. What im doing wrong here? Cheers
- how can i lock AWB to 5500K for example in video mode?
- can i somehow loop my script? for hdr timelapse for example.
you can test fixing AE + WB:
#fix ae/awb/adj locks
t ia2 -3a 1 1 0 1

or shadow/highlight clipping adjustments:
#this makes blacks not crushed
t ia2 -adj l_expo 163
#this gets back the highlights
t ia2 -adj autoknee 255

playing with gamma:
#this makes blacks not crushed
t ia2 -adj l_expo 163
#this gets back the highlights
t ia2 -adj autoknee 255

or test another metering mode by app: center, average, spot
or write your own AEtable with Ambrella firmware editor:
Switching to "Average" metering mode did the trick for me. Tnx.
So you have exp.lock with average metering and this code?
t ia2 -3a 1 1 0 1

What is the code for disabling "watercolor" effect in video?
Fine details are blurred (tree leaves for example),
even when there is lot of light.
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Ello all, Yi noob here. Got my focus adjusted now all I need are some scripts. I currently use a Noise Reduction script set to 1500. Would love to try YImax. Iv got the V22L, Firmware version: 1.2.13, Does anyone know what scripts are compatible with my firmware? Clear skies all. Godspeed! o7
Ello all, Yi noob here. Got my focus adjusted now all I need are some scripts. I currently use a Noise Reduction script set to 1500. Would love to try YImax. Iv got the V22L, Firmware version: 1.2.13, Does anyone know what scripts are compatible with my firmware? Clear skies all. Godspeed! o7
It depends what do you want as final footage, a flat image nice for a postproduction or a vivid one (like gorpro) that can be already used?
The wintersportseason begins and i want to know are there any special improvements for snowsetting possible via autoexec ?
I'm using this one, I customized as I like and it looks really good for me... I've pushed a little vibrance and saturation but not too much, noise reduction to 500 and shadow/highlight not clipped, I also inserted raw image line but disabled that I can enable when I need it..


anyone have any script for night recording?

I got my daytime script (yimax + couple of adjustments), but at night it looks ****ty
this cam isn't good for night record..
I am newbie to the Xiaomi Yi autoexec script possibilities.
Is there any possiblity to use the autoexec commands while the cam is running in normal operation?
I would like to do manual settings like with DSLR (e.g. manual ISO, AWB to fixed Kelvin, manual shutter speed) and decide shutting time individual.
Thanks for your feedback.