Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera - Custom Firmware (Base 1.0.7) - Bitrate Increased to 30Mbps all modes

Hi all.

Find hereafter my fisrt custom firmware for Z221, based on 1.1.0 firmware.

Please note I haven't check it yet in my YI because I'm not at home: SO use it at your own risk.

I will edit this message after the test.

Edit: yes it's OK you can flash it. Thank you all for testing without fear ;-)


What's the quickest way to create a new firmware file from an older firmware i've already edited? I tried to take the prs.a7s and put it in the folder of the new one but it didn't work when updating the camera. It stayed on the old firmware
Guys, just release a bit secret, the newest firmware already support bluetooth..
Guys, just release a bit secret, the newest firmware already support bluetooth..

I've found something, if you tap quickly twice on the WiFi button, there is a beep, if the WiFi was off the LED switch on fix and goes off after 60sec. I'm quiet sure it's the Bluetooth pairing mode for the remote shutter. But i can't detect new Bluetooth device with my phone.
What's the quickest way to create a new firmware file from an older firmware i've already edited? I tried to take the prs.a7s and put it in the folder of the new one but it didn't work when updating the camera. It stayed on the old firmware

A complete bitrate edit on a new firmware is my way...you're right, maybe not the short one :-)
I'm quiet sure it's the Bluetooth pairing mode
There are some bluetooth scripts present in 1.1.0 but there is still no device present in the system (HW 22l). Drivers? HW revision? I will know more when my cam(s) arrive.
I've found something, if you tap quickly twice on the WiFi button, there is a beep, if the WiFi was off the LED switch on fix and goes off after 60sec. I'm quiet sure it's the Bluetooth pairing mode for the remote shutter. But i can't detect new Bluetooth device with my phone.
je.... you are just a genius!!!!! now all you need is a bluetooth remote control..
Hey guys so xiaoyi company asked me to build this
"Xiaomi Yi Action Video Group"

Right now, they are collecting short video clips like this

Finding a place has water spot, first put xiaoyi cam into water then take out and shoot some good scenes and again put into water. Xiaoyi company will smash these videos together in one video, so final video will be one scene is there and into water pull xiaoyi cam out then another scene... I hope I explained clearly, lol
basically like this video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjYzNz...pf-to=pcqq.c2c
Could somebody mod the firmware v1.1.0 Z22L to 30mbps please?
I'm uploading a z22 version now that works. I'll link here when done