You know your a dash cam addict when???

When sellers run out of stock its a common tactic to put the price up to a ridiculous amount to keep the listing active and then put it back to normal once stock comes back in
I have seen such prices in B&M stores here :eek: like 37.358 DKkr for a gopro 4, which is somthing like 5-6000 US dollars.
And some times even moving the desimal would make no sence compared to simmilar products from other sites.

And it happened often i ran over such prices when browsing for new hardware ( computer ) in the end i dident even bother to tell the company about ther mistakes. :oops:
And it still happen on hardware / consumer electronics :rolleyes:
whenever i see those crazy prices (like $4500 for a pack of 2 clothes pins), i think that maybe the seller thinks that maybe they'll get lucky and some moron will actually pay that price and somehow think it's normal, and the seller will make basically 100% profit.
You name your dashcam Judy and have long conversations with her, hoping Denice (the GPS) doesn't get upset.

I'll just leave this here
One on the right is Lenovo transformer.
I would like to have some other figurines to my dash:)
When you do stuff like this in a rental car to record a scenic drive or the porch at someone's lake house to record fireworks...

Why yes that IS two pairs of pants taped down on the dashboard, officer... They're there to stop dashboard reflections on my dashcam videos.

Screen protector for temporarily mounting the a118c was not sticking well so used making tape to reinforce it.

A118c and jackery USB power bank to record fireworks
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well the quality would be good enough for a daily video camera
That is very handy if you argue with your wife: "no no no that's not what you said 3 hours ago i have it on video right here, let's check that right now..."
And the problem with this scenario - you only have cam footage going back a few hours.
Women can remember EVERY detail of EVERY argument/disagreement/discussion/faux-pas/slip of the tongue going back to the very second you met & will drag it all out and beat you senseless with it.
They know how you forgot the 1 year anniversary of you meeting, of your first kiss, that film you saw, the food you ate...

let's face it, as a bloke, dashcams have to be your life as they are the only true friend you have, they'll never disagree with you & will always have your back. (and if it fails you at that important moment - well, you might as well just end it all:D
You know when you're a addict when you have a dreams of dashcams. I had one where I had just installed a dashcam for my dad's car and I'm just looking at the dashcam looked really weird though nothing I would recognize.
You know when you're a addict when you have a dreams of dashcams. I had one where I had just installed a dashcam for my dad's car and I'm just looking at the dashcam looked really weird though nothing I would recognize.
Funny timing!
I was reading DCT and took a nap in the afternoon today.
Not sure if it was my 1st dashcam dream but I dreamed of a friend who was testing dashcam.
He tied it to his motorcycle at a river bank.
I was thinking that's a bad idea as the river may flood and dashcam will be damaged. Funny I didn't think the motorcycle will be damaged. Brain works weird in dreams. :D