0906 disassembly

Yeah in the top pic you can just make out a glimpse of brown on the far right of the socket.

And this are just the cheapo lens that came with my Nikon :D
Has anyone tried a production mini 0806 CPL with the new lens?
I might just buy a new one, but not if it is still going to cut the corners off, which looks a possibility!

hello Nigel, I took my CPL filter I bought as an extra with my 0806 and fitted it to the 0906, fits on the 0906 just like as it does on the 0806 fits perfect

whilst this CPL filter helps eliminating most of the reflections (on my wife's Ford Fiesta), some minor reflections can still be seen on the windscreen,

without the CPL filter the reflections were (in my opinion) very noticeable and affected the image quality, this is on overcast days too, not just one bright sunny days
OK I found out why mine isn't saving last files - one of the solder connections is broken on the capacitor :/
Unfortunately I'm bowing out as a tester as my camera is totally dead - when the two PCBs were split one of the headers has stripped the mounts off the PCB instead of the pins coming apart.

Absolute respect to the people who work on these as they are very intricate the way it has all been designed but unfortunately mine is totally dead.

Here are some images showing the tiny split in the solder to the capacitors (it's the 3rd leg / leg 1 on capacitor 2):


And then some images of the rest - I noticed there seem to be two components exactly behind where the mount is - is it possible these are causing the expansion causing the focus loss on one side?


And then the unfortunate dead bit I never noticed until it was back together - you can see the tracks from the PCB hanging out of the still attached pin mount and then with everything flayed when it's back together:


@Rayman.Chan I don't know if this is recoverable if I send it back to you please?
OK I found out why mine isn't saving last files - one of the solder connections is broken on the capacitor :/

Pictures or it didn't happen............. I doubt a constant solder unless you did it yourself with overlap

EDIT ------ A few minutes too late
It looks like the leg has fractured when it's been put together - at least I know why I was seeing the problem with saving the last files when the others weren't - maybe something to check at manufacturing @Rayman.Chan as I noticed that as soon as the case was split open
It seems more people are fixing than testing :) (I'm waiting for parts)

As I alluded to earlier in the week and with the way things seem to be going here what with everyone hip-deep into major camera tear-downs and repairs which may include removing and re-soldering a tiny component to the pcb, re-seating very small ribbon cables and ensuring lens module alignment and focusing, I really have to question how the testing results that come afterwards can be a valid representation of the product that will be coming off the assembly line. Performance results and potential glitches and anomalies that manifest may no longer be an accurate reflection of the original product.

I appreciate the expense and logistics involved for MEG shipping these pre-production camera samples all over the planet but I almost feel like there is a need to select a small group of testers and start over.

Just sayin'.
As I alluded to earlier in the week and with the way things seem to be going here what with everyone hip-deep into major camera tear-downs and repairs which may include removing and re-soldering a tiny component to the pcb, re-seating very small ribbon cables and ensuring lens module alignment and focusing, I really have to question how the testing results that come afterwards can be a valid representation of the product that will be coming off the assembly line. Performance results and potential glitches and anomalies that manifest may no longer be an accurate reflection of the original product.

I appreciate the expense and logistics involved for MEG shipping these pre-production camera samples all over the planet but I almost feel like there is a need to select a small group of testers and start over.

Just sayin'.
Frankly, I expected much better QA on these samples. I know it is not possible to check every item when in high volume production, but when sending samples to testers, they should ensure that every single camera is functioning properly. How can a camera be shipped with broken mic or RTC that resets every couple of hours?
As I alluded to earlier in the week and with the way things seem to be going here what with everyone hip-deep into major camera tear-downs and repairs which may include removing and re-soldering a tiny component to the pcb, re-seating very small ribbon cables and ensuring lens module alignment and focusing, I really have to question how the testing results that come afterwards can be a valid representation of the product that will be coming off the assembly line. Performance results and potential glitches and anomalies that manifest may no longer be an accurate reflection of the original product.

I appreciate the expense and logistics involved for MEG shipping these pre-production camera samples all over the planet but I almost feel like there is a need to select a small group of testers and start over.

Just sayin'.
It will be helping to find issues and improve the production units, for example the cause of Reverend's corrupt files would not be known if he hadn't stripped the camera down, and a couple of us found trapped ribbon cables which may cause unreliability if it reaches production. If we had simply been shipped replacement units these issues would have gone unsorted.

But you are correct that they may no longer be representative of the production ones, especially with some of us using Tobi@s's bitrate upgrade. Someone will have to review the production units to find the truth about those and until someone does it is going to be hard to recommend the camera, we can only recommend (or otherwise) our modified cameras. The same is true of the 0806, mine is still working fine after 2.5 years use often sitting in full summer sunshine with no shade, and still with bitrate enhancements, and still on the original battery, certainly not representative of the production units!
Frankly, I expected much better QA on these samples. I know it is not possible to check every item when in high volume production, but when sending samples to testers, they should ensure that every single camera is functioning properly. How can a camera be shipped with broken mic or RTC that resets every couple of hours?

Some of these manufacturing issues like broken capacitor legs, bad mics, RTC batteries, etc., are part and parcel with getting a new production line up to speed and are more or less normal. I believe every conscientious manufacturer here would likely confirm that notion.

Some of the other problems we dealing with here seem more in the category of test samples that weren't quite ready to go out the door.
Kamkar you was right. Yesterday I have to stop. I couldn't focus anymore.
Started on a fresh and I manage to get them in place. So the camera is ok now. But power from GPS does not work any more. I have measured each single cable (4) from pcb to the socket that connect GPS. zero ohm on each cable.

I didn't touch the GPS unit at all.

Any advise?

This should be the same flexi cable, and sort of same camera angle too.



When you snap shut the locking "lever" then it should be a little tight when the damn thing are properly seated, then again i also thought it was that when i struggled with it.
It will be helping to find issues and improve the production units, for example the cause of Reverend's corrupt files would not be known if he hadn't stripped the camera down, and a couple of us found trapped ribbon cables which may cause unreliability if it reaches production. If we had simply been shipped replacement units these issues would have gone unsorted.

But you are correct that they may no longer be representative of the production ones, especially with some of us using Tobi@s's bitrate upgrade. Someone will have to review the production units to find the truth about those and until someone does it is going to be hard to recommend the camera, we can only recommend (or otherwise) our modified cameras. The same is true of the 0806, mine is still working fine after 2.5 years use often sitting in full summer sunshine with no shade, and still with bitrate enhancements, and still on the original battery, certainly not representative of the production units!

I don't think having a select group of geeky users tearing down cameras is a bad idea at all; it certainly has it's value! Plus some of us really enjoy this kind of thing.

The problem is when virtually an entire shipment of test products has one or more significant flaws that ostensibly brings testing to a halt and requires testers with differing levels of knowledge, ability and the appropriate tools to engage in major dismantling and repair of the test samples in order to bring the camera into a functional state.

Edit: Also, as we are witnessing some have put their cameras back together only to find they inadvertently created a new problem they hadn't started with or that the unit won't even function properly anymore.

I wonder where these extra screws go? :confused:
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To be honest i thought i broke my GPS too as it now seem to be slower in acquiring a fix, this might be due to me not resetting ( by button ) the camera after firmware upgrade.
So i will have to mess a little with that tonight.
Hi All

I have received the new lens, the two FPC cables and the SMD resistors.

As I don't seem to have the thermal shutdown problems, I ignore the resistors as I don't have equipment to solder so tiny parts anyway.

The other day it was like 30°C, the first time this year in Switzerland, and when I got in the car the camera started at around 58°C righ away (parked in the sun all day). Cam temperature increased until it toggled around 73°/74°C. As the cabin cooled down on the way home because of the A/C, it slowly decreased to 68°C or so until I got home (45min).

At home, I had a look at the footage. Image was mushy and diffuse all over the place, I hardly could recognise a license plate until a car stood still in front of me at a red light.

A question regarding the lens replacement. I have the new lens, the (dis)assembly guide, a mini-hdmi to hdmi cable an a monitor with hdmi input. I have read in the guide that the lens should be focused at 3-5m distance. I don't feel like disassembling an reassembling the camera multiple times until I turned the lens in the right direction and focus is right. Is the a possibility to focus the lens while the cam is disassembled so that this tedious process only needs to be done once in each direction? :-)
