2CH Panorama X2. FullHD + FullHD ( 256Gb ). Sony Exmor CMOS. WDR. GPS. 24/7 Parking Mode Rec.

is there any possible way to allow an option to move a clip from the viewing screen over to Event? An example is I see something of interest, either from the Parking video or Driving video and I want to mark it and save it in Event. Currently it looks like the only option during viewing is Delete. Or maybe it's there and I'm missing it.

This new beta FW really allows more tinkering. Great for those with tinted rear windows, now the brightness can be increased independently. I really like the options for memory usage on Drive/Event/Park and the individual settings for each camera.

I'm not aware of this, sounds likes a feature request. You're best transferring the file to your computer as soon as you see something. (or have a spare card handy to swap in/out)
Yes the new FW is a good start, more in the works!

Hmmm...Blurry rear camera? Any ideas how to adjust the focus?

hmmm, did you take off the protective lens film? (peels off) Everything clean?

Further on this, I came across a situation today. Switch wasn't used so forget that.

Jumped in my car this morning and parking view was still running. great. When I started the car (voltage drop?) the dash cam switched off and wouldn't turn back on. Had to disconnect power completely and re-connect. Will monitor this...but I think the power management needs tweaking.

Yes having built in low voltage battery discharge prevention can be tricky. Do you have it set to the highest or lowest voltage? (try turning the setting to "OFF" for now if needed)
I'm not aware of this, sounds likes a feature request. You're best transferring the file to your computer as soon as you see something. (or have a spare card handy to swap in/out)
Yes the new FW is a good start, more in the works!

Yes, I agree, it is best to transfer the file over but during the drive, it would be nice to be able to flag it first in the Event folder instead of remembering which file it was, when the time comes to do the transfer. I like the idea of having spare cards to do a swap but I have two X2s, I'm looking at 4 additional cards, yikes!
When would you want to re-review driving video footage you already saw while actually driving? (Unless more than one person drives the car etc) Even with the Panorama S and G it's rare to hear anyone that actually plays videos on the camera itself on a regular basis. It's so much easier in a computer via registratorviewer that merges all videos together. (Unless an incident just occurred and you want to play back immediately) It's also hard to see the screen if its mounted behind the mirror. I'm not saying your idea shouldn't be a feature request. I'm just trying to prioritise so you might need to explain more to help us understand the importance.
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to stop recording, press the cog icon on the screen. this will send yo to the menu mode but the device stops recording. i was doing this even when the red box was on there..

the main feature i love...???

THE RING LED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loveee that sucker!!!!

it behaves differently when recording or when in standby. prety effing cool.

+1 for 21+ mbs bit rate...
Do you format the cards before you put them back in mate or have they been fine that way?
Hight brightness vs low brightness - they look the same to me in this version through tinted glass - I haven't tried night yet:

high bright.jpg low bright.jpg
I remember one of @niko's comments from the older Panoramas where AE was quicker on the 18Mbps firmware and quicker again on the 21Mbps firmware:

* with 15mbps bit-rate brightness stayed ON for about 30sec when I drove into the multistor car-park
* with 18mbps bit-rate brightness stayed ON for about 10sec when I drove into the multistor car-park
* with 21mbps bit-rate brightness adjusted to darker value instantly after I drove into the multistor car-park

It would be good to see the 18 and 21 options on the X2 along with the purple haze night footage as although it is clear right now it is too dark as a result IMHO and not taking full advantage of the Sony Exmor sensor.
So in parking mode my voltage is dropping less then 0.01 an hour. Pretty happy with that. Battery is probably a medium size, not sure how many Wh.
It seemed like even for the latest FW, it didn't solve the SDXC issue yet unless we go for Transcend 300x

Anyone having any issues with Transcend 300x SDXC so far? It must be formatted to fat32 in order to be used smoothly is it?
It seemed like even for the latest FW, it didn't solve the SDXC issue yet unless we go for Transcend 300x

Anyone having any issues with Transcend 300x SDXC so far? It must be formatted to fat32 in order to be used smoothly is it?
Transcend 64Gb 300x works on Pano X2 in both formats, exFat and Fat32, but Fat32 is considered so called more userfriendly.
Just curious why the X2 can't be like the 2S to be able to support all types of memory cards.. o_O
When would you want to re-review driving video footage you already saw while actually driving? (Unless more than one person drives the car etc) Even with the Panorama S and G it's rare to hear anyone that actually plays videos on the camera itself on a regular basis. It's so much easier in a computer via registratorviewer that merges all videos together. (Unless an incident just occurred and you want to play back immediately) It's also hard to see the screen if its mounted behind the mirror. I'm not saying your idea shouldn't be a feature request. I'm just trying to prioritise so you might need to explain more to help us understand the importance.

I have two X2s and one is driven by my wife. I know in the past she has called me to tell me of a incident or near incident or seeing some crazy driving on the road. It would be nice if I could just say, go back and find the video and flag it so it doesn't get overwritten by the time I can get my hands on the cards, which sometimes is the end of the day, etc. As for as how important, I guess it depends if others tell you also that they want it or not. It's not a deal breaker but I figure while in the screen viewing, the option is available to delete the file, it should be possible to add an option to also flag it as Event.
I have two X2s and one is driven by my wife. I know in the past she has called me to tell me of a incident or near incident or seeing some crazy driving on the road. It would be nice if I could just say, go back and find the video and flag it so it doesn't get overwritten by the time I can get my hands on the cards, which sometimes is the end of the day, etc. As for as how important, I guess it depends if others tell you also that they want it or not. It's not a deal breaker but I figure while in the screen viewing, the option is available to delete the file, it should be possible to add an option to also flag it as Event.
I agree.... Options are good[emoji2]
OK a new quirk with 1.01.01 - I've just been to the office and back and stopped off at the garage on the way home for some fuel. When I got home I went to press the cog but noticed the camera was totally off.

Went into playback mode and it looks like the camera turned off when I went into the garage.

My car did stall when I started it at the garage (it's an auto and I'd changed into park for some reason) so it's more than likely related to that as the car was started twice. Not sure if it's possible to change the start timeout to work around this sort of thing - I've seen this same sort of thing on the past in Ambarella cameras especially with diesel engines and a timeout usually fixes it on those?
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