2CH Panorama X2. FullHD + FullHD ( 256Gb ). Sony Exmor CMOS. WDR. GPS. 24/7 Parking Mode Rec.

stop trying to cast doubt and hate on my situation. :p

one thing we agree on is its not the cards bcause many folks are using cheap on up to high dollar cards, so there must be a common denominator somewhere, and hopefuly the devs will find it.

I DO have a sandisk program that will extract data from a card that has its FAT table corrupted. its happened to me on cameras (not dashcams) and this asset has been proven to work.

until the issue gets sorted out, look into such programs that can extract files from corrupted cards.

Wait till a day when something happened, and u need to abstract the videos but it failed on you, then we see who is the foolish one.. o_O

This is not a case of SanDisk or whatsoever brand war, but a problem with the X2's compatibility with SDXC

Your routine might work for the time being but not forever, only time will tell..
thank you again for this! I just need one foot but three will surely be plenty. ordered! gotta love sunday delivery... ;)

Looked over the vids last night and the 3 feet extension cable for my rear camera I have is working fine. It's this one here on Amazon. Make sure it's the standard one if anyone is ordering, and not the OTG cable which the seller also sells. They also sell a 6 inch one and should function as well but I haven't tested that cable. So as long as this is working, I won't need to redo my cables.

thank you again for this! I just need one foot but three will surely be plenty. ordered! gotta love sunday delivery... ;)

Haha, unfortunate for you, their 6 inch is too short and the 3 feet is 3x the length you need. Report back when you get yours, though I don't anticipate any problems. Yes, I like the Sunday delivery by us too!
Yeah that should be an easy fix. Maybe also having a power icon in the menus too would help?

I do like the way you can use different settings for parking mode than for driving, so you can have high bitrate for driving and low bitrate for parking - it's very good.

These clips are all high bitrate (15Mbps) and low brightness:

It's moving forwards nicely with each beta release :)

Rev, Can we get some front and rear night video? highest bitrate and brightness. Thx.

EDIT: Never-mind i found them. :D
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Think we need a document of bugs / suggestions / issues to help track them in all this chit chat :)
I agree. Perhaps another thread to discuss our findings/testing with the firmware updates and then a couple of posts at the appropriate time in this thread to let potential buyers/interested people know what's going on

I should be getting mine in about a week, so looking forward to contributing !
Good idea. This is pretty normal, a new product has one giant long thread and then someone will finally break away to boldly post a new thread at some point.
Good idea. This is pretty normal, a new product has one giant long thread and then someone will finally break away to boldly post a new thread at some point.
Go on Jon.... Be that man to boldly go where no one has had the courage to venture!
Sounds good let's plan it out asap. I'll contact DashCamMan to see if I can get a private invite only beta thread setup.
Nice one. On the first post can someone write up a FW change log with any known issues associated with each update so it just gives us a sticky post to refer to with the key points.... I can see it growing very quickly like this one has
Its just a thought...

but with a "dogs danglies" duel HD all seeing "reliable ?" set and forget "$$$" dashcam - would the camera not be better mounted in the rear with a view of it through the rear view mirror ???
Sounds good let's plan it out asap. I'll contact DashCamMan to see if I can get a private invite only beta thread setup.

On some forums, I know there is a limited time a poster can go back and edit their post. It does not appear to be that way here so I think you Jon, are the best person to start the new thread. You will be the most up to date on product information and more likely than any of us users to stick around to provide updates in the first posting. This will keep the new Firmware/Issues thread nice and tidy.
Got my x2 last Friday. Jon the seller included his Tel and cell. I called him to ask if I could bother him with questions over the weekend. His reply was sure, call anytime. Thank you Jon, you stand behind your cam. Today I hardwired the X2 and finished with the front portion. The rear I will leave for another weekend. I wanted to share some of my first impressions and ask few questions;

First, I wired it to a booster battery in my kitchen and fiddled around with the setting. I think when all is installed, I will call Jon and go over the setting one by one with him, set it, and forget it. I have no intention to experiment on the cam to see what's works for me shy of checking it every week or so to make sure it works. Unlike other members here, I had 0 issues with memory cards. Got 2 Transcend 64GB that were recommended by Niko (thank you Niko!). In the parking mode setting there's an option to set parking time. What is it? Is that the duration of recording after the car is off? I wasn't sure about it and set it to 24Hrs (I want it to to continually record) . I love how you get an option to divide the memory card and choose the portion of memory you want to allocate to normal/parking/ and events. On the Video setting, I set the bit rate to "Low" (I think it was like that by default). Again, what is it? and how it effect the Video/memory usage/ etc.

Next I set in the car looking for the best location to mount the front box (That's what it look like...). I also had my son hold it against the windshield while I stood outside directing him to move in various directions to see what does the cam look like from the outside. I was looking for a good compromise between the best position to capture the road ahead, stealth, and minimum interference with driver visibility. At the end, I mounted it right behind the rear view mirror. It's very hard to play with the setting where it is, but this was the best location for my needs.

Next I covered every shining surface with electrical tape (thank you Niko. again!). I wish the manufacturer would have designed it like it right out of the factory. Who need all the blings and shining finishes on the cam??? The whole purpose I chose this cam is the parking mode. I have a Tesla and the first thing to meet a backing driver on my car is a cone (not a bumper), the damage would be catastrophic... I really wanted the cam to be stealthy. Same with the clear plastic bracket. It is too visible from the outside. I wish it was plain black, and I wish it was shorter so the cam would be closer to the glass. Also wish the USB cable to the "box", would end with 90° angle like the power cable. That would put less stress on the jack.

At the end, I think the location works for me. I have to move the mirror to play with the setting, and even than, I can't reach the whole screen unless I use a thin object.


Few more remarks, questions;

Why can't the screen go off at all? Even when it goes off, it doesn't. There's a date/time moving around like a screen saver. This shine on the back of my rear view mirror and doesn't make the cam that stealthy. It's also consume power (as little that it may be) and will shorten the screen life. This screen is going to be turned on infinitely, or for as long as it plugged in. Hope this is going to be corrected on later firmware. Same with the "back" arrow when reviewing videos on the camera. It doesn't take you to previous screen where you see the list of video segments you were on a moment ago, but to the beginning of the playback function where you need to choose card (front or back).

This is my immediate question/concerns I have. I know this is a new product with firmware upgrade soon to come. I researched for days before choosing the X2. So far it look like a quality device. I am writing this before even reviewing the video footage on my computer. I will write back with my impressions on the video quality.
Just reviewed the video. Night and day. Day is a lot better. Wasn't impressed with night. I have to stand few feet behind a car to get a clear license plate. Is the low bit rate has anything to do with it?
@Hezi, if you want continuous recording during parking mode, set the park time to "off". Night time is always always the most difficult one, with total darkness, bright headlights pointing at the camera, etc. I'm sure Jon and Sungmoon will be working the getting the best out of the X2.

I don't mind the moving clock on the screen, it provides me with the assurance knowing the unit is powered and functioning. If it were blank, I wouldn't know if something happened and it's not recording or lost of power, etc. Then, I would tap it to activate the screen just to check, that would be a waste of my time and can be a distraction during driving. That being said, if Sungmoon can add the option to turn it off to please others, like yourself, I'm all for it, but I'd still keep the clock myself.

I agree with the "back" option during playing videos. It makes more sense to go back to the video listing. It's not all bad though, right now, it goes to the Front/Rear menu, a extra click into the camera video listing, the list is where one last stopped off. It could be worse, it could go to the default end or beginning, forcing more scrolling.

The followup effort by them on the Panorama dash cams are second to none. With other vendors, you pretty much are talking to a wall, with no replies to our concerns and issues.
@Hezi, if you want continuous recording during parking mode, set the park time to "off". Night time is always always the most difficult one, with total darkness, bright headlights pointing at the camera, etc. I'm sure Jon and Sungmoon will be working the getting the best out of the X2.

I don't mind the moving clock on the screen, it provides me with the assurance knowing the unit is powered and functioning. If it were blank, I wouldn't know if something happened and it's not recording or lost of power, etc. Then, I would tap it to activate the screen just to check, that would be a waste of my time and can be a distraction during driving. That being said, if Sungmoon can add the option to turn it off to please others, like yourself, I'm all for it, but I'd still keep the clock myself.

I agree with the "back" option during playing videos. It makes more sense to go back to the video listing. It's not all bad though, right now, it goes to the Front/Rear menu, a extra click into the camera video listing, the list is where one last stopped off. It could be worse, it could go to the default end or beginning, forcing more scrolling.

The followup effort by them on the Panorama dash cams are second to none. With other vendors, you pretty much are talking to a wall, with no replies to our concerns and issues.

The "back" option on playback I have reported 1.5 month ago and Sungmoon working on it.
Yeah, digital clock may distract when driver ( especially at night ), but it's all depends where X2 is mounted. If its mounted fully behind rearview mirror, then its OK. But for sure full clock and display backlit must be turned off from menu ( option of on / off )
With very first FW versions, digital clock was even at parking mode, but later it was removed from parking mode, - so there is a step by step progress.
the X2 is tops right now and we are all early adopters. progress is coming. those of us who had the first batches are seeing progress and the newcomers to this system didnt see those, so in time this cam will get better.

yeah we all wish wish wish wish the cam had this or that, however the cam is made for a mass audience , just like many other things. i bet your tesla is not exactly how you want it....;)

glad to read about a new customer to the x2 family...
I just formatted it to FAT32 and trying at the moment. Will let you know the results. Hope it works out this time.

Just made a trip for around 5 hours. Normal, parking and incidence all seems working well and no more grey box. However, when I tried to pull the files from the card, I got this error. It was when I tried to pull around 40G of files from the card into Win8.1 (64)

Also, I didn't realize there are strange buzzing noise with the recording. I never had I my speaker on when browsing the files until today. Did someone posts something similar already? Pending on firmware upgrade to resolve?


  • Copy error.JPG
    Copy error.JPG
    85.6 KB · Views: 15
Just made a trip for around 5 hours. Normal, parking and incidence all seems working well and no more grey box. However, when I tried to pull the files from the card, I got this error. It was when I tried to pull around 40G of files from the card into Win8.1 (64)

Also, I didn't realize there are strange buzzing noise with the recording. I never had I my speaker on when browsing the files until today. Did someone posts something similar already? Pending on firmware upgrade to resolve?
Have you tried to copy that error file separately ? Have you also tried to playback that file directly from memory card? What are results ?

Buzz maybe caused from rear camera or cables being too close to car antenna or other objects that maybe emmiting interference.
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