It doesn't say to do that on the VIOFO website. However, I didn't need to reset it because it automatically did it for me. I think that my complaint is still valid. When I say complaint...I mean constructive criticism.
I get where you are coming from and have made this suggestion to Viofo a couple of times.
In my settings I have to mirror and reverse some settings as well as E.V settings.
Of course after awhile I forget the settings and when a new firmware is applied i end up driving around until I realise I forgot to fix the settings.
Before I update the firmware if the dashcam has wifi, i screen shot the settings.
If the dashcam doesn't have wifi I'm stuffed or I'll take photos of the settings which is a real pain.
I suggested to Viofo they could write the configuration/ settings file to the memory card.
Remove that card and place the card with the update. (Firmware)
Once updated go into settings and import the configuration/settings file.
This can be done after resets and hardware resets are done.
The configuration file only needs to be a binary file nothing flash.
Another method if you save the configuration/settings directly to the phone in a text file.
Most Viofo dash cams already create a file which seems to be empty so they should be able to create a .cfg (configuration file)
@viofo is this something you are considering?
Software improvements to allow importing of dash cam settings. (Would help in problem solving for your viofo support staff and also allow dashcam members to share their configuration files.
A setting in the firmware that allows the configuration file to be saved to the SD card. Will assist in fault finding.