A139 Firmware

Enabling Station Mode with Remote Viewing would be a very valuable feature on the A139. Especially since it wouldn't reduce bitrate.

General Question: Does anyone have Version 1.5 firmware available for the Viofo A129 Duo? I want to flash to 2.1 and run some tests on station mode, and flash back to 1.5 if need be. However, I don't have V1.5 saved anywhere!
Enabling Station Mode with Remote Viewing would be a very valuable feature on the A139. Especially since it wouldn't reduce bitrate.

General Question: Does anyone have Version 1.5 firmware available for the Viofo A129 Duo? I want to flash to 2.1 and run some tests on station mode, and flash back to 1.5 if need be. However, I don't have V1.5 saved anywhere!
@HonestReview I had DR900S as well as DR900X with the LTE modem... I'm sorry but you clearly don't have a slightest idea what it means (no wonder, it isn't that far in the past i had to explain you what StationMode means). The LTE modem is just a device which provides internet connection and that's it, means nothing to the device. It's like a window to the world without handle to open it.

Where did I EVER SAY the Camera provided it's own internet connection? Before you get all high and mighty, please bolster your reading skills! In fact, I stated an LTE Modem is an addtion / add on in the BlackVue and that NO MODEM is available for Viofo. Requiring a 3rd Party Option or a Hotspot.

Blackvue accomplished this by:

1. They have an LTE Modem (uses sim card) that: https://blackvue.com/product/lte-connectivity-module/


When you connect your phone or laptop to internet, are they available via internet to another device..? No, it's most likely behind NAT (sometimes even multiple), you have to do some steps to manage such approach. For example in case of public IP (most of the time not the case for mobile data connection) to set portforward on the gateway side (not the smartest idea, quite hard with mobile modems), or install a software which then re-routes communication to some servers which are publicly accessible. Servers are not for free, even Blackvue uses rather Amazon S3 than their own. And who is gonna pay for that software development, licences and hardware? What about drivers for USB LTE modems? At top of that you need to have such communication secured.

It depends on how the internet is provided. A router setup will distribute natted IPs. A 192.XXX.XXX.XXX Address. Where as plugging direct to a Modem will give a real IP. Via Wifi, an ip would be natted unless the router is set to DMZ for that MAC ID.

What I asked, and you clearly did not understand is what port would have to be opened on a natted network to access the camera's web browser via Http: If one did not dmz the mac id to the camera. As otherwise, all ports would be closed off unless the necessary port is forwarded to allow access.

Far as a Hotspot goes, It appears my hotspot gives a real ip and not a natted 192 IP.
I can imagine a new product, much more expensive from Viofo... I wouldn't expect a new modified firmware and instruction to just connect an USB LTE modem (or connection via MiFi) anytime soon. But it probably could be manageable via some sort of community solution of some hobbyists because they wouldn't care about using opensource solutions and the times when it wouldn't work. Which is not a case for official manufacturer which reputation is on the table. I have to admit that i'm thinking about something like that but i'm still waiting for the StationMode and Wifi Auto-TurnOn, otherwise it would be quite pain in the butt, not to mention my limited knowledge and time.

Correct. Recordings are stored in SDcard as in other dashcams. The only true cloud feature is Auto-upload for event files which are actually a recordings of a substream in 480p (not even the actual event files, only recordings of a substream starting few seconds after the event happened - not usable that much due to delayed start and low resolution) One is able to upload some files to the cloud but that has to be done manually (kinda pointless). Rest of the cloud is about providing access to the camera storage, LiveView, GPS informations and Notifications.

Viofo apparently offers station mode. Cloud would be nice for event files. I believe Blackvue uses their app to also access the cloud for live view. Meaning it must have some software to keep the IP updated, too. However, Station Mode apparently will let it do most everything else.

IPs on Hotspots dynamic and don't use static ips. Viofo has no DNS software. So you'd have to know the IP each time the camera connects to the modem / hotspot device if it ever disconnects.
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@HonestReview @CaptureYourAction I don't want to be rude or anything guys, but could you not post firmware links for other dashcams in a thread for firmwares of one specific model? I gone a bit rough on to fellow @mentadent but now i should rather apologize him...
Where did I EVER SAY ....................... NO MODEM is available ....................... did not understand ....................... did not dmz the mac id ...............
You apparently tried to do your homework right but missed some points (i like the way you want to move the ball on your side of the field though). Create a new thread, i'll happily (well, i have my limits...) explain the things you don't understand, to reduce spam here.

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@HonestReview @CaptureYourAction I don't want to be rude or anything guys, but could you not post firmware links for other dashcams in a thread for firmwares of one specific model? I gone a bit rough on to fellow @mentadent but now i should rather apologize him...

You apparently tried to do your homework right but missed some points (i like the way you want to move the ball on your side of the field though). Create a new thread, i'll happily (well, i have my limits...) explain the things you don't understand, to reduce spam here.

Clearly you have missed the boat. I'm not arguing. Maybe better your English Comprehension.

1. The LTE modem is just a device which provides internet connection <-- Where did I claim otherwise?

2. You didn't answer the question about a natted connection. What port would need forwarded to allow for an external connection. Instead, you went on a rambling rampage that made zero sense.

3. You have absolutely NO IDEA how the internet works from your "description".

When you connect your phone or laptop to internet, are they available via internet to another device..? No, it's most likely behind NAT (sometimes even multiple), you have to do some steps to manage such approach. For example in case of public IP (most of the time not the case for mobile data connection) to set portforward on the gateway side (not the smartest idea, quite hard with mobile modems), or install a software which then re-routes communication to some servers which are publicly accessible. Servers are not for free, even Blackvue uses rather Amazon S3 than their own. And who is gonna pay for that software development, licences and hardware? What about drivers for USB LTE modems? At top of that you need to have such communication secured.

Really? I thought the computer provided it's own internet connection. I'm paying an ISP for internet for no reason? Hallelujah! Everyone cancel your net, Nath is telling us computers don't need an external provider for connectivity!

Do you understand what Nat Means? Nat means an internal connection that blocks external access unless proper permissions are granted. Do you throw around terms TRYING to appear Smart? I.E. a 192.XXX.XXX.XXX

Again, ANY DEVICE connected to a router is NATTED. Therefore, You have two options:

1. Port forward to allow applications outside access to both send and receive data.
2. DMZ (Unblock all ports) to a specific device.

If a Camera is connected to a Natted Connection, then YOU CANNOT connect to a 192 IP if not connected to the same network. Meaning you'd have to use the REAL IP and a specific port (which I presume Viofo has set) to allow for an http: connecion.

Dear lord Internet 101 for Nath.

For anyone with an understanding of networking: What port does Viofo use for HTTP access? Default HTTP is port 80. HTTPS is 8080. Does Viofo use defaults? - Would only apply if camera is connected to a natted network and you aren't accessing the camera from within the same network.
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What port would need forwarded to allow for an external connection.
HTTP runs on port 80, and since everything including live video is available on http, that is all you should need.

I'm not arguing.
Certainly looks like you are arguing with someone who is trying to help you - not the best way to obtain assistance!
HTTP runs on port 80, and since everything including live video is available on http, that is all you should need.

That's what I asked and thank you. So Viofo HTTP uses the default 80 which I mentioned above.

Certainly looks like you are arguing with someone who is trying to help you - not the best way to obtain assistance!

Nath has no clue....Seriously, a Modem Provides Internet? And there's something called a "NAT"...Which Nath doesn't understand what "NAT" Means.

An example of this would be your car is sitting outside your house connected to you home network. You're on the road and want to check in on your vehicle. The Camera would be connected to the House's Wifi, meaning a Router + Firewall (Nat). So to allow access to the camera, you'd need to port forward 80 to internal ip and reserve the Mac Id associated with the Camera. Or DMZ he camera. Either way, it'd still be the real ip with port 80 forwarded on a non DMZ config.
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HTTP runs on port 80, and since everything including live video is available on http, that is all you should need.

Certainly looks like you are arguing with someone who is trying to help you - not the best way to obtain assistance!

Actually I’ve been reading and Nath is the one who got rude first. I think it was further up in this very thread.
Im a old salty Danish sailor and many other things, so these things dont register with me.
Which have at times lead me into trouble being too honest about my own wrong doings in the past.
Hit off topic, but I noticed what looks like a big "NO NO" on Viofo's website while looking at the A139.

Is it me or does Viofo have the top part of the rear camera mounted on the grid line? Looks like that 3M adhesive needs cut down. Putting adhesive on the grid line is ASKING to break the rear defrost if that camera were ever removed!

Not sure if it have a say, at least not modern heaters in rear windows, but in the old days the heater was sort of stick on, so that would be bad if you attempt to peel it off.
Putting adhesive on the grid line is ASKING to break the rear defrost if that camera were ever removed!
You would need to remove it correctly, cut the pad off with a string/wire.

Using a sharp knife would be asking for trouble, but there is no need to use anything sharp.

If you are worried, you could always use an antistatic sticker and stick the camera to that, then there is no problem.
You would need to remove it correctly, cut the pad off with a string/wire.

Using a sharp knife would be asking for trouble, but there is no need to use anything sharp.

If you are worried, you could always use an antistatic sticker and stick the camera to that, then there is no problem.

I would say that taking an exacto knife and slicing down some of the adhesive would be the smart move, prior to mounting it on the rear window. Even with fishing line, wire, string, and heating up the windshield, you have a moderate risk of damaging / breaking those heater lines.

I wouldn't even mount it on the rear glass before resizing down the pad. Viofo should have made a more rectangle mount instead of a circular one.

So word to anyone who has this camera, size up the pad, prior to mounting. Breaking heater lines = new rear glass. I know, when I had my tint installed, the place I originally went to ****ED **** UP and I was on the hook for new glass. They had a disclaimer that it wasn't their fault if heater lines broke.

Lesson Learned. Not worth the headache, and better to mitigate by sizing pad, then slapping it on there and regretting it later.
I took my pocket knife to the dotted area of my windscreen, and then after that solvents to remove left over residue from countless sticky pads, i was expecting to see some damage, but i haven't noticed any.
I would assume the heater lines on the rear window are as rigid attached as the dotted area up front
I would assume the heater lines on the rear window are as rigid attached as the dotted area up front
No, the dots are actually part of the glass, not stuck to it, removing them would be like removing the green colour from a wine bottle. The rear heater is stuck to the surface, not delicate but could be cut.

I would say that taking an exacto knife and slicing down some of the adhesive would be the smart move, prior to mounting it on the rear window
Good plan for the larger rear cameras, I’ve suggested doing that in the past, but the A139 rear has a rather small sticky pad, it will probably fit between the heater lines on most vehicles, not sure reducing its size is the best idea.
I took my pocket knife to the dotted area of my windscreen, and then after that solvents to remove left over residue from countless sticky pads, i was expecting to see some damage, but i haven't noticed any.
I would assume the heater lines on the rear window are as rigid attached as the dotted area up front

The Dots are "Painted On" per say. When they removed my tint to retint (not telling me the lines could be damaged) it broke defrost. Those lines are "painted on in a sense". Sure you can try to repaint them with a conductive, but not sure it'd ever be the same as factory. I replaced my rear glass. Expensive lesson. The place that did retint also did horrible job among breaking the defrost. Total mess.

Dealer recommended glass replacement. Anyway, I'm sure repainting the lines would have been a cheaper option.

So yes, if you peel off the conductive material, the defrost will not work. Think of it like a plug. If there's a short in the wire, the whole system is crippled and electricity cannot flow.
Good plan for the larger rear cameras, I’ve suggested doing that in the past, but the A139 rear has a rather small sticky pad, it will probably fit between the heater lines on most vehicles, not sure reducing its size is the best idea.

I'm not sure shaving off a CM at the time to make the pad fit between the lines would cripple the adhesive qualities all that much. Those 3M parts are very sticky!
I'm not sure shaving off a CM at the time to make the pad fit between the lines would cripple the adhesive qualities all that much. Those 3M parts are very sticky!
The pad is not much bigger than 1CM!

The Dots are "Painted On" per say.
On most windscreens, the dots are not painted and can't be removed without grinding away part of the glass.

The main purpose of the "dots" is to provide a rough surface around the edge of the the glass for the glue to glue the windscreen to the car body, they most definitely will not come away from the glass, they are part of the glass. On some cars they are extended to provide places for the mirror etc. to glue to.
The pad is not much bigger than 1CM!

On most windscreens, the dots are not painted and can't be removed without grinding away part of the glass.

The main purpose of the "dots" is to provide a rough surface around the edge of the the glass for the glue to glue the windscreen to the car body, they most definitely will not come away from the glass, they are part of the glass. On some cars they are extended to provide places for the mirror etc. to glue to.

Well on my 2015.5 S60, the lines can come off with a strong adhesive. So not sure you're wright about that one. I am not talking about the black sunvisor dots. I am talking about the rear defroster lines. Look at the image I posted from Viofo mounting the camera on their REAR GLASS on the defroster lines.. The rear camera is sitting the defroster lines and those will peel off with camera adhesive. Breaking the connection.
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