Another GPS Mount power issue

The first time I tried to remove my a119 from the GPS mount, it was REALLY stuck. I thought I was going to break the camera or the mount trying to remove it, but it eventually came off with a big snap sound. Nothing appeared broken, and now it goes on and off much easier.

The included string is not for removing the camera from the mount; it's for removing the mount from the glass.
The first time I tried to remove my a119 from the GPS mount, it was REALLY stuck. I thought I was going to break the camera or the mount trying to remove it, but it eventually came off with a big snap sound. Nothing appeared broken, and now it goes on and off much easier.
The included string is not for removing the camera from the mount; it's for removing the mount from the glass.
Same :) About string it is good to know.

Thanks for your testing, I will send a PM to you.
Regarding this "problem could be ribbon cable", someone discovered this issue before, but we don't think this is a common issue for GPS problem.

Thanks for your support.
Problem is solved.
This is the culprit: from hardwiring kit.
I took off dashcam, measure voltage on pins from GPS mount - and it was jumping 5-12V. Funny thing that my problem is not in GPS mount, but according to video acts the same.