[App] AFT 1.3.2 - Ambarella firmware editor (development paused)

I currently use AFT 1.3.2 and notice the program pops up with a dialog box showing there is a later version 1.3.3
What are the added improvements and where can I download the latest version please ?
I currently use AFT 1.3.2 and notice the program pops up with a dialog box showing there is a later version 1.3.3
What are the added improvements and where can I download the latest version please ?
Hi Matt, you can update in-app through "?"->"Update". It's just a very minor not really necessary update I pushed for a single user. It has something to do with the bitrate patterns.
@Tobi@s firstly, thank you for the answers.
Ambarella firmwares contain lots of "not needed"
so it means that among all those sets, only 1 set (and 6 resolutions (lines) are for my camera); that's logic.
Fourth parameter differs between static and dynamic bitrate. There are 3 possible values. Maybe the dev was lazy and just set the range to 1.0 - 1.0 and kept the dyn bitrate setting.
Either it's a flag (but two of them, to set CBR or VBR, should be enough ) or maybe it's used as a parameter to evaluate a fixed bitrate, or a dynamic range.
Maybe the fourth parameter is a flag and it defines some percentage (registered somewhere) +/- around the bitrate on the first line.
The bitrates read by MediaInfo 0.7.74 for two random clips:
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 17.2 Mbps
Maximum bit rate : 18.0 Mbps

Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 20.9 Mbps
Maximum bit rate : 18.0 Mbps

What do you mean by discrete bitrate values?
20, 18, 15, 12, etc. discrete data. Now it's clear for me: 1 line corresponds to 1 resolution and not all those bitrates are used on my dashcam.

The higher the value the higher the sensivity. ...The 0 in the bottom means that the light conditions in the dashboard area dont affect the brightness of the captured video.
I don't know; I thought the same but there is something weird for the moment. I built two profiles: all zeros, all 5 and here you have two photos (I cropped them; they are out of focus but that shouldn't be any problem):

  • The first photo is for the profile with all zeros and reading its meta I found: exposure time 1/7 sec, iso 400
  • For the profile with all fives, the readings are: exposure time 1/50 sec, iso 364
But I can tell you that my first dev device encountered some (2 or 3) bad blocks a few weeks ago
And approximatively how may writes it had ?

Also, another problem: I can't make a proper backup of my firmware. When I tried to install it, the dashcam didn't start anymore.
To make the backup I used:
rm a:/autoexec.ash
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:/backup.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup2.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp backup3.bin
rm d:/autoexec.ash

But none of them is good.
Strangely, at the same address the results are different:
For example at offset 800:
the original (firmware.bin)
9E 0A 0B DF 03 00 01 00 05 06 DF 07 00 08 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
C7 88 19 A9 16 6E DB E1 13 BF 2A 96 FE F0 3D 8D
DC 16 7A 85 83 C1 07 01 64 04 ED 91 9A 77 36 DB

at offset 240
the original (firmware.bin)
72 64 5F 66 6D 74 3D 6D 6F 76 5F 61 64 70 63 6D (rd_fmt=mov_adpcm)
all others (backup, backup2, backup3)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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@Tobi@s firstly, thank you for the answers.

so it means that among all those sets, only 1 set (and 6 resolutions (lines) are for my camera); that's logic.

Either it's a flag (but two of them, to set CBR or VBR, should be enough ) or maybe it's used as a parameter to evaluate a fixed bitrate, or a dynamic range.
Maybe the fourth parameter is a flag and it defines some percentage (registered somewhere) +/- around the bitrate on the first line.
The bitrates read by MediaInfo 0.7.74 for two random clips:
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 17.2 Mbps
Maximum bit rate : 18.0 Mbps

Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 20.9 Mbps
Maximum bit rate : 18.0 Mbps

20, 18, 15, 12, etc. discrete data. Now it's clear for me: 1 line corresponds to 1 resolution and not all those bitrates are used on my dashcam.

I don't know; I thought the same but there is something weird for the moment. I built two profiles: all zeros, all 5 and here you have two photos (I cropped them; they are out of focus but that shouldn't be any problem):

  • The first photo is for the profile with all zeros and reading its meta I found: exposure time 1/7 sec, iso 400
  • For the profile with all fives, the readings are: exposure time 1/50 sec, iso 364

And approximatively how may writes it had ?

Also, another problem: I can't make a proper backup of my firmware. When I tried to install it, the dashcam didn't start anymore.
To make the backup I used:
rm a:/autoexec.ash
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:/backup.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup2.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp backup3.bin
rm d:/autoexec.ash

But none of them is good.
Strangely, at the same address the results are different:
For example at offset 800:
the original (firmware.bin)
9E 0A 0B DF 03 00 01 00 05 06 DF 07 00 08 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
C7 88 19 A9 16 6E DB E1 13 BF 2A 96 FE F0 3D 8D
DC 16 7A 85 83 C1 07 01 64 04 ED 91 9A 77 36 DB

at offset 240
the original (firmware.bin)
72 64 5F 66 6D 74 3D 6D 6F 76 5F 61 64 70 63 6D (rd_fmt=mov_adpcm)
all others (backup, backup2, backup3)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
My guess on the two photos:
First one: Insensitive: It automatically gets brighter cause there is no "bright" spot in the measuring area.
Opposite for the second photo: All measure areas are very sensitive so it gets darker to still result in a good quality pic.

Could you upload the fw backups? Some cameras have trouble with baking up ROM partition and result in invalid backup binaries.

In addition to the nand write cycle: I guess I flashed it like 50 times and uploaded data via XMODEM many times as well... Something like 10 firmware updates shouldnt be a problem.
First one: Insensitive: It automatically gets brighter cause there is no "bright" spot in the measuring area.
Opposite for the second photo: All measure areas are very sensitive so it gets darker to still result in a good quality pic.
Then , maybe there is a parameter which is activated and controls this automatic sensitivity correction.

Could you upload the fw backups
rm a:/autoexec.ash
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:/backup1.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup2.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp backup3.bin
rm d:/autoexec.ash

It resulted the following backups:
- backup1.bin: https://copy.com/1irsFLxWra2koUWc
- backup2.bin: https://copy.com/ns9Js9o0cmqfY3TQ
- backup3.bin: https://copy.com/ImFgXr3FgJDPmWFp
- the original firmware: https://copy.com/GzbZG4eJHDVS01sB

Thank you. Unfortunately I do not understand programming. This firmware from the dashcam Dome G90-S.
What's strange once or twice PRI opened in the editor bitrate :confused:
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They added resolution strings in that fw version. I'll update the patterns soon. Do you still need help with the custom offset?
Thank you very much! I'll wait for a new version of your program.
Some cameras have trouble with baking up ROM partition and result in invalid backup binaries.
The problem is the header. I checked. I took the header from another firmware, built it, and it works.
Do you know if it's possible to extract a complete firmware by using some supplementary commands ? I tried savebin but I haven't succeeded. Also, maybe it's needed to boot the camera differently; I saw a hotboot.

Unfortunately I do not understand programming. This firmware from the dashcam Dome G90-S.
What's strange once or twice PRI opened in the editor bitrate
Following the advice of @Tobi@s, you can open the firmware 1138 like this (the old 785, which I'm using, doesn't need this offset) :
The problem is the header. I checked. I took the header from another firmware, built it, and it works.
Do you know if it's possible to extract a complete firmware by using some supplementary commands ? I tried savebin but I haven't succeeded. Also, maybe it's needed to boot the camera differently; I saw a hotboot.

Following the advice of @Tobi@s, you can open the firmware 1138 like this (the old 785, which I'm using, doesn't need this offset) :
Missing/invalid header indicates problems during backup.. I think I already checked that in an email convo with @Mtz but I don't remember the details atm.
Will have a closer look at your backups tomorrow. Hotboot is used to boot into bootloader/usbdl mode without reboot
Hello friends!
Using 4729696 bitrate editor opened.
I can not upload an image. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9fJw/uoqrkhtJ7
It will open in a way the firmware to work after editing the bit rate?
Another question. As the table (highlighted in red) to determine what data correspond to any bit rate and quality. 158 lines ...
Maybe my question is amateurish, but I want to understand.
Dear Tobi@s, is not possible in the following versions AFT add a column to the "bit rate"? Its content - resolution / frame rate / quality.
for such users like me. Make it easier to navigate and less disturb you.
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Hello friends!
Using 4729696 bitrate editor opened.
I can not upload an image. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9fJw/uoqrkhtJ7
It will open in a way the firmware to work after editing the bit rate?
Another question. As the table (highlighted in red) to determine what data correspond to any bit rate and quality. 158 lines ...
Maybe my question is amateurish, but I want to understand.
Dear Tobi@s, is not possible in the following versions AFT add a column to the "bit rate"? Its content - resolution / frame rate / quality.
for such users like me. Make it easier to navigate and less disturb you.
Yes it will work.

I'd add fps/resolution columns right now - but I don't know how to modify it :D
I cannot download the AFT?
why ? is it because your browser opens it as this
P¸k½ H£t3š#}#_ÿ4³êÞª¼(Ö{“Ì”ADž;vìØ(:ytuóMUù__ïðçOtêÔõ7Ùi¿¾|ÿüIt¢üÛÛ³¿¾€ö{™yß}ﻃ5E‘~'Ë’.ò¦*ÒTŸ?}þ$9øë‹WdP…:UVC©Óm1·

If so, use right click + Save link as, then change the extension from .txt to .jar.
Probably the best solution is @Tobi@s to place the .jar in a .zip archive.
hi guys,
I downloaded the firmware from Thinkware website for the F750, ive extracted the partitions and heres a link to the PRI file


the AFT program here doesn't recognise the bitrate tables so I went looking for myself in the hope to save you some time if someone else asks
I think the offset for them is

It looks about right but then again seems a little odd, I was also expecting to see a second table for the rear camera as although its mostly the same camera, it does produce videos with a slightly lower bitrate so again I cant be sure
the manufacture said that the maximum bitrate approx 10.7, I don't see that in this list tho

If you have any pointers, suggestions or can confirm that this is the right chap I'm all ears!

I can upload the full ROM if you like, just let me know!


edit, did it anyway, full firmware below


edit 2

I checked out some more of the file and ust before what I think is the bitrate table I found a list of resolutions, and there is indeed two tables within it, I was hoping to be able to match up the resolutions to the table but it seems that there is 112 resolutions but 167 in the table. I made sure AFT wasn't doing anything funky when searching for the tables and limited its search to 2682 without any difference. Thought I was on to something there but no luck.

Code: .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx .3.0.P. .2.1.:.9...............xx .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx .6.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.5.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...............
H.D.R. . .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9....... .6.0.I. .1.6.:.9............... .6.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .6.0.I. .1.6.:.9............... .6.0.P. .4.:.3.................xx .3.0.P. .4.:.3.................xx .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .6.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
H.D.R. . .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9.........xx .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .6.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.8.0. .6.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.8.0. .3.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx .6.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx .3.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx
9.6.0.x.5.4.0. .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.0.0. .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.3.6.0. .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .6.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .3.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .3.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
3.2.0.x.2.4.0. .3.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
3.5.2.x.2.4.0. .3.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9............... .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9............... .1.5.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.8.P. .4.:.3.................xx .2.4.P. .4.:.3.................xx .4.8.P. .4.:.3...................xx .2.4.P. .4.:.3...................xx .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .4.8.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .2.4.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.1.......................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.2.......................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.3.......................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .1.2.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .2.4.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
3.2.0.x.2.4.0. .1.2.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx .1.2.0.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .1.2.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .2.4.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .2.4.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .1.2.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx .2.5.P. .2.1.:.9...............xx .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx .5.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.5.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...............
H.D.R. . .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9....... .5.0.I. .1.6.:.9............... .5.0.P. .1.6.:.9............... .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9............... .5.0.I. .1.6.:.9............... .5.0.P. .4.:.3.................xx .2.5.P. .4.:.3.................xx .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .5.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
H.D.R. . .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9.........xx .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9.................
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .5.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.8.0. .5.0.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.8.0. .2.5.P. .4.:.3.....................xx .5.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx .2.5.P. .4.:.3...................xx
9.6.0.x.5.4.0. .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
7.2.0.x.4.0.0. .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.3.6.0. .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .5.0.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .2.5.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .2.5.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
3.2.0.x.2.4.0. .2.5.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
3.5.2.x.2.4.0. .2.5.P. .4.:.3.....................xx .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9............... .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9............... .1.5.P. .1.6.:.9............... .4.8.P. .4.:.3.................xx .2.4.P. .4.:.3.................xx .4.8.P. .4.:.3...................xx .2.4.P. .4.:.3...................xx .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .4.8.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .2.4.P. .1.6.:.9...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .4.8.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .2.4.P. .4.:.3.....................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.1.......................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.2.......................xx
P.h.o.t.o. .P.r.e.v.i.e.w.3.......................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .1.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
4.3.2.x.2.4.0. .2.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
3.2.0.x.2.4.0. .1.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx .1.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9...............xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .1.0.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx
6.4.0.x.4.8.0. .2.0.0.P. .4.:.3...................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .2.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9.................xx
8.4.8.x.4.8.0. .1.0.0.P. .1.6.:.9                 xx
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Hi all,

did anybody successful custom update of the GS90C from Banggood (http://eu.banggood.com/GS90C-Ambarella-A7LA70-DVR-FHD-G-Sensor-GPS-Dash-Cam-p-964493.html)?

- I've succesfull updated it's original firmware (1110) with the latest available (1138)
- The new 1138 firmware contains ugly screens for start-up/shutdown, so I decided to modify the firmware
- Using the AFT 1.3.2 I got the original files and replaced them with my own (720x480px, 72 dpi, jpg), just changed the size from about 15 kB to about 95 kB. The filesystem contains many other similar images i.e. Ambarella, Prestigio and many others.
- I've recompiled the firmware using AFT and did FW update process
My camera did proceed the update (stage 1/6-6/6, percents), but nothing changes - my settings are left unchanged, the ugly screens still here. Seems the camera denied the file for update
- I've used the AFT 1.3.2 again to check the newly built a7firmware.bin (renamed to firmware.bin), and everything seems to be ok - my files are here, everything other remains unchanged.

Can anybody help me with the camera FW update? Thanks