BlackVue Wi-Fi 2-Channel DR550GW-2CH

wozzzzza said:
niko said:
jokiin said:
Now we need to wait until Russians again will hack firmware and rising a bit-rate 8-) , but not sure how CPU will react on processing twice as much data, maybe can be overheating issues after rising a bit-rate.
but pittasuck might have learnt from this model to change their code so people cant hack it, then were screwed.
but if they do this they are only digging their own grave as I certainly am looking elsewhere but my funds don't permit anything else for a few months.

There is no lock in the world which can not be opened, and there is nothing hack-proof. It's just the matter of time when some Russian, or any other hacker will brake their code.
jokiin said:
wozzzzza said:
but pittasuck might have learnt from this model to change their code so people cant hack it, then were screwed.
but if they do this they are only digging their own grave as I certainly am looking elsewhere but my funds don't permit anything else for a few months.

I don't know that having a $300+ product that an end user then needs to use an unofficial firmware on to get acceptable performance from is a good business model, not sure who makes the decisions there but they seem to be off the mark for the last few products they've done, have seen a ton of feedback from end users and nothing they have done seems to have addressed the points that constantly get raised, a shame because I think they make nice looking product, looks aren't everything though

They have invested soooo much money into marketing, but letting down their reputation by not investing properly into R&D and still producing junk.
I think Pittasoft success can go up only after changing the Head of R&D department.
they should hire Mio. then they may produce some decent firmware for their half decent hardware.
I think in regards to the bitrates they are scared that there will be another DR400 epidemic of over heating units which i'm sure cost them quite a lot of money...

Unless they change the components inside or develop a better heat management system then they will never officially increase the bitrate.
B20RRL said:
I think in regards to the bitrates they are scared that there will be another DR400 epidemic of over heating units which i'm sure cost them quite a lot of money...

Unless they change the components inside or develop a better heat management system then they will never officially increase the bitrate.

I had an interesting conversation with someone from Pittasoft a few months ago, he was introducing the DR500W product and talked about the DR400 as having problems with overheating and some changes they had made because of that, I asked was the DR400 a deleted product as it had problems, he answered no, it was still current, I asked if they had changed something in the 400 to fix the problem, he said no, from that point forward I just really couldn't understand their thinking at all, things don't always go to plan and you can have problems with a product, I understand that, the general idea would be to rectify it or stop doing it

the TI solution is used by other Korean brands that don't seem to suffer the same issues so I'm not sure what others are doing that Pittasoft are not, they could certainly do better if they addressed some of the issues
How is bit rate the issue and not the components that pittasoft uses? I can use Samsung 8mp Camera to record BETTER videos and it doesn't get as hot as the Blackvue.

Heck, I ran a cheap ebay camera before and it didn't get as hot as the blackvue.

The current bit rate is crap and this thing still gets hot. So something is wrong here and it's not the "bit rate".
I absolutely agree with vbx.

There are some reasons (video quality, heat issues, bitrate, price) why I'm going to send my blackvue 500 back with a full refund.
I think the rep from blackvue said that high bit-rate is not the cause of heat.

I think they lowered the bit-rate for wifi only.

Heat is caused by something else, maybe poor hardware or poor hardware integration
WHat are some good alternatives since the PittySoft has heat issues?
Re: AW: BlackVue Wi-Fi 2-Channel DR550GW-2CH

Maybe DOD LS300W
bhuwan said:
WHat are some good alternatives since the PittySoft has heat issues?

I think Lukas LK-7900 ACE can be an alternative, based on current reports/reviews.
Looking forward to seeing this camera...

We did a little sneak peak video that we sent to some of our UK customers. Only a short snippet but gave them enough to get excited about.

Thought I would share it on here too :D
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Pretty nothing video, more like an advert..

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I've been on the fence buying a 500 for months. I want to see 12 MB/s and AEC (Auto Exposure Control) introduced into the official firmware. (that the Custom firmware has)

I got excited that the all new 550 might be the answer! I'm bummed to see initial reports show it's limited to only 6 MB/s bitrate. (WTF?) Please say it's not true. I'm looking forward to a full demo and video samples.

I'd also like to know the 550 supports 64gb / 128 gb cards.

The 500 only officially suports up to 32gb, and you have to use a special PC SD Format utility to get the 64gb card working.

So yeah I want either the 500 or 550 with 12 MB/s non-grainy, smooth auto exposure control (driving through shadows of trees) and native 64gb support! gimmie gimmie gimmie.

I'm fine with narrow or wide angle lens, what ever works best.
DR550GW is failure project from Pittasoft and not for 2013 dash cameras market. Maybe 1 year ago it would be a big hit, but not these days where consumer demands more advanced solutions like high bitrate.
niko said:
DR550GW is failure project from Pittasoft and not for 2013 dash cameras market. Maybe 1 year ago it would be a big hit, but not these days where consumer demands more advanced solutions like high bitrate.

I think they're limited by the TI platform, not sure if the Korean's will stick with this or move on, could be a problem longer term
I hope the firmware is written so it can dynamically adjust the bitrate of the primary camera bases on the presence of the second camera. So, if you choose to forego the secondary camera, I would hope for improved video quality.

I've been holding off for these next gen Sony imaging sensors, so I hope this 550 isn't held back by their desire to add this second camera.
When will the DR550GW be availabe... e.g. on eBay or other online shops?
Jest said:
When will the DR550GW be availabe... e.g. on eBay or other online shops?
It's available to buy for almost 1 month within Korean market.
You may contact any big Korean eBay seller of dash cams and ask them to list this dash cam on their eBay so you can purchase it.