Blurry Video, Mobius 2 D lens

I'm going to need a "longer", much longer, OTG > USB cable.
I'm going to need a "longer", much longer, OTG > USB cable.

I like that very much. Yes. Perfect. Better. Best.
Thank you.

Just HOW MUCH time do you think I would get from the Anker Lipstick?
We did a 7 hour trek with the Mobius 1 running all the time, and did not go through/use up, all 5 of the 820mHa batteries available.

And this will solve the dangers of swapping out batteries. And... can be used with both the Mobius & F1.


Well, if an internal 820mAh Mobius battery can give you about two hours of runtime, then a 3350 mAh Anker "Lipstick" or the PowerADD 5000mAh "Slim" should give you that much more (give or take) So, perhaps about eight hours for the Anker and twelve hours with the PowerADD. In actual practice it may be less and batteries lose capacity with age and use but you get the idea. (Actually, I'm not sure of the power requirement of the F1, I'm speaking of the Mobius 1 for point of reference.)

You shouldn't need an OTG cable. A good quality standard USB-A to mini-B cable will do (for power only, not to connect to cell phones) and you can buy them in virtually any length. I highly recommend Monoprice for USB cables. (Cheapest prices and best quality.)
You shouldn't need an OTG cable. A good quality standard USB-A to mini-B cable will do (for power only, not to connect to cell phones) and you can buy them in virtually any length. I highly recommend Monoprice for USB cables. (Cheapest prices and best quality.)

A bit confused.

I'm laughing because I don't know. But... isn't there only one input/output port on the F1 & Mobius 1?
And, assuming the F1 has the same, I would need this type of cable (what's it called?) to connect to the Mobius, and USB to the battery pack?

otg port.jpg
Got it. USB Mini Type B.

So... I would need a longer - from pocket to camera - cable with a Mini Type B to USB.

A bit confused.

I'm laughing because I don't know. But... isn't there only one input/output port on the F1 & Mobius 1?
And, assuming the F1 has the same, I would need this type of cable (what's it called?) to connect to the Mobius, and USB to the battery pack?

View attachment 44413

Yes, you want a USB-A to Mini-B cable.


You could also go for the beefier 24 AWG (power wires) version.
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Would you suggest purchasing the Anker instead of PowerADD. Because I already purchase the 5K PowerADD

Six of one, half dozen of the other. They're both good and come with lengthy warranties and decent customer service. ( You could get one of each and compare. Would be good to have the extra back-up on a trip.)
You could also go for the beefier 24 AWG (power wires) version.

I like beefier. But looking at the cable, not sure I'd like the heavier, thicker cable running up my back and neck.

And, what is this thing, that's not on the basic cable?


I have to stop.

Really!? Am I crazy?

At US$ 0.79, I just bought both.

Good job today. That stuff was great. Much appreciated.
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@zznoname , I wish I had the money like you because I am retired and on a tight fix income about $1100.00 a month and that has to pay my rent and pay all my bills plus food. Right now in Ohio it was -8 and I went to the store and then my car would not start to back home.
@zznoname ... car would not start to back home.

Sorry about your car. And, just to say... been there, done that.

It's not a competition, but the water would freeze in the VW van I slept in, and I never expected it would start before 11.00.

Agree. Money is precious. But shipping was the same and I only added 79 cents to the bill.

79 cents to turn off my brain. To stop scrutinizing every single detail.

I wasn't happy with the Mobius 1, D lens footage. Especially the shaky video, and lens distortion. But, it was more important to just get it working (actually, buy a new one - couldn't imagine it was a simple lens tweaking).

Now, I'm excited about the F1.

Sure, I've read about three sentences of reviews, and barely the description (anti shaking, 90 degree lens - I'm in!).

And threads in Dashcam Talk are sparse and seldom visited. With ZERO reviews on the Amazon page it was purchased from. Oh boy.

But the thought of the camera's potential is fun thinking.
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If it was me and I had a Mobius 1 I think I would buy new one A, B or C lens module but they all from China.

On Feb 9 I will be 71 and on Monday I had a Stress test and the Doctor told me I had heartattack but didn't know when.
On Feb 9 I will be 71


Lucky you. And Happy Birthday!

62 here, and hoping I make it to 71. I'll take another decade for sure.

If it was me and I had a Mobius 1 I think I would buy new one A, B or C lens module but they all from China.

But, but, but... the M1 is ancient.

Not sure how you use your camera, and stabilizing might not be a useful feature for a dash cam or aviation. But, putting the Mobius on a motor helmet, or walking around, sucks.

Maybe the F1 is a joke. But at $20. more, maybe the menu screen is helpful. And of course it's supposed to have super duper low light and HD capabilities (Ha! Like I know, still haven't read the specs). But soon, after I get the camera...

Thanks for your help today. It made a difference.
If you ever want to sell your Mobius 1 please let me know and if the price is right I might want it. If you go to RC Group you could send me a PM and my user name is jmdlcar same as here.
When come up with a price PM where I told you. It will have a good home.
It will have a good home.

I agree.

Nothing's going to happen until we get back. Feb 11 - March 25.
Sumatra, Orangutan Trek - CGK, Motor Riding - OKA, sit on as. Eat.
That OK but if you had a idea how much I could start saving because of my income problem. Just send quote to where I told you.
That OK but if you had a idea how much I could start saving because of my income problem. Just send quote to where I told you.

You tell me$.
When I think about it, it's probably worth so little (New M1 selling @ $60?) it's better to keep it till junk.

That's my MO.
Yeah. A bit of a pack rat.

I still have these analog cameras packed away.

Sony TRV DV Handycam
Canon XL-1
Sony VX3
a couple of other "small" ones I can't remember.

Not counting the still cameras (one dating back to 1972)

Sure wish I'd of sold them (especially the expensive ones) when they were still in play.

Having said that, there are still many XL-1's on EBay.
US$ 3000 > $125.

We'll see how it plays out. But yes, if the F1 is great, I'll be happy to part with the M1. And you'll be the first person, over at RC Group, I'll contact.
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