

There you go! :D
I see what you now mean, yes a bit like Neil Kinnock, rejected by the UK voters and went on to be something to do with transport legislation with even better pay that the UK prim minister and he was the best of a bad bunch the UK could pick from,

then when there was that EU whistle blower, blowing the lid on MEP’s fiddle, he was put in heading the inquiry, a bit like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop,

a very nice gravy train if you can get on it, all at tax payers expense, but the thing is we don’t put them there and can’t get rid of them, living a life of Riley,

edited to add: our friend Toni was hoping he got the EU presidency more money grabbing, very surprised he missed out on that as he’s pretty good at getting sniffing out where there’s money to be made

edited to add:

very pleased I didn't get any Euro's last week, but then I use N&P Visa card at ATM machines, no charge for drawing out Euro's in ATM's in any country world wide (more or less)
how is the Pound going against the USD? That's going to have an impact as a great deal of what gets imported will be paid for in USD
how is the Pound going against the USD? That's going to have an impact as a great deal of what gets imported will be paid for in USD

Using it is 1 USD = 0.75 GBP


1 GBP = 1.33347 USD
All well and good comparing Boris with Krusty, however, Boris warned us about Sharia laws...
He flipped on single market, he flipped on EU and UK citizens travel living restrictions already, he'll flip either and any way it's covienient or funny... as proper clowns do... irrelevant now!

The positive out of him being foreign minister- he has no real powers for nothing, he'll be blamed (his "persona") for all future failings in any dealings INTERNATIONALLY !!!! It is clever move by frigid May and his previous say in relation to Sharia ( let's be 100% clear)- nothing to do with Brexit or are of no relevance to his post.

Already, speculation thriving, that Britain is expecting free trade deal with US and Oz instead of EU... as if there is much market or possibility to be competitive with those, lesser taxed economies.

Most awakening to the lies and delusions projected, but are desparate for sensible solutions as infighting not going to solve nothing, but increase effects negatives, that Brexit will cause.

Article 50 is not invoked, as suspected, excuses are being produced daily, Britain as such is in danger of falling apart, whereas May is barking objection to Scott's second independency referendum ( as if she has much of power or right to)- all in all- signs of political drag, to cover and reverse on policies in order to hide incoming hardship.... and, I suspect, politicians and their cronies will move assets out of a country, whilst £ is in some sort "sustainable" rate.

If not political murder of Mrs Fox, referendum would have had bigger sway towards Brexit, but again and again and as before the actual referendum, I said- it's an exercise to hide economic downfall to come, where's politicians would've blamed Brexit....or resigned in timely manner.

The French fishermen are getting worried:
"If tomorrow we lose our historical access to British waters, that will sound the end of French fishing in Boulogne — the impact will be enormous,” said Bruno Margolle, head of the CME regional fishing cooperative.

"There is no fallback solution,” said Jean-Pierre Le Visage, director of Scapeche, operator of France’s largest commercial fishing fleet.

“It is too early to say if the Brexit consequences will be horrendous” but “if British waters are closed then we will lose 70 to 80 percent of our volumes” he said.

Le Visage said that at the Brittany port of Lorient, its main base, some 9,500 out of the 11,000 tonnes of fish it landed there were caught in British waters.

French trawlers could lose a lot: currently they can sail as close as six nautical miles (11 kilometres) to the British coast, while British ships can’t fish closer than 22 kilometres to the French coast.
Danish fishing is cut down to like 10%, at least if you count the number of boats.
Are you 2 serious? :/
Fish, stocks worldwide is no more than 20% of what it was 50 years ago. It's not about catching- about some sort of sustainability
I'm alright with it, fully understand the cut worldwide fishing do to stocks everywhere.
And i remember the old north Atlantic fishing wars too.
But i am not to blame i have not eaten a single fish since i was old enough to say "hell no" and go to bed hungry.
Just stating facts, not complaining about it, and the fishermen even got EU money to cut up their bots.
Are you 2 serious? :/
Fish, stocks worldwide is no more than 20% of what it was 50 years ago. It's not about catching- about some sort of sustainability
There is a sustainable amount that can be caught with good management of the stocks and the amount available for UK fishermen to catch will be a lot higher if we throw French and Spanish fishermen out of our waters instead of letting them catch most of our fish and take them home free of charge while keeping our own fishermen confined to port!

Seems that Boris has had to take a pay cut:
Meanwhile, Mr Johnson has stopped his weekly Daily Telegraph column now he has been appointed foreign secretary.

His spokesman said it "would not be appropriate" for it continue given his new role.

The ex-London mayor was paid just under £30,000 a month for the column.
Us little ppl get screwed over again.

BTW just heard Denmark is #1 happy nation again,,,,,,, wonder if prizes on dope have gone down :rolleyes:
BTW just heard Denmark is #1 happy nation again,,,,,,, wonder if prizes on dope have gone down :rolleyes:
Maybe in your press, but in our press you are 7th, and we are 44 to match our phone number.

USA is surprisingly high, they must really enjoy shooting each other!

Edit: Sorry, that was last year that my "last 24 hour" search found, Denmark is top this year, not sure where UK is.

Edit2: UK has jumped from 44 to 23 in 1 year - must be the result of Brexit :D :
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I'm talking about the latest UN happiness rapport.

But truth be told i don't know why i heard of it in the news today when the rapport came out in march 2016

Top 10 happiest nations
1. Denmark
2. Switzerland
3. Iceland
4. Norway
5. Finland
6. Canada
7. Netherlands
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. Sweden