
My news is reputable and known, yours are two tabloids known for xenophobia, racism, and anti-EU rhetoric (aka propaganda).

For those of us who were around in the 70s, we were signed up to a 'common market' without much agreement, it was yet another point in an election manifesto small print.
However, it was sold to the public as being the best thing since sliced bread by these very same racist, xenophobic, tabloids.
We were going to be so much better off in this common market because the playing fields would be levelled. Gone would be the days when it was cheaper to drive a transit down the country & across to France to stock up with cheap fags, booze, and fuel.
Of course, when the referendum came, we were still being given the wonderful new world spin.

Even in a world where we can now access shedloads of information, how are we to determine what is truth, lies or dribble?
Hardly a day goes by without someone forwarding dribble on facebook - easy to debunk with a simple google search - yet people are forwarding this stuff as real.
Little Tunde has months to live, liking a facebook page will, apparently pay for life-saving treatment!
Little masumbe is linked to tubes & wires. If she gets 10,000 likes and shares, the doctor will let her go home!

I'm now told that the £ is down to a 30-year low & it's all the fault of the Brexiters. Really?
I suppose the Brexiters were also to blame for the plunge 30 years ago when millions lost houses & money due to negative equity?

One of my sons is an estate agent, he hasn't noticed any decline in the housing market, Another son works for Toyota, they have reassured all their workers that they have no plans to move, in fact, they are still going ahead with their plans for expansion.
As for the job market in general, nothing much has changed there either, just about every job going is STILL zero hour contract or 15 hour contract. And these are such great jobs for the employee - NOT

"Years of EU bashing and ignorance has led to this endorsement of ignoring experts"
These so-called "experts" - would they be the financial experts who got us into the plop in the first place? How quickly one forgets the banking crisis where WE, the general public had to bail out the 'experts' - 'experts' who very quickly gave themselves a huge financial pat on the Christmas bonus for a job well done!
The same 'experts' who advised us all to invest in Icelandic banks for a better return? Yeah, that worked out really well for a great many of us.
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Just a thought, that I've read article about- EuroPol, European Arrest warrants, European Intelligence Agency are those to be upheld or abolished?

Not funny, when one thinks, that Britain would go back in to 70's, though population movements are of 2016...
Just a thought, that I've read article about- EuroPol, European Arrest warrants, European Intelligence Agency are those to be upheld or abolished?

Not funny, when one thinks, that Britain would go back in to 70's, though population movements are of 2016...
Well we are leaving the EU so we will also be leaving all of that, but I'm sure new agreements will be arranged fairly quickly, certainly for the intelligence. Not everyone is happy with the European Arrest Warrants anyway, especially any UK citizens arrested in the UK by foreign countries under foreign law with UK law having no say in the process, so maybe we will end up with a more normal extradition treaty - there is a lot of work to be done and it will take time.

Just a thought, that I've read article about- EuroPol, European Arrest warrants, European Intelligence Agency are those to be upheld or abolished?

Not funny, when one thinks, that Britain would go back in to 70's, though population movements are of 2016...
Why would Britain suddenly be thrown back into the 70s?
As long as we dont see a British version of the great Dutch tulip bubble of 1637 :rolleyes:

I am buying a lot of my sh--- stuff in the UK, and i would buy more if i could, and so many british shop wasent so arrogant and not want to sell things to Danes for some unknown reason.

I just hate when i found a good deal on somthing, then then i get "sorry we dont ship to Denmark" thrown at my face :(
I just hate when i found a good deal on somthing, then then i get "sorry we dont ship to Denmark" thrown at my face :(
If that is happening then the EU single market isn't working - time to leave!

Why would Britain suddenly be thrown back into the 70s?
In Spain alone there are estimated £3bn worth of UK criminals(and assets) hiding already (VAT fraud, murderers, time shares etc), only last year, assets (by Spanish) where seized of £3m and returned to UK

Thinking as in 70's each travel has been possible to scrutinize is simplistic, as ie I trade, dont pay no Tax'es today, tomorrow, I'm in Italy...
I know some ppl have put a lot of money in Spain, after all it is a transit nation for what those ppl make ther money on.
Wonder what those ppl will be doing when cash is ruled out in most of the world, mabe it get easier than transporting a suitcase full of bills south in a car.

If the UK is thrown anywhere its the ppl doing the throwing thats A-holes, i want the British to be the best they can be, even if they once stole my whole navy :D

Freaky EU havent done more about things like VAT fraud thats rampant all over the place, kinda suspicious if you ask me, its like they do everything else to draw ppls attention elsewhere.
Wonder what those ppl will be doing when cash is ruled out in most of the world, mabe it get easier than transporting a suitcase full of bills south in a car.
I can't see gold bars being removed as a currency for a long time yet even if cash does disappear completely in the next 10 years.

Haha that remind me of a episode of south park ( in-persuit-of-baby-fark-mcgee-zax )

What will humans not do for a crapload of space cash :rolleyes:

Not even a month later and the effects are starting. Now I'm assuming this will be the Brexiteers defence:

1) We knew we would take a hit but we'll be stronger in the future
2) Our economy is now re-alligning
3) Once we get the trade deals we'll be fine
4) EU is doing far worse than we are.

Now for point 4, economically we can argue all day, but lets argue politically...they like to go on about how this is the beginning of the end....well....

It's not scaremongering if what the experts predicted would actually happen...which well so far it has.

At the end of the day it comes down to this for the Brexiteers.
Rather than beat around the bush with terrible cartoon responses answer the question. Are you happy you have caused small businesses to go under? Are you happy that their families no longer have an income? Are you happy the pain you have caused them?

Answer those questions then we know where you stand.
I live in one town, commute to another & pass through a third town en route. I follow all three towns on social media as well as pages of local newspapers - and nowhere have I read anything about businesses closing.
Looking back over the last three months, three towns covered by two local newspapers, there is nothing about businesses closing. In fact, I read that Dunelm is opening a new outlet in town & both Lidl & Aldi are recruiting. Local recruitment companies still have plenty of unfilled vacancies on their books. A local garage, only set up a few months back, is looking for a couple of trained mechanics to join their team as they plan to expand their business, a new shop is opening which sells frozen yoghurt and another new shop opening selling bridal gowns (that's just in my little backwater) and there's been nothing said on social media about two local small towns where I like to shop (they have some great little curio type shops as well as vibrant market days).
The only thing I note is the high number of serious crimes - stabbings, shootings etc, but it's been like that for a while.
On the business page, according to "the experts", "Annual house price growth will rapidly slow down across major cities in the UK as the EU referendum impacts on the property market" (interesting because my eldest works at an Estate agent's and tells me they are unbelievably busy, he's on track to double his best bonus) whilst elsewhere on the same page, we are told "
Pensioners’ wealth soars £9bn in six months thanks to property boom
Britain’s home-owning pensioners have seen their cumulative wealth soar by £9.24 billion thanks to the strong housing market."
Our Farming journalist (who runs a local family farm) also tells how many farmers are supporting the brexit campaign.
from one of Joovuu's favourite newspapers:

FTSE 100 on brink of entering bull market – business live
Britain’s blue-chip stock index hits 11-month highs, as international firms benefit from cheap sterling
Latest: FTSE 100 index up 20% since February lows
Pound jumps as Leadsom quits leadership race

Just needs a bit of time to sort things out and get everything stable again, and maybe less time than expected since it looks like we will have a new Prime Minister very soon...
from one of Joovuu's favourite newspapers:

Just needs a bit of time to sort things out and get everything stable again, and maybe less time than expected since it looks like we will have a new Prime Minister very soon...

The companies on ftse100 don't really deal in GBP (read this article here: Look at the ftse 250 still down.

It's rallied today because May is now a leader and they hope it speeds up the process for withdrawing from the EU.

I hope stability returns, I really do. I hope we get the deal Norway have (no say, pay a lot of money, accept migration, and get access to the market) as this means business would be fine, but lets see. The big companies are still trading on hedged exchange rates, wait until Christmas.

I really hope I'm wrong. But so far the experts have been correct.

Oh and Nigel, do you support small businesses going under? Is that what you voted for? Is that what you wanted?

Can't answer the question?
Oh and Nigel, do you support small businesses going under? Is that what you voted for? Is that what you wanted?

Can't answer the question?
I don't understand why you are asking the question, you seem to be trying to imply something.

I've never worked for or owned large businesses, I have worked for and owned small businesses and also worked for the government, but clearly no sensible UK citizen wants any UK business, whatever size, to fail so your question seems a bit stupid. Of course businesses of all sizes fail every day and new ones are created every day, until you have a decent amount of data to analyse you can't draw conclusions on the effects of Brexit, especially as almost nothing has happened yet, we are still in the EU and still subject to all the EU rules, it will be quite some time before we see the real advantages and disadvantages, and there will certainly be some of each.

Not even a month later and the effects are starting. Now I'm assuming this will be the Brexiteers defence:

1) We knew we would take a hit but we'll be stronger in the future
2) Our economy is now re-alligning
3) Once we get the trade deals we'll be fine
4) EU is doing far worse than we are.

Now for point 4, economically we can argue all day, but lets argue politically...they like to go on about how this is the beginning of the end....well....

It's not scaremongering if what the experts predicted would actually happen...which well so far it has.

At the end of the day it comes down to this for the Brexiteers.
Rather than beat around the bush with terrible cartoon responses answer the question. Are you happy you have caused small businesses to go under? Are you happy that their families no longer have an income? Are you happy the pain you have caused them?

Answer those questions then we know where you stand.
The truth is, most didn't listen to conversations and concerns, they listened to clowns ...or didn't hear or understood.
Hence age has been big factor.
I been wondering if the UK guys now need a new election, the reason for thinking this is the following.

British politicians are proberly like Danish ones, this mean they do not like changes, and sue not change that hit them self.
And these guys have based a lot of their ideology on pro EU initiatives, and so now they completely have to reinvent them self, and thats not fun for pl like that.
So it seem a lot is now washing ther hands of this EU exit, even among the pro EU exit ppl.
There is nothing more harmfull to any country than old party entrenched politicians, they ruin everything and really should be banned.
I would prefer a democratic system where you vote for individuals instead of parties, actually political parties should be banned, there is no technical problem with individuals getting together on a single issue to solve it

Sure you can vote for a individual here, but that person is submitting to some partys point of view, and to a large degree i think this is what have stopped the world moving forward.

Anyway i hope there is new fresh forces that will throw them self at the challenges ahead ( as there allways is ) and i hope the old guard ppl will be kicked out so hard they wont hit the ground before they pass over Sheffield.
I been wondering if the UK guys now need a new election, the reason for thinking this is the following.

British politicians are proberly like Danish ones, this mean they do not like changes, and sue not change that hit them self.
And these guys have based a lot of their ideology on pro EU initiatives, and so now they completely have to reinvent them self, and thats not fun for pl like that.
So it seem a lot is now washing ther hands of this EU exit, even among the pro EU exit ppl.
There is nothing more harmfull to any country than old party entrenched politicians, they ruin everything and really should be banned.
I would prefer a democratic system where you vote for individuals instead of parties, actually political parties should be banned, there is no technical problem with individuals getting together on a single issue to solve it

Sure you can vote for a individual here, but that person is submitting to some partys point of view, and to a large degree i think this is what have stopped the world moving forward.

Anyway i hope there is new fresh forces that will throw them self at the challenges ahead ( as there allways is ) and i hope the old guard ppl will be kicked out so hard they wont hit the ground before they pass over Sheffield.
We elected our current government because they promised us the EU referendum, they now have to deliver before the next elections. Yes, there are people trying to get another election so that they can stop the Brexit, but that will not and should not happen. There are certainly people who don't like change but the government has a clear job to do and they have a reasonable majority so Brexit is sure to happen, plus UK people like a challenge and the government certainly has a challenge to work on so most of them will be very happy making their mark on history.

So it seem a lot is now washing ther hands of this EU exit, even among the pro EU exit ppl.
Some of the newspapers are saying this but I don't think it is true. Cameron wanted to stay in the EU so he is obviously not the person to lead us out, plus he was leaving anyway in 2 or 3 years so would not be able to complete the job, that is why he left. Boris probably wouldn't have won the prime minister position anyway so he was better off going for another job, I'm sure he will be back. Farage never wanted to be Prime Minister anyway, he just wanted to get us out of the EU, and he was in the wrong party anyway so couldn't have got into government even if he had wanted.

So we now have the 2nd iron lady who I'm sure will also be saying "no no no" to the EU just like the last one, but maybe not so publicly.

Even the most negative are changing their minds about Brexit now:
Siemens, Europe’s largest industrial conglomerate, has backed away from its earlier warnings that Brexit could make the UK a worse place to do business in and affect the group’s future British investment plans.

“We’re here to stay,” Joe Kaeser, Siemens chief executive, said in London on Monday. “The UK matters with or without being a member of the EU.”
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