Buffered Parking mode

First of all, I've never seen anybody sharing a beta version on this thread, that is if you're referring to the newest beta version. I do recall someone saying that not everyone can or should be entitled to have that version. Really?

Secondly, a lot of people would like people just to be quiet and wait 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or 6 months until Viofo gets around to fixing the problem. Well, I'm afraid that will not happen. Viifo needs to prioritize both sets of customers not just those who are going to be purchasing their new products.

Had Viofo not told me that they would be repairing this problem within a month, I would not have expected it to be fixed within a month. Although at the time, a month seemed reasonable. As I said before, I did not post once to this form during that period of time. And you will notice that almost one posted to this thread during that time.

And I just love the people who think they should be able to dictate who can or should be posting here.. too funny!!!

Please open your own thread about the G-sensor problem.(y)
Please open your own thread about the G-sensor problem.(y)

G-sensor is part of Buffered parking mode. If you don't understand that, I'm afraid no one can help you! - - Buffered parking mode only works half-way; motion detection works. G-sensor in "parking mode" does not work.

This is the place to contribute experiences, ideas, solutions and/or complaints. If you don't know how forums work, go ask your mom! - - Btw, notice how old64 commented that Viofo has deserted this thread. That's been a recurring practice with them, while members/customers try to figure out what's going on with the A129. - - "Customer service" works both ways: If you give good customer service, ie. reply to your customers in a timely manner, answer their questions and occasionally participate on forums that you know contribute to your bottom line sales, then others will hear about that. - - On the other hand, don't answer your customers' questions and stick your head in the sand while your customers are groping for answers and solutions, and others will hear about that too! - - This may not impact bottom-line profits for Viofo, and I don't really care. What's important is that "prospective customers know how Viofo rolls."
G-sensor is part of Buffered parking mode. If you don't understand that, I'm afraid no one can help you! - - Buffered parking mode only works half-way; motion detection works. G-sensor in "parking mode" does not work.

This is the place to contribute experiences, ideas, solutions and/or complaints. If you don't know how forums work, go ask your mom! - - Btw, notice how old64 commented that Viofo has deserted this thread. That's been a recurring practice with them, while members/customers try to figure out what's going on with the A129. - - "Customer service" works both ways: If you give good customer service, ie. reply to your customers in a timely manner, answer their questions and occasionally participate on forums that you know contribute to your bottom line sales, then others will hear about that. - - On the other hand, don't answer your customers' questions and stick your head in the sand while your customers are groping for answers and solutions, and others will hear about that too! - - This may not impact bottom-line profits for Viofo, and I don't really care. What's important is that "prospective customers know how Viofo rolls."

1.Buffered parking mode is working and it get triggered by motion sensor.
2.You are starting to be annoying,if you don't belive me ask your mom :)
3.You are messing up this thread with viofo's customer service bull****,when somebody will search some useful info on this thread will find a lot of your garbage here,I hope an admin will clean the thread up.
4.Like I told you before: Open your own thread about the g-sensor problem,but I doubt you will do it,because you afraid you will be alone there..:alien::ROFLMAO:

LE: I was polite with you,as you can see in the message you quoted me,but I think I was loosing my time...
TonyM mentioned that "g-sensor should be working in Buffered Parking Mode, but is not working".... I think everyone pretty much understands that.

And I have no clue when you came on board to this thread. As far as I can see, you have NOT provided anyone on this thread with any solutions or help as I have done. If you don't like what's being discussed, here, you can merely change the channel young man.
You are the only one here having no idea how a forum is working.You are messing all the threads you find complaining how bad the viofo's customer service is,just like a spoiled child.Just open your thread,that's it..Have a nice day/evening whatever your time zone is..
Oh,by the way,I'm watching this thread so Iike many I don't want it to be messed by you..
gabilonodo77, in your post above you said:
1.Buffered parking mode is working and it get triggered by motion sensor.
Could you please tell us how you have your a129 setup so this works for you? Thanks! Do you also have your G-Sensor working in buffered parking mode? I like Nigel stated above feel if we had a detailed instruction manual for our a129 dashcams it would be very helpful in instructing users in understanding how things are supposed to be set up and should work. I am not aware of such a document. If there is one I would appreciate someone pointing me to it. BTW I am aware of the the one on Viofo's site but I'm looking for something with a little more detail. If you could answer these questions for me I would appreciate it. I need all the help I can get because I'm sure not a :geek:.
Just seen Viofo reply to 4K or not?
So I asked about a reply to the A129 Bufferd Parking Mode issue!

And they sent this reply

I read that post 20 seconds ago before I saw your post.
Generally, I want to reply that ,but I thought someone will still not happy,so better to not reply if we are still working on that.
We have done some changes for the firmware and testing it now,but there are a lot of changes for G-sensor, so still need some time for testing and updating.

It's a pity they can't just give us an update, but I feel a bit more positive things may get sorted! Watch this space!!
Just seen Viofo reply to 4K or not?
So I asked about a reply to the A129 Buffered Parking Mode issue!

And they sent this reply

I read that post 20 seconds ago before I saw your post.
Generally, I want to reply that ,but I thought someone will still not happy,so better to not reply if we are still working on that.
We have done some changes for the firmware and testing it now,but there are a lot of changes for G-sensor, so still need some time for testing and updating.

Sdeel7491, Thank you for asking and passing this along to all of us!

@viofo thanks for making this information available. Sometimes just little pieces of information about what's going and reassurance that problems are actually being worked on can make a big difference in how customers feel. Any time we hear from you it's a good thing, whether it's good news or not quite what we want to hear. I hope this is the beginning of more posts/information from you! It has been said before that Viofo is one of the few companies (very few) that actually have a presence on this forum and for that we're thankful! We just like you so much we want to hear from you more often! :)(y) Just a couple lines like what you said above is perfect.
Have a great day!
Just seen Viofo reply to 4K or not?
So I asked about a reply to the A129 Bufferd Parking Mode issue!

And they sent this reply

I read that post 20 seconds ago before I saw your post.
Generally, I want to reply that ,but I thought someone will still not happy,so better to not reply if we are still working on that.
We have done some changes for the firmware and testing it now,but there are a lot of changes for G-sensor, so still need some time for testing and updating.

It's a pity they can't just give us an update, but I feel a bit more positive things may get sorted! Watch this space!!
Just had a reply from Bill Zhou .( The beta firmware that improves the G-sensor may be released next month.)
So we are looking at October maybe and no mention of motion detection issues !

Yes, that's the "exact same thing" he told me last month! - - I'll bet you the problems with the A129 Duo are NOT fixed by November 2nd, 2 months from now!

Bill Zhou wants you and the rest of us to get off his back so his engineers can give their priority to their new product (A129 Pro). This will be great for new sales and more revenue for Viofo!
Parking Mode G-sensor Testing

1) What is the purpose of the g-sensor in parking mode?

Are we trying to catch a hit and run that is not picked up by motion detection, or just a minor door bump? Is it realistic to expect a small device mounted on the windscreen to notice when the driver getting into the adjacent car opens his door too far? Can any other dashcam do this?

2) How should we go about testing the g-sensor in parking mode? How can we tell if it's working?

Obviously, I'm not going to start driving other cars into mine, or even opening my partner's car doors into my car. Is slamming my own car doors a realistic test? How about shaking the car? Does the 'frequency' of the motion make a difference?

3) Is there a better way to record events that happen outside the field of view of the front & rear cameras, such as continuous low bitrate recording, or installing side-facing cameras?
Parking Mode G-sensor Testing

1) What is the purpose of the g-sensor in parking mode?

Are we trying to catch a hit and run that is not picked up by motion detection, or just a minor door bump? Is it realistic to expect a small device mounted on the windscreen to notice when the driver getting into the adjacent car opens his door too far? Can any other dashcam do this?

2) How should we go about testing the g-sensor in parking mode? How can we tell if it's working?

Obviously, I'm not going to start driving other cars into mine, or even opening my partner's car doors into my car. Is slamming my own car doors a realistic test? How about shaking the car? Does the 'frequency' of the motion make a difference?

3) Is there a better way to record events that happen outside the field of view of the front & rear cameras, such as continuous low bitrate recording, or installing side-facing cameras?
All good points. I did test a little over the weekend with the g-sensor in parking mode. I use low buffered parking mode with the parking mode g-sensor set to default, which I believe is high, and the g-sensor was triggered when I shut the door fairly hard. I tried a couple of times and it triggered all but one. I did a short test the day before with Auto Event Detection mode and I could get the g-sensor to trigger when I tapped on the side of the camera with my phone (it has a rubber case). I didn't think to test it by shutting my door, but will try another time. I tested another A129 on my desk while in Auto Event mode (sensitivity on high) and could get the g-sensor to trigger fairly easy (by tapping on it with a Sharpie), though it did seem easier to trigger when the camera was not in screensaver mode, but that could have just been a coincidence. Just lifting the camera off my desk in a quick motion triggered it about half the time.

My tests don't really relate to real situations though. The door closing was probably the most realistic test, but how each car moves when it's door is closed will vary for every car. It's probably also a very different movement when my car is bumped into by another car. Maybe adding more sensitivity settings in the menu would be beneficial, then it may cover a wider range on vehicles. I think at some point though, we are adding, or asking for, too much complexity for a "small device mounted on the windscreen".
The door closing was probably the most realistic test
Except that we don't really want it filling up the memory card with locked files of every time a door is closed.

Maybe adding more sensitivity settings in the menu would be beneficial
Except that nobody will know what to set it to, and nobody will be prepared to crash vehicles into their car to find out.

What is the purpose of the g-sensor in parking mode?
Normally the visual motion detection will have already started recording, so the purpose of the g-sensor is only to lock files in the event of an impact.

If the car is hit from the side, then quite likely the visual motion detection will see the view change and trigger, but if you can trigger the g-sensor without moving the camera and thus changing the view then presumably it should trigger recording as well as locking the file.

Is there a better way to record events that happen outside the field of view
If you never see movement within the field of view then there is no point recording? Only thing you would record is the sound, but the sound alone will never identify a vehicle so is only useful if it is followed by video of a vehicle driving off which would trigger the visual motion detection and record the sound out of the buffer.

Does the 'frequency' of the motion make a difference?
I think it should, you don't want it triggering on busses passing by and the wind they create shaking the car. But it's very difficult to define the conditions it should trigger.
Parking Mode G-sensor Testing

1) What is the purpose of the g-sensor in parking mode?

Are we trying to catch a hit and run that is not picked up by motion detection, or just a minor door bump? Is it realistic to expect a small device mounted on the windscreen to notice when the driver getting into the adjacent car opens his door too far? Can any other dashcam do this?

2) How should we go about testing the g-sensor in parking mode? How can we tell if it's working?

Obviously, I'm not going to start driving other cars into mine, or even opening my partner's car doors into my car. Is slamming my own car doors a realistic test? How about shaking the car? Does the 'frequency' of the motion make a difference?

3) Is there a better way to record events that happen outside the field of view of the front & rear cameras, such as continuous low bitrate recording, or installing side-facing cameras?

Although many experienced users are using "low bit rate" parking mode, it requires the person to visually inspect their car frequently (perhaps daily); that's something I don't do and would not care to do.

My understanding of G-sensor is "any impact" (based on the sensitivity setting) will cause the g-sensor to trigger and save whatever video there is before and after the impact, as well as lock the file in the RO file (Read only). This seems to be an industry standard, ie., Thinkware Dash Cam... I would think/expect that our g-sensor would be very similar to theirs.

As it is presently, in buffered parking mode, I can vigorously shake the rear of my car (trunk area) 20 times or more and the g-sensor will not get triggered, even at the highest sensitivity setting. - - Ideally, even if there were only 3 or 4 settings, one could change the sensitivity of the g-sensor to suit their car and their personal preferences much like we can do in driving mode.
we don't really want it filling up the memory card with locked files of every time a door is closed.
Would it be OK if the RO folder is looped?
So then your memory card fills up with events like closing the door?
Just lifting the camera off my desk in a quick motion triggered it about half the time.
Lifting the camera will trigger recording based on motion detection. Did it also save to the RO folder due to the g-sensor activation?
Would it be OK if the RO folder is looped?

No, one would not want the RO folder to loop... in theory the RO is a small fraction of total SD memory. Let the regular data folder loop. There should be many hours of needless stuff in there.

In terms of g-sensor going off when the door is "slammed"... I don't slam my car doors and normally those who drive with me don't slam my doors either. So, I'd prefer the g-sensor to go off if there's an impact that seems like a slam to my car. Even if there are a few false positives occasionally, no big deal.