Buffered Parking mode

Most existing customers are very happy to have the best video quality available in their reasonably priced cameras that have all the important features!
And most forum members know that a firmware update will arrive once the current issues are well resolved and any new features have been added, they always do arrive, sometime take a bit of time, but they do arrive.

Why don't you use the superior Low Bitrate Parking Mode instead, since with that the g-sensor works as you are demanding? Many other people are and are happy with the results.


You raise a good point about low-bit-rate parking mode working with g-sensor. Have we confirmed that it does indeed work in that mode? I'm going to try it a bit later. If that works, that can hold me over for the 2 or 3 more months that it will take Viofo to correct the problem in "buffered parking mode". If Viofo would have taken the time to have someone spend 3 hours to update their manual for the A129, there would not be such confusion as Joe384, others, and I have about g-sensor and low-bit-rate parking mode. One would think if it were a viable work-around to g-sensor not working in "buffered parking mode", all the "experts" here would have mentioned it time and again...???

Incidentally, there are quite a number of people posting here on this thread who are "not satisfied with their A129 Duo": Old64, captneric, sdeel7491, EGS and Me. For every person who has taken the time to post their dissatisfaction with the A129Duo, there are probably dozens or more people who are equally dissatisfied.

And as one person said on another thread recently (I believe it was Sdeel7491), he assumed everything was just perfect with the roll-out of the buffered parking feature/firmware. - - Those who kowtow to viofo's lackluster customer service and have remained "silent" about the problem with the A129 Duo I feel did a disservice to him and other new customers.

Oh well, now we all know the problem, and we know it's going to take forever to fix; but this will "no longer be kept a secret" for the benefit of prospective dash cam buyers.
One would think if it were a viable work-around to it not working in "buffered parking mode", all the "experts" here would have mentioned it time and again...???
I thought they had, but maybe not directly in response to your posts since your confrontational style of posting is not conducive to obtaining helpful advice ;)

Very well said!!! And you're right, "nothing has changed" with Viofo!!! Same old, tired excuse from @viofo: "need more time for testing and updating." This was their excuse over a month ago, and so they're sticking with it!!!

Hopefully, people will get the message about how Viofo is treating their "existing customers". Btw, I assume this is the biggest/best dash cam forum in the word. (I believe they advertise it as such.) - - Does anyone know which forum is #2 and #3?
YouTube is quite powerful and useful tool to get the point across.
I thought they had, but maybe not directly in response to your posts since your confrontational style of posting is not conducive to obtaining helpful advice ;)

Okay, how about old64's query for help using the "nice-guy approach"??? :rolleyes: (attached) - - No one, no even the clown he directly asked, replied to his very nicely worded question. - - That's the problem with this place. Many people are more concerned about "helping @viofo", rather than "helping customers with valid questions/probems". And I certainly don't mean to discount the help provided by individuals on this thread...

Incidentally, look at all my original posts to this forum. They were all respectful and I've reached out to help people when I could. - - I only became bitter when I found out that Viofo didn't give a crap about us existing customers. It's funny how something like that changes one's outlook!!!

And btw, do you even know if what you said about g-sensor in low-bit-rate parking mode working is true, or do people like Joe384 have to wait even longer for something that should have been clearly communicated by now?


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Okay, how about old64's query for help using the "nice-guy approach"??? (attached) - - No one, no even the clown he directly asked, replied to his very nicely worded question. - - That's the problem with this place. Many people are more concerned about "helping @viofo", rather than "helping customers with valid questions/probems". And I certainly don't mean to discount the help provided by individuals on this thread...

Incidentally, look at all my original posts to this forum. They were all respectful and I've reached out to help people when I could. - - I only became bitter when I found out that Viofo didn't give a crap about us existing customers. It's funny how something like that changes one's outlook!!!

And btw, do you even know if what you said about g-sensor in low-bit-rate parking mode working is true, or do people like Joe384 have to wait even longer for something that should have been clearly communicated by now?
The only clown here is you.Just have a look at your very respectful posts you have(attached).Just look at my message which you have quoted,that's respectful.And you answer sending me to ask my mom bla bla bla..Everything started from this post.I don't like to argue with people on forums,but you asked for it..Half of your posts are not helpful at all,just complaining about viofo not answering.In forum language you are a troll..


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The only clown here is you.Just have a look at your very respectful posts you have(attached).Just look at my message which you have quoted,that's respectful.And you answer sending me to ask my mom bla bla bla..Everything started from this post.I don't like to argue with people on forums,but you asked for it..Half of your posts are not helpful at all,just complaining about viofo not answering.In forum language you are a troll..

Old64 directly asked you in a "very nice way" a couple of questions. - - I knew you would not answer him because it's not your style to help people on this thread. Your mission is to "help Viofo", period. As recently as a week ago, I offered help to Joe384 on this thread, while you just spew your nonsense! Here are Old64's questions again in case you feel compelled to reach out and help him; although that is "very doubtful"!


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    No Reply from Anyone from Guy Using Nice Guy Approach.JPG
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I have my own thread here where I have discovered a firmware bug on A129 Duo,a bug which is present since day 1 when the dashcam was released,your camera have this bug too..Finally viofo answered and they promised to come with a fix,so I patiently wait for the fix,I'm not making circus show here,because I know this things take time.The problem can be in SDK from the chipset manufacturer so maybe is not in viofo's hands,they have to wait for updated sdk.If you look on your posts you always atacked,I just answered to your cheap atacks.Take your time and read my thread to see which is the other bug of your camera..I think my thread is very helpful for the comunity.

I'm quite aware of Viofo's answers to the A129 Duo dash cam prolems. Well over a month ago, they told me it would be fixed within a month. "I waited patiently and did not post here during that period of time". - - And when I communicated with Bill Zhou/Viofo after that time about the delay, he said he had "no idea when the problem would be fixed". - - Recently on another thread he said, "give us another month for more testing". Btw, he also pointed out to me that their priority at this time was with their new product, the "A129 Pro". That will of course mean more revenue for Viofo!!! - - So, yes everyone needs to sit back and wait months more for a solution "as this all takes time".

Of course you "speculate" that the problem "...can be in SDK from the chipset manufacturer so maybe is not in viofo's hands..."; the fact is you don't know, but are just offering more excuses for Viofo. Anyone can do that! - - In fact, Viofo comes up with excuses on their own!

And I guess you have decided not to reply to Old64....that's no surprise at all to me!
As somebody also said,I suspect that you have 3 accounts on this forum,that's why I'm not answering..So this is the last time I'm wasting my time with you here,I have better things to do..I also apologise to all colleagues here for messing up the thread.
I'm sorry, I apparently missed something, or didn’t get there?
This is a technical forum or a forum for housewives, where they come to cry in a vest and someone needs to wipe snot? Guys, well, that won't work.
What constructive steps did this gentleman offer besides insults and malicious attacks on members of the forum?

And is the main purpose of dash is the Buffered parking mode?

And why users can not support Viofo, besides Viofo, there are too few representatives on the forum who would like to hear about problems with dashcam and try to solve them.
"I waited patiently and did not post here during that period of time"
So what? If you have been deceived - sue, you do not need throw out your discontent here.

Buy another dash, in the end, just keep this bile with you.

Or do you like to shout louder and then you should be heard? Here on the forum are simple enthusiasts, don't forget about it.

Write your complaints to Viofo's mail.

...or scatter leaflets on the streets so everyone can find out what kind of junk Viofo produces

PS: Everyone knows that the worst animal is a mad donkey,
because it bites indiscriminately

PPS: I apologize, but someone seems to forget that here is just a forum for exchanging experience in owning dashcams and discussing problems and finding ways to solve them, and confrontation and attacks are inappropriate.
Present your claims with official channels; here nobody owes you anything.
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If i was this dissatisfied with a product or company, I would either return it (if possible), sell it, or give it away to someone and buy something different and move on with my life.

Just saying

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
If i was this dissatisfied with a product or company, I would either return it (if possible), sell it, or give it away to someone and buy something different and move on with my life.

Just saying

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I can't return it. I've spent to much time waiting patiently and now I'm past the return window! I can't sell it. No-one seems to want it. Maybe you know someone who would be willing to pay a fair price for one? Anyone looking for a good used Viofo a129 Duo? Just patiently waiting for a fix or update. Will be here soon! This makes no sense to me. I can't afford to give it away!
I see you at least got some likes from a couple of fellows that think it does! :rolleyes:

Just saying
You can sell anything on Ebay, even old busted crap! LOL

My A129 works for what I expect it to do. Like I said earlier, Buffered Parking Mode wasn't a feature when I bought it and it wasn't a deal breaker that it didn't have it. I ran it using low bit-rate parking mode. When they announced new firmware would be implementing buffered parking mode I said to myself, "oh, hey, that's a nice feature for them to add." I understood that it might have a few bugs and would eventually get worked out, but I didn't buy it for this feature, so I'm not all upset about it like some are. I'm sure many on this forum look at it the same way.
You can sell anything on Ebay, even old busted crap! LOL

My A129 works for what I expect it to do. Like I said earlier, Buffered Parking Mode wasn't a feature when I bought it and it wasn't a deal breaker that it didn't have it. I ran it using low bit-rate parking mode. When they announced new firmware would be implementing buffered parking mode I said to myself, "oh, hey, that's a nice feature for them to add." I understood that it might have a few bugs and would eventually get worked out, but I didn't buy it for this feature, so I'm not all upset about it like some are. I'm sure many on this forum look at it the same way.
Well said. I am exactly on the same boat as you.

I am normally a lurker reading the forum to learn a thing or two unless I have particular question, and kind of skip reading all those annoying whiner's posts.

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk
I've spent to much time waiting patiently...
Just patiently waiting for a fix or update.
What wonders do you expect from this parking mode?
Remember that Dashcam is not an outdoor video surveillance/ CCTV camera, and you will be extremely disappointed with the results when this buffered mode starts working. Just from experience with cars, I know that the most unreliable function in a car security system is a shock sensor, which most often cannot be configured as needed. And this despite the fact that this sensor is placed in a separate unit, attached directly to the car body and has two knobs for fine manual tuning.:unsure:
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I've been keeping parking mode off after finding out my 2.5 year old battery is a bit on the weak side, seems like a common issue with Acura and Honda OEM batteries. I turned on the parking mode tonight for some testing, it's firmware 1.9, set to auto event detection, parking mode g-sensor to high, motion detection to low,. I opened the car door and it triggered g-sensor and that 45 seconds of video went into RO folder. wait some few minutes, closed door shut with a bit of force, again it put that video into RO folder. seems like to be working, how do you guys test and determine it's not working?
I turned on the parking mode tonight for some testing, it's firmware 1.9, set to auto event detection, parking mode g-sensor to high, motion detection to low,. I opened the car door and it triggered g-sensor and that 45 seconds of video went into RO folder. wait some few minutes, closed door shut with a bit of force, again it put that video into RO folder.
Good to hear a report from someone that the g-sensor is working in buffered parking mode (in addition to @CaptureYourAction )

how do you guys test and determine it's not working?
By doing exactly the same thing as you. Perhaps the issue is not firmware, but hardware related?
I turned on the parking mode tonight for some testing, it's firmware 1.9, set to auto event detection, parking mode g-sensor to high, motion detection to low,. seems like to be working
If you have time, please can you post a full list of your camera settings, so that we can try the same settings and see if our cameras work like yours? You might have found a particular combination that works, which could unlock a conflict somewhere in the firmware options.