Buffered Parking mode

No, one would not want the RO folder to loop... in theory the RO is a small fraction of total SD memory. Let the regular data folder loop. There should be many hours of needless stuff in there.
there are a couple of options with the RO folder, you allocate a generous limit to the number of files and still allow it to loop, you don't let it loop and once it reaches the limit it no longer saves files in the RO folder, you don't set any limit and the card fills with locked files and then no longer records anything

have a think about each scenario and it should be clear which choices are better and why
For the record, my car door did not slam. It did close a little harder than normal.
1.Buffered parking mode is working and it get triggered by motion sensor.
2.You are starting to be annoying,if you don't belive me ask your mom :)
3.You are messing up this thread with viofo's customer service bull****,when somebody will search some useful info on this thread will find a lot of your garbage here,I hope an admin will clean the thread up.
4.Like I told you before: Open your own thread about the g-sensor problem,but I doubt you will do it,because you afraid you will be alone there..:alien::ROFLMAO:

LE: I was polite with you,as you can see in the message you quoted me,but I think I was loosing my time...
I think you got your facts twisted and probably you are mistaken the G-sensor with your G-spot if you know where that is... Don’t try to be a primadonna and allow others to cast their opinions and contributions to the forum. G-SENSOR is related to the buffering parking mode and it is quite fair to talk about it in this thread
1) Do we want the g-sensor to be triggered by normal opening and closing of our own car doors?

2) Do we want the g-sensor to be triggered by normal opening of someone else's door into our car? Not slammed, but with enough force to scratch the paint and leave a small dent.

Can our A129 tell the difference between them?

If not, what type of parking incident are we trying to capture, and how can we test the sensor in advance for this incident? Is slamming the door a good enough test - to represent anything stronger than a normal closing door?
1) Do we want the g-sensor to be triggered by normal opening and closing of our own car doors?

2) Do we want the g-sensor to be triggered by normal opening of someone else's door into our car? Not slammed, but with enough force to scratch the paint and leave a small dent.

Can our A129 tell the difference between them?
I think what some of the Korean cameras do is not apply the parked G-Sensor settings until some time after the parking mode has been activated so that you have time to get out of the car, slam your doors etc before the more sensitive option takes effect, it's only a matter of a few minutes delay
I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm wasting my time waiting for Viofo to make my A129 Duo just work in Bufferd Parking Mode using the motion and G-sensor settings

Do you think Viofo would give me a trade in against one of there cameras that dose deliver Bufferd Parking Mode !But do they make one yet?

Or is time to bite the bulite and look for one that delivers Bufferd Parking Mode!
Although many experienced users are using "low bit rate" parking mode, it requires the person to visually inspect their car frequently (perhaps daily); that's something I don't do and would not care to do.
No, if the g-sensor is triggered by an impact then the current file is put safely in the RO folder, so it currently does what you want the event buffered mode to do, only difference is that the buffered video is written to card continuously instead of only when motion is detected, and so if you check regularly you are guaranteed to have everything, if you don't check regularly then depending on the amount of movement in the field of view you may find more or less video recorded in the loop compared to event mode that doesn't always record but when it does uses more bitrate.
If you never see movement within the field of view then there is no point recording? Only thing you would record is the sound, but the sound alone will never identify a vehicle so is only useful if it is followed by video of a vehicle driving off which would trigger the visual motion detection and record the sound out of the buffer.

I agree, I am not bothered by g-sensor in buffered parking mode myself.
If someone knocks my car, chances are the motion detection will catch them leaving or arriving and I will hear something picked up by the microphone.
If someone approaches the car from the side then the cameras won't pick them up anyway so there is nothing to capture.

I understand some people want the g-sensor to be triggered on door impacts and have them saved in the ro folder but this is going to be impossible to get right without lots of false positives.

I check my car every time I get back to it, it only takes a moment to check alongs the sides for dents. If buffered parking mode (using motion detection) worked without bugs (people have had issues where it randomly stops recording events) then I would use that except at the moment I can't rely on it so have to use low bit rate (and review tons of footage if the inevitable happens)
Would it be OK if the RO folder is looped?
If you assume that the events in the RO folder are important then the only difference is if you lose the oldest or newest. Personally I would prefer to lose the oldest since they are likely to be of less importance than the most recent.

So yes, I would like the RO folder to be looped, and to have a maximum size rather than a fixed size like on the B1W since generally the most recent recordings are the most important.
No, if the g-sensor is triggered by an impact then the current file is put safely in the RO folder, so it currently does what you want the event buffered mode to do, only difference is that the buffered video is written to card continuously instead of only when motion is detected, and so if you check regularly you are guaranteed to have everything, if you don't check regularly then depending on the amount of movement in the field of view you may find more or less video recorded in the loop compared to event mode that doesn't always record but when it does uses more bitrate.

So does the g-sensor work in low bit rate mode? And will it save in the RO folder? (I am so confused now!)

If something happens and the g-sensor doesn't detect it, I still have to review all the footage though?
So does the g-sensor work in low bit rate mode? And will it save in the RO folder? (I am so confused now!)

If something happens and the g-sensor doesn't detect it, I still have to review all the footage though?
Several people have confirmed that the g-sensor works in low bitrate and does save to the RO folder. Of course there is still an argument about how sensitive it should be.

Yes, if you find some damage in the morning then you may have to listen to all the video from overnight! Hopefully this event is extremely rare and could be improved by using a video editor that lets you filter out the sections with zero movement within the image.
For the record, my car door did not slam. It did close a little harder than normal.
So @CaptureYourAction triggered the g-sensor a few times by closing the car door a little harder than normal. @StrayCam , myself and others cannot trigger the sensor by slamming the car door at all.

Can we learn anything from that? Is there much variance in the sensitivity of the hardware used in these g-sensors?

What if the Viofo engineers are testing beta FW on a camera that is triggered as easily as CYA's camera? Perhaps that's why they released the FW, thinking that it is working?
I think you got your facts twisted and probably you are mistaken the G-sensor with your G-spot if you know where that is... Don’t try to be a primadonna and allow others to cast their opinions and contributions to the forum. G-SENSOR is related to the buffering parking mode and it is quite fair to talk about it in this thread

1.The g-sensor detects an impact and locks that video file,so you don't have to check all the footages,you easily find the one that contents an impact to your car,so this will trigger the buffered parking mode if this is activated.Also any movement in the front of the cameras will trigger the buffered parking mode if is activated.So the main g-sensor utility is to find quickly that footage if somebody hit your car and is not the only trigger for buffered parking mode..I think that you can understand now..
2.Go back to your cave and discover your G-spot :cautious:
3.Read all the posts and you will understand why I told him to open his own thread about the g-sensor problem.
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So @CaptureYourAction triggered the g-sensor a few times by closing the car door a little harder than normal. @StrayCam , myself and others cannot trigger the sensor by slamming the car door at all.

Can we learn anything from that? Is there much variance in the sensitivity of the hardware used in these g-sensors?

What if the Viofo engineers are testing beta FW on a camera that is triggered as easily as CYA's camera? Perhaps that's why they released the FW, thinking that it is working?
When I have some time I will try to test with a couple different cameras and see if the is any noticeable difference.
I'm with @StrayCam , @Old64 and @EGS !
I've been away from this forum for about a month now believing @viofo would've had their new firmware available by now fixing the G-Sensor in Parking Mode. Now I'm back and seeing nothing has changed.

Reading some comments here, it would seem that some think consumers, who have paid their hard-earned money on a device they were lead to believe would work as advertised, should just be quiet, sit down and be happy with what they got and god forbid we don't upset the manufacturers! Without these customers purchasing these dash cams, manufacturers will be out of business. Make your customers happy by listening to them, especially the existing ones who have bought your products already, otherwise they will turn away. I have already turned away from DOD and Thinkware and @viofo will be next for me if they go down the path of the previous brands I've mentioned. We shouldn't be dictated by manufacturers or businesses who sell half-baked products with high price tags to just put up with it and don't make a fuss. Make a good product, listen to your customers, give them what they paid for and word of mouth will make you more money than any advertising will
1.The g-sensor detects an impact and locks that video file,so you don't have to check all the footages,you easily find the one that contents an impact to your car,so this will trigger the buffered parking mode if this is activated.Also any movement in the front of the cameras will trigger the buffered parking mode if is activated.So the main g-sensor utility is to find quickly that footage if somebody hit your car and is not the only trigger for buffered parking mode..I think that you can understand now..
2.Go back to your cave and discover your G-spot :cautious:
3.Read all the posts and you will understand why I told him to open his own thread about the g-sensor problem.
♂️ here you go again.
Well, when I purchased my camera 5-6 monghs ago, buffered parking mode wasn't a feature, so I'm not getting all bent out of shape if they're still trying to iron out a bug in it.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Well, when I purchased my camera 5-6 monghs ago, buffered parking mode wasn't a feature, so I'm not getting all bent out of shape if they're still trying to iron out a bug in it.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

When I bought my A129 Duo, they said they had it already, and they DID NOT! - Viofo put out a broken firmware 1.9 (Non-Beta) that they said would be ready for showtime for Viofo A129 customers. - - Well, I guess if the showtime is "comedy", then yes it's ready....

Virtually everyone knows that Viofo is giving their new product A129 Pro their priority. - - As I've said, I'll bet this problem lingers beyond two months (Nov. 2nd)... Why do I feel that's going to happen? - - I've seen, "as a brand new customer", not one of the industry insiders or beta testers, how responsive Viofo is to their existing customers...that is, "Not at all responsive!!!"
I'm with @StrayCam , @Old64 and @EGS !
I've been away from this forum for about a month now believing @viofo would've had their new firmware available by now fixing the G-Sensor in Parking Mode. Now I'm back and seeing nothing has changed.

Reading some comments here, it would seem that some think consumers, who have paid their hard-earned money on a device they were lead to believe would work as advertised, should just be quiet, sit down and be happy with what they got and god forbid we don't upset the manufacturers! Without these customers purchasing these dash cams, manufacturers will be out of business. Make your customers happy by listening to them, especially the existing ones who have bought your products already, otherwise they will turn away. I have already turned away from DOD and Thinkware and @viofo will be next for me if they go down the path of the previous brands I've mentioned. We shouldn't be dictated by manufacturers or businesses who sell half-baked products with high price tags to just put up with it and don't make a fuss. Make a good product, listen to your customers, give them what they paid for and word of mouth will make you more money than any advertising will


Very well said!!! And you're right, "nothing has changed" with Viofo!!! Same old, tired excuse from @viofo: "need more time for testing and updating." This was their excuse over a month ago, and so they're sticking with it!!!

Hopefully, people will get the message about how Viofo is treating their "existing customers". Btw, I assume this is the biggest/best dash cam forum in the word. (I believe they advertise it as such.) - - Does anyone know which forum is #2 and #3?
Hopefully, people will get the message about how Viofo is treating their "existing customers".
Most existing customers are very happy to have the best video quality available in their reasonably priced cameras that have all the important features!
And most forum members know that a firmware update will arrive once the current issues are well resolved and any new features have been added, they always do arrive, sometime take a bit of time, but they do arrive.

Why don't you use the superior Low Bitrate Parking Mode instead, since with that the g-sensor works as you are demanding? Many other people are and are happy with the results.