Buffered Parking mode

Has anybody tried this FW ?

I flashed this firmware.. Done the reset pin, then formatted sd card. Then I stopped recording and went through the settings... Auto Event Dectection, Parking mode G-sensor high, parking move motion sensor low, put Wifi to 5Ghz plus some other bits.

As I came out the menu though the Wifi Icon with the timer popped up but is stuck there. Rec light (left) is solid on. Audio light (right) is solid on. Wifi light (middle) is off.
I tried power cycling it and the wifi icon still comes up and is stuck there. Tried the reset pin but it is still there when it powers up. None of the buttons have any effect (except for making a beeping sound)

I might try to reflash the firmware but if I still have issues I'll probably go back to v1.5 for the time being. I did turn on GPS even though the mount is still in the car. Could this be the cause?

Ok, just reflashed, reset pin and format card. Working ok so I went in to the Menu and just set Wifi to 5Ghz (no other settings). Backed out of Menu (Left most button?) and getting the same issue, Wifi icon stuck on screen (it normally flashes up briefly)
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I flashed this firmware.. Done the reset pin, then formatted sd card. Then I stopped recording and went through the settings... Auto Event Dectection, Parking mode G-sensor high, parking move motion sensor low, put Wifi to 5Ghz plus some other bits.

As I came out the menu though the Wifi Icon with the timer popped up but is stuck there. Rec light (left) is solid on. Audio light (right) is solid on. Wifi light (middle) is off.
I tried power cycling it and the wifi icon still comes up and is stuck there. Tried the reset pin but it is still there when it powers up. None of the buttons have any effect (except for making a beeping sound)

I might try to reflash the firmware but if I still have issues I'll probably go back to v1.5 for the time being. I did turn on GPS even though the mount is still in the car. Could this be the cause?

Ok, just reflashed, reset pin and format card. Working ok so I went in to the Menu and just set Wifi to 5Ghz (no other settings). Backed out of Menu (Left most button?) and getting the same issue, Wifi icon stuck on screen (it normally flashes up briefly)
We recommend not use Wi-Fi for parking mode.

Is there any necessary to keep the Wi-Fi always on? We plan to disable Wi-Fi in parking mode automatically in the parking mode.

For Wi-Fi stuck, you can try to flash this loader first before you upgrade the firmware.

Just copy the loader file to the sd card then power on the camera, if the camera turned on means the loader is loaded.
We recommend not use Wi-Fi for parking mode.

Is there any necessary to keep the Wi-Fi always on? We plan to disable Wi-Fi in parking mode automatically in the parking mode.

For Wi-Fi stuck, you can try to flash this loader first before you upgrade the firmware.

Just copy the loader file to the sd card then power on the camera, if the camera turned on means the loader is loaded.

I don't normally have wifi on all the time, I just use it occasionally to check footage (I turn it on, then turn it off after I have finished using it)

I've also noticed if I don't touch the wifi in the menu and just try to turn it on by holding the right most button, I get a similar issue.
The wifi icon stays on the screen, but this time the left most light is flashing, middle and right solid on.
If I power cycle the camera it boots up with wifi off and works ok again.
Wi-Fi is creating no problems in this firmware.

I tried it last night and this morning. I found an issue with the ACC trigger to enter parking mode, and the parking g-sensor was a bit too sensitive on High setting.
Looks like the g sensor issue solved? Could be good for those who wanted sensitive g sensor while others can set to medium?
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I found an issue with the ACC trigger to enter parking mode
There is no issue with the ACC trigger. Viofo have introduced a 3 minute delay between the ACC signal and the camera entering parking mode. Apparently this helps to solve a camera restart problem.
There is no issue with the ACC trigger. Viofo have introduced a 3 minute delay between the ACC signal and the camera entering parking mode. Apparently this helps to solve a camera restart problem.


So kind of like if using the 2 wire power kit and /or having the 3 wire kit plugged into the gps mount?

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

So kind of like if using the 2 wire power kit and /or having the 3 wire kit plugged into the gps mount?

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
That is not a bad thing!

If I stop at the red lights and turn the engine off to reduce CO2 emissions then I don't really want the camera to go into parking mode, cars are still going through the junction fairly quickly so a decent bitrate/no timelapse is good. (And in some countries it is a legal requirement to turn your engine off at a red light to reduce polution.)
The 3-minute delay has only appeared in that particular FW version that Viofo posted on another thread. All the others I have tested in recent months had an immediate switch to parking mode, which I prefer.

I thought it was best to highlight the change so users know what to expect, even if I don't agree with it myself.
That is not a bad thing!

If I stop at the red lights and turn the engine off to reduce CO2 emissions then I don't really want the camera to go into parking mode, cars are still going through the junction fairly quickly so a decent bitrate/no timelapse is good. (And in some countries it is a legal requirement to turn your engine off at a red light to reduce polution.)
Do you shut the entire car off at redlights, or just the engine (accessories still on? Lights, radio, etc?)

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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Do you shut the entire car off at redlights, or just the engine (accessories still on? Lights, radio, etc?)

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
With some cars you have to turn the accessories off, otherwise you can't restart the engine. And the lights are independent.

Also, on restarting the engine, with all cars the accessories turn off while cranking, a delay to entering parking mode prevents two gaps in footage (entering and leaving parking mode) just as you set off across the junction (probably the most risky part of your journey).
Well then, you're sitting at the redlight with the engine (and camera) off, someone hits you. Camera shuts off with ignition and doesn't enter parking mode for 3 mins

The gaps would be very minimal. The HK3 kit puts the camera in shutdown mode when cranking, so it's still on but saving the file to the card. Then the engine starts a couple seconds later (unless you have to crank you car excessively to start it) and camera starts recording again

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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Well then, you're sitting at the redlight with the engine (and camera) off, someone hits you. Camera shuts off with ignition and doesn't enter parking mode for 3 mins

The gaps would be very minimal. The HK3 kit puts the camera in shutdown mode when cranking, so it's still on but saving the file to the card. Then the engine starts a couple seconds later (unless you have to crank you car excessively to start it) and camera starts recording again

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
You've got that wrong!

With the update and HK3, if I stop at a red light and remove the key (which I would never do), the camera will continue recording normally for 3 minutes, then enter parking mode only if I haven't restarted the engine by then. (At least that is how I hope it works and is how I would like it to work!)

And the gaps, while they may be minimal, are critical. It does not take a couple of seconds cranking to start the engine, my guess is that I engage the clutch about 0.2 seconds after starting to crank the engine and by 1 second I am passing the red light, and since we have an orange "start your engines" light before the red goes out, I generally pass the red light as it goes out if I am first in the queue. I don't have a Mclaren but remember that some cars can be doing 100Km/h in 3 seconds and the startup time for the dashcam to start recording is longer than that!
There is no issue with the ACC trigger. Viofo have introduced a 3 minute delay between the ACC signal and the camera entering parking mode. Apparently this helps to solve a camera restart problem.
A-ha! I just installed that FW and was about to report that it's not entering parking mode at all! Thanks for the heads up!
You've got that wrong!

With the update and HK3, if I stop at a red light and remove the key (which I would never do), the camera will continue recording normally for 3 minutes, then enter parking mode only if I haven't restarted the engine by then. (At least that is how I hope it works and is how I would like it to work!)

And the gaps, while they may be minimal, are critical. It does not take a couple of seconds cranking to start the engine, my guess is that I engage the clutch about 0.2 seconds after starting to crank the engine and by 1 second I am passing the red light, and since we have an orange "start your engines" light before the red goes out, I generally pass the red light as it goes out if I am first in the queue. I don't have a Mclaren but remember that some cars can be doing 100Km/h in 3 seconds and the startup time for the dashcam to start recording is longer than that!

Oh, so when the camera is on/running and you shut car off, the camera still runs for 3 minutes before entering parking mode? That makes more sense. I thought it took 3 minutes to boot into parking mode, like a boot delay, where it would be off for 3 minutes before starting up into parking mode.

My HK3 ACC wire is wired up the the RAP (Retained Accessory Power). On a GM vehicle, it is when you shut the car off, all the accessories (radio, power windows, sunroof, etc) still work for 10 mins or until the drivers door is opened. So my A129 stays in driving mode until I open my door. This also allows me to reach up and hit the power button to shut it off when home and parked in the garage, after shutting off the car but before getting out, and keeps it from entering parking mode for a few seconds before shutting it off.

I believe if I shut the car off and sit there a minute or two with the RAP still powering the camera in driving mode, then start the car again, the camera keeps recording and doesn't get interrupted. I'm pretty sure, but I'll have to try it later tonight.
OK, I tested FW 1.9T and it looks good. The G-sensor is doing its job again
@TonyM - you said the G-Sensor is too sensitive in High sensitivity mode. I would like it even more sensitive than that in parking mode! For example, in my Civic, slamming the door doen't trigger the sensor, but it does it when I enter the car. With current sensitivity, a shopping cart hitting my car will not trigger anything.
I'd rather have the G-Sensor as sensitive as possible, than miss a hit event!
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I tried that 1.9T firmware over the weekend. I couldn't get the g-sensor to start a recording while in parking mode. I closed the doors rather hard and even hit the inside of the windshield with the palm of my fist. Don't know. My vehicle is a tank though...lol
I've given the new firmware a crack too. Only a few little issues but thankfully the main one has been worked out (atleast for me) where are a couple hours it just stops actually recording/saving to the SDCard in "event parking mode" even though the camera is showing all the signs of recording.

Here's what ive found with my testing.

1: Camera no longer switches to parking mode (with a properly wired 3-wire hardwire kit) when turning off the car, it "waits" the minute or 2 of no movement before switching.
Going back the other way (parking mode to driving mode) is fine, as soon as i switch the key on, it changes over a few seconds later.

2: In event parking mode the camera doesn't "keep recording" at the end 30 seconds if somethings moving, it stops then starts another 30 second video.
This means theres a lot of "doubled up" video from the buffered mode (ie 15 seconds from the previous 30 second video). Wheres realistically isn't it supposed to just keep recording up to your preset loop length? (ie 1,3,5 minutes/etc)
Just wasted card space but atleast its all getting recorded even if it is twice.

3: General movement sensitivity is still a little low (aswell as gsensor, which is better, mine will go off if the car is rocked ie, sitting/getting in it but not really from impacts).
I had it parked facing a few friends who were sitting/not moving and chatting, it'd only trigger if one got up or made a significant movement, things like moving arms/hands didnt trigger it to start recording again.
I mean again not a massive letdown it just leaves gaps in the recordings sometimes. Really seems like you get lots of doubled up video, or you get small gaps.

All in all though, big step in the right direction, feeling like i can trust event mode enough to leave it on constantly now! rather than leaving it in low bitrate mode
I've given the new firmware a crack too. Only a few little issues but thankfully the main one has been worked out (atleast for me) where are a couple hours it just stops actually recording/saving to the SDCard in "event parking mode" even though the camera is showing all the signs of recording.

This is one of the issues that I had, good to know progress is being made.

No one has had any wifi issues then? Maybe I will do some more testing if I get time to make sure I am not doing something stupid.
OK, I tested FW 1.9T and it looks good. The G-sensor is doing its job again
@TonyM - you said the G-Sensor is too sensitive in High sensitivity mode. I would like it even more sensitive than that in parking mode! For example, in my Civic, slamming the door doen't trigger the sensor, but it does it when I enter the car. With current sensitivity, a shopping cart hitting my car will not trigger anything.
I'd rather have the G-Sensor as sensitive as possible, than miss a hit event!
Yes, I have to close my door very firmly to trigger the g-sensor. However, at other times, I noticed there were g-sensor triggered events in the middle of the night when nothing happened. This occurred perhaps 4 or 5 times overnight. If the sensitivity was set any higher, I fear there would be too many false-positive event recordings.