Card Read error on 50% of startups


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
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I haven't seen much in the way of people having Card Read errors while using the stock memory card, but wanted to see if there were any known fixes other than replacing the card. I managed to trigger it daily when leaving from work (it works when I head to work in the morning, park in a garage and start up after work to a card error). After the card error, I just reboot press the power button, reboot the dashcam and it ends up working.

I've tried formatting in the dashcam and I'm pretty sure I'm on the latest firmware. Is it just a bad card?

Any insight/help is appreciated.
Alright, thanks for the quick responses, will roll back to the older firmware asap.
thanks, apologies for the inconvenience, not the kind of end user experience we want you to be having

make sure to reset defaults, format the card etc when done and let us know how you get on, there are known issues in the version you've been running though that would trip it up