COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Puritan Medical Products said it will have to discard the swabs, a company spokeswoman told USA TODAY in response to questions about the visit.
It is not clear why the swabs will be scrapped, or how many.
potential contamination I would think, they're not going to suit up for a medical grade production facility as part of a factory tour/photo op
Nobody is going to want to use the swab he is picking his nose with!


Only needs a tiny fragment of virus DNA on the swab to create a positive test result, so they would have had to clean out all the air in the factory after the visit, and then clean the floor since the visitors were not wearing the "plastic booties" and hair nets that the staff were, hence losing a whole day of production at a time when there is a shortage of the product.
Got to wonder why he'd visit the place knowing that production was going to have to stop on a much-needed product just to let him prance in front of media cameras once again :eek: Were it me I'd not want to do anything detrimental to that production- pics can be taken in the front office too ;)

I don't want unarmed Cops by default such as is the norm in GB. That just cannot be made to work here for numerous reasons. And (directed at Nigel) the UK does have and used armed Police who have killed innocent people- it's just that they are kind of like our SWAT teams who are only called in when necessary, but neither do I want Cops to be taking their gun out of it's holster until it really must happen. I don't want Cops to unnecessarily risk their lives, but neither do I want them to risk the innocent lives of others by preparing to shoot when that's not necessary.
A little perspective:

Deaths caused by law enforcement officers:
United Kingdom
United States

We had a terrorist problem in 2016-2017, the police killed them all and we went back to normal, then some more came with knives last year so the police killed them too. Remember this is all deaths, not shootings, and our police only shoot to kill and always seem to succeed, so the numbers are also a close match to the number of times firearms are actually used in UK.
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Those Americans so competitive, and so glad to be wayyyy ahead of the pack, sure hope they dont pull a "Armstrong" on us. ;)

Here it is mostly cops getting killed, a few years ago a cop getting off work was gunned down with a .22 stolen in a gun club by some snot faced punk with a grudge.
the number of people killing other people greatly outnumber what the police here are able to do, TBH i wish they would shoot and kill some more, plenty of idiot targets here.
Oxford vaccine trials:
The trial is continuing to recruit healthy adults aged between 18-55, with the remit widened to include all hospital staff and primary care staff and other key workers, while also beginning to recruit a cohort aged between 56-70 years from any profession, who are working (not from home) and in good health. If you would like to find out more or volunteer to take part, you will find more information here(link is external).
I think it is the first time a US president had any thoughts about us on our constitution day, needless to say the Greenland "question" are also mentioned :)
This is the reason Trump wants to set up in Greenland. It will be the base for his Arctic Fleet of super duper nuclear powered icebreaker missile ships:

Though why he needs icebreakers when his environmental policies will result in there being no ice up there by the time he has completed the fleet is a mystery!
There is every hope that we won't have Trump issues to handle much longer, but I do not have any hope that his replacement would be any better; only different with different issues to contend with. It seems that America no longer produces people of appropriate character and morality for this office anymore, and hasn't done so for a long, long time :cry:

There is every hope that we won't have Trump issues to handle much longer, but I do not have any hope that his replacement would be any better; only different with different issues to contend with. It seems that America no longer produces people of appropriate character and morality for this office anymore, and hasn't done so for a long, long time :cry:

I still don't understand why his party is not replacing him with a candidate that has a chance of winning the presidential election! It's not too late, but soon will be. Until you change the way you select them, you haven't got much hope of getting a good one. Currently only people who are good when constantly in front of the microphone and cameras have a chance, doesn't matter if they are impossible to work with, have zero understanding of science or business, and zero qualifications; and they have an advantage if they constantly tell lies and tweet 200 posts per day! That doesn't select the right sort of person.
There is every hope that we won't have Trump issues to handle much longer,
He is not going to leave the White Fortress even if he looses; this is just the start: "the Trump campaign sent a cease and desist letter to CNN demanding they apologize and retract a poll showing former Vice President Joe Biden leading by a wide margin"

"A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. "

The biggest problem with masks is seen almost every time a TV reporter is speaking to camera, they constantly use their hand to reach up to their nose and adjust the mask. Touching the mask to adjust it transfers their covid-19 particles that they have breathed onto their mask directly onto their hands, they then touch other things, thus spreading the virus over everything they touch, when without the mask the virus they breathed out would mainly end up on the ground. Then other people come along and touch the handrails/door handles/etc, pick up the virus on their fingers, then adjust their own mask, transfering the virus onto the mask just in front of their nose ready to be breathed in. There is also a false sense of safety produced by the mask, which leads to worse isolation, which probably has significant negative effect.

Still nobody has done a decent scientific study to show if masks work or do not work, or if they actually make things worse. It is perfectly clear that masks are not required, countries that are not using them see similar infection/death curves on the graphs as the countries that are, maybe rather better curves, but of course there are so many factors that affect the curves that you can't put a cleaner curve down to a countries lack of use of masks.
A new Danish antibody test have been very successful in rats, even watered down 5000 X it still work ( 2000 X is good ) and it have a +98% accuracy
Human testing are starting up soon.
The mask studies done so far indicate that they do fairly well in preventing virus transmission, and may offer some protection with virus reception. Thus, their real effectiveness requires that everyone use them (properly) without exception.

Proper mask usage is simple and easy for anyone, but it requires that you not do what seems and feels natural to do (adjusting the mask) which makes it hard to learn and do. You must stay focused on avoiding improper use techniques until that becomes natural to you, and that takes different amount of times for different people. My molded 'dust mask' gets adjusted with the inside of my elbow as needed since that isn't going to be touching anything else.

I have not worn mask since i was a painter.

I do like how some asians even before covid used masks when sick to not infect others ( well i assume that's the reasons ) that's very nice and really what all people should do.

On the other hand if we dont get regular exposure to some things, this also throw a spanner in the works, i think i read somewhere that problems like that are already a thing as society today are much more sanitary than in the old days, and they had a suspicion that was among other things the reason more and more people have allergies and skin diseases - respiratory deceases ASO
I have not worn mask since i was a painter.
Decent painting masks have a valve in that lets all your virus out to infect others, totally ineffective at protecting others!
The valve generally forms the air into a jet of virus particles that carries further than normal!
More so the mask i used for painting as it was a over-pressure mask, so any germs of mine was constantly being spewed out into the environment.
Not sure with these kind of masks, but other masks used for when working, well in Denmark there is a maximum on how long you can use one such mask.

I think even a simple dust mask that are much similar to what some use for covid, well it should have a max limit here too, under normal circumstances at least, this covid seem to say FU to a lot of rules and human rights here and around the world.
I think even a simple dust mask that are much similar to what some use for covid, well it should have a max limit here too, under normal circumstances at least, this covid seem to say FU to a lot of rules and human rights here and around the world.
The dust masks need a limit because they are going to grow bacteria and fungi after a bit of use, carry on using them for days and you could end up in hospital with infected lungs without ever having encountered covid-19!

Best way to avoid infection is to keep your distance, and not gather indoors, plenty of ventilation if you do gather indoors.
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THIS ! in not the part of Denmark you want to visit.

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