COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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In the meantime, Untied Kingdom case infection rates, COVID hospitalizations and death rates have all gone parabolic!
New infections are on the way back down again since the day before lockdown :)
Maybe USA should try a lockdown too?
The UK death rates continue to skyrocket, now the highest is Europe despite the arbitrary and capricious manipulations by the Johnson administration cutting off the criteria for recording a COVID death at 28 days after a positive test.

The remarkable thing about this is that the UK government literally admits to this scam on their official web site! This is astonishing!

Deaths count marches higher!
Of course deaths trails infections, that will start to drop in a few weeks time.
England is 12% down on infections over 7 days.
And don't forget that deaths always increase at this time of year:

Of course deaths trails infections, that will start to drop in a few weeks time.
England is 12% down on infections over 7 days.
And don't forget that deaths always increase at this time of year:

View attachment 54046

It is quite remarkable how you repeatedly try so hard to put a happy face on what by all accounts is a very dire situation in the UK.

First it was an alleged herd immunity that lead to your claiming the "epidemic being over for us". Then it was alleged false positives. Then you ended up with the highest per capita death rate in Europe! Now you act as if a small dip in infection rates is a major triumph as if you are not still in a long predicted major spike that is not yet over, and which you denied was even going to occur.

Before you criticize other nations Nigel, regardless of each nation's handling of the crisis good or bad you should take a long look in the mirror.
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Before you criticize other nations
I didn't, just made an observation that in the USA millions are partying in the streets on the day following their record 132,540 infections in one day.

Entirely their own choice and no reason anyone outside the USA should criticise it.



I didn't, just made an observation that in the USA millions are partying in the streets on the day following their record 132,540 infections in one day.

You're not making an "observation", you are trolling, just like you do on a nearly daily basis.

Where do you come off feeling entitled to be so smug and condescending towards Americans celebrating a hard won election victory considering the sorry state of affairs in the UK? The denial and propaganda you immerse yourself in regarding the behavior of the British people in the face of the current COVID situation in your country is truly mind boggling.

All across the US people are celebrating a historic election victory and are doing so peacefully and responsibly while wearing masks. These are the very same people who braved a pandemic to go out and vote during this election. As it stands now, nearly an estimated 145,000,000 people voted in this election cycle, many millions of them in person despite the risks. That's more than twice the entire population of the UK!

Where you look down your nose at the people in the US celebrating an election, yet completely choose to ignore the appalling behaviors of the British people who in the face of the highest death count in Europe during an inevitable massive second coronanvirus wave? Starting in July, you've had Quarantine Raves, Airbnb parties and crowds of rowdy, out of control revelers filling the streets to the point of shutting down traffic with mobs of unruly drunks throwing paving bricks and beer bottles at policemen, seriously injuring some of them!

And even as recently as 6 days ago this ghastly behavior is still going on after five months! It's like you are a society of entitled alcoholics who feel like it is ok to behave as irresponsibly and selfish and destructive as they please!

Nothing remotely like this happens in the US.

We Americans are not too damned interested in hearing your "observations" about the peaceful, sober and COVID responsible election celebrations people are enjoying considering the reckless and appalling behavior of the citizens of the Untied Kingdom.









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Too late! :ROFLMAO:
Well, since it is USA, it has another 3 months to party :love:

(Unlike the UK where we tend to change PM's in around 12 hours of the polls closing :cool:)
Well, since it is USA, it has another 3 months to party :love:

(Unlike the UK where we tend to change PM's in around 12 hours of the polls closing :cool:)

Still trolling I see.....

So, how's things going with Brexit these days? Not too good I understand. Yesterday on the news, it was reported that to date as of Friday, 73 major corporations have moved their operations out of the Untied Kingdom due to Brexit. ;) Smaller companies fleeing the UK are too numerous to count!
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Well, since it is USA, it has another 3 months to party :love:

(Unlike the UK where we tend to change PM's in around 12 hours of the polls closing :cool:)

BTW, how is it that you are still troll posting to the forum after 2 AM? You've been logged on and posting to the forum throughout the day since early yesterday morning as you do everyday. Maybe get a grip and pursue other meaningful endeavors with your life?
The civil disobedience thing i was at today, well it started at 22:00 when bars close, and OMG that place in my birth town was packed like herring in a barrel.
And the protest, well after 5 minutes the cops was there, and i was the first one to buy a beer with them present, and only 3 more followed suit and then the guy stating the protest / selling the beer got arrested.

But all those drunk people :rolleyes: one guy took a head-dive off a bridge crossing the river but the phone call he was on he carried that on lying on the ground on his back.
I am soooooo happy i gave up on that "juice" long ago.
And even as recently as 6 days ago this ghastly behavior is still going on after five months! It's like you are a society of entitled alcoholics who feel like it is ok to behave as irresponsibly and selfish and destructive as they please!

Nothing remotely like this happens in the US.

Have seen Portland or Seattle lately? What about the countless Trump rallies?

It seems that there are idiots in all countries :rolleyes:
Yes that trait are sadly a universal one, although in some areas of the globe it do run a bit thicker.
While my head going left and then right in rapid succession are often triggered by far and away events, then i tend to focus on my local issues which are more than enough, and surely the only place i stand a chance to make a change.

And while i do welcome outsiders kicking the smug Danes down a notch or two, then others are not as happy about comments from elsewhere.
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The protests here have been mostly peaceful save for a few getting themselves arrested and a couple incidents where the Cops got out of hand. Most were BLM protests. Given the history of SC and the South US in general, it may seem odd but we don't have much racial discrimination here in public areas or in the cities, but in one or two small towns and in many rural areas you don't have to look far to find it, sometimes rather openly. It's dying off slowly here but mostly dead already :cool: Up north and out west where racial discrimination wasn't tolerated historically is where the problems seem to be now. My theory on this paradox is that down here we've been forced by6 the Federal government to deal with it so we have, while the other places are taking this on for the first time so they are experiencing now something like what we went through 40-50 years ago.

We had some overly-large illegal gatherings in private and semi-public places, but there are no restrictions on them anymore. Yet still these are now smaller and few, and are mostly the younger adults who want to get out and party :cautious: They are being somewhat careful but not as good as they should be doing, and a lot of them are still avoiding crowds just as they should (y) We're still a hot-spot State with lots of cases but about half of us are still taking this very seriously, and about half of the rest somewhat seriously. Seems like only about a quarter of the people just flat don't give a rats backside about the pandemic and in public it's usually easy to spot and avoid them :sneaky: All I can speak of is the Upstate area; I haven't been to or kept up with the other places including our tourist spots. And the local economy is very good right now which also helps keep things peaceful and happy here.

What is needed world-wide is a full assignment of personal responsibility for everything a person does. Before being granted the rights, privileges, and freedoms of adulthood everyone should have to do a year like West Point Military Academy Cadets do where you follow orders immediately without question and where the only words you are allowed to speak are "Yes Sir", "No Sir", and "No Excuse Sir". Those who survive that first year intact are all mature and responsible adults when it's over, and that is the kind of people the world needs today.

I must admit i have been looking for live feeds on youtube, for the WFT moment, but so far i have not found anything worth looking at.
But Trump is a "lame duck" now ( learned something last night ) so the big ? is, what is he going to do now, the norm is pardoning people in prison ASO.
Have seen Portland or Seattle lately? What about the countless Trump rallies?

It seems that there are idiots in all countries :rolleyes:

The people in Portland and Seattle are protesting against civil injustice and racially motivated police brutality. Despite the violence the news media likes to focus on, most of the participants have been wearing masks and the majority of protesters around the nation have been peaceful and COVID responsible.

The Trump supporters have indeed been very irresponsible as they have been led to believe by Donald Trump that the coronavirus pandemic is either a hoax or simply not a serious threat to their health so they don't feel a need to socially distance or wear masks when they gather at campaign rallies.

While I agree with you that there are idiots in all countries, there is an important distinction here that you seem to be ignoring.

The civil rights protestors, the Trump campaign rally attendees and the people out in the streets celebrating a historic election victory are engaged in acts of civic political expression.

This stands in very stark contrast with the Brits who have repeatedly engaged in self-indulgent, irresponsible, reckless acts of debauchery and drunken revelry often ending in violent behavior towards police officers.
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Have seen Portland or Seattle lately? What about the countless Trump rallies?

It seems that there are idiots in all countries :rolleyes:

The Trump campaign rallies have been estimated to have caused 30,000 new infections and 700 deaths. For anyone seeing video of these events this comes as no surprise.

Interestingly, there is no evidence that the civil rights protests in Seattle, Portland or elsewhere have caused any sort of spike in coronavirus infections.
Save for those pre-disposed to violence, most of the protesters here are socially responsible people, and with the better-organized protests there have been pleas for the participants to social distance and use masks to help show that about them (y) and many also have free masks on hand for those who want one.

My 'big' city nearby usually has several street festivals through the Summer and Fall but those were all cancelled this year. Folks here understand the necessity for that anjd also know they will return next year once the pandemic runs it's course. Just saw news where the Pfizer vaccine should be 90% effective and is almost finished with the trials so in a few more weeks we should be on course for bringing this sad chapter of life to a close.

Also saw where Europe is isolating from Denmark due to the mink mutation, and where Germany is locking down again. Their rise in cases is tied to a lessening of cooperation from those becoming infected with contact-tracing; apparently giving that information is voluntary there (as it probably is here too). People of the world need to understand that we're all in this together like it or not, and certain actions are needed from all of us like it or not. I wouldn't care about the non-cooperative people if it were only them suffering from their choices but it isn't :cry: Sometimes I think the people of the world need to help Darwin's theory along and let those who deserve to suffer get their due...

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