COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Yep no Danish plane can land in the UK at the moment.
Regarding the mink thing, well orders to wipe them out have no merit in any Danish law, they are breaking the law killing peoples mink, at least on farms where the decease have not yet been proven.
Most Danes also admit they use their disposable mouth diaper several times, many even more than 5 times, so thats pretty useless here it seem, and i bet the ones with the cloth one also dont wash it daily.

Also learned the guy on the 20 dollar bill ( The #7 president ) well he was bit of a badass even if he founded the democratic party,,,,,, and due to his stubbornness also why they have a donkey for their sign.
IMO those animals ( elephant and donkey ) far more fun then the Danish parties which are just distinguished with a letter.
A in Denmark is the social Democrats or A-holes as i call them, or camouflaged Commies. :)
I will have to google those 2 names.
But i doubt it P/BN can only make so many doses of the stuff, far more are needed.
But i doubt it P/BN can only make so many doses of the stuff, far more are needed.
Yes, all the vaccines will get used, the Pfizer/BioNtech is only the first, but the vaccine that has the most impact will be the one that gets most used, which will probably be the cheapest, and the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine will probably be well behind, partly due to cost and partly due to production capacity.

None of the vaccines will save the world anyway, the virus is only killing a small percentage of the population, almost all people who would have died within a couple of years anyway, and given a little time the remaining people will become immune naturally. Actually many people were already immune before it arrived due to immunity from the other similar coronaviruses that come around every year, so the majority of people are not going to catch covid-19 this year, or if they do then the symptoms will be so minor that they won't notice.
The Danish vaccine CoVAXIX are now going into human trails, this is a DNA vaccine VS for instance the Pfiizer vaccine that is a mRNA vaccine.
DNA vaccines traditionally have some problems giving a proper response from the immune system not least in larger "animals", but it can be done in another more productive way, which is also what we have done with CoVAXIX
CoVAXIX introduce cell immunity which is something you very much want in a vaccine, but this are actually not the case with many vaccines.

For information it normally take 10 - 15 years to develop a vaccine, so big pharm have had their head out off the ass on this one.
Some countries have to use refrigerate containers to store dead people, in Denmark we just strew dead corona mink all over the GD place.

And that pic is one of the more flattering ones.

Why am i embarrassed 9 out of 10 times every time the talk fall on my native country :oops:

O and BTW, in the beginning, and still i assume the dead mink was driven to the incinerator,,,,,, only many of them was not dead yet,,,, so got burned alive :oops::mad::rolleyes:
Now there are also mink mass graves, very smartly right next to popular lakes people swim in during the summer.
The world can be saved with vaccines, but not 100% of it as no vaccine is 100% effective for everybody. One need only to look at smallpox to see what is possible here :)
So far we have no really clear ideas of what the Covid-19 vaccines will do across-the-board, but they will go a long way in eliminating most of the problems with it, especially in reducing the size and number of outbreaks to a level where they can be dealt with more effectively.

I've always hated going to hospitals, for I see them as they really are: places where death and disease are highly concentrated and where you are most likely to catch something because of that :eek: So by limiting the number of cases in hospitals through vaccination, you also greatly reduce the chances of more people being exposed to it there. But vaccines only work well when their use is nearly universal and that is going to be the next big problem here in the US where we've got more than our share of nutcases who wrongly believe that vaccinations harm more than help, and where they can usually legally refuse a vaccine :( It's been estimated that one in five here will not take the Covid-19 vaccine, and at that level of omission there's a real question of whether any vaccine can have a substantial impact on the disease :cautious:

Sad for Denmark where the mink farmers are likely going to suffer huge losses, maybe ones which they can't recover from :cry: But we've had to do similar with poultry and the H5N1 'bird flu' virus, the pigs and the H1N1 swine flu, beef cattle with the BSE 'mad cow' disease as well as numerous smaller outbreaks with other animals. So it's not unprecedented or something one should not expect to happen at least occasionally. It's simply something that must be done regardless of cost as we have no other means at hand to deal with it right now.

It's been estimated that one in five here will not take the Covid-19 vaccine, and at that level of omission there's a real question of whether any vaccine can have a substantial impact on the disease :cautious:
That is a very good way to force the virus into producing mutations that are immune to the vaccine and which spread worldwide. There is a good argument for mandatory vaccination, and anyone that refuses has to go for the same fate as the mink, for the same reasons! Alternatively the rest of the world could just close the borders to the USA permanently... although with Trump rebuilding his military, maybe that won't work?
Trump it mostly being a sore loser and making things hard on whoever he doesn't like with no concern of what any other consequences of his action are doing. For someone who claims to want to 'make America great again' he's not doing that at all. It's political BS and normal here but we've seen the worst of it so far in Trump, and I hope we learn from it. That's not normal here :eek:

But back to Covid-19 and the US, there is an old and obscure Supreme Court ruling from a hundred years ago which has never been reconsidered or altered. The gist of it was that an individual's right of choice takes a back seat to the rights of society-at-large when it comes to handling epidemics, and that a person refusing compliance with reasonable and legal rules and regulations regarding the handling of such things is in violation of the law. IIRC this was regards either a Typhoid or Diphtheria ourbreak but I've been unable to find it again as it's insanely hard to research such things without access to Westlaw and similar professional legal-oriented apps which I no longer have access to :( I'm still looking for it from time to time, maybe I'll find it. I do expect that in the near future it's going to emerge very publicly again and be used to force compliance with vaccination requirements when those becomes available. I love my freedom, but I do agree fully with that ruling and way of thinking, for nobody should have the right to potentially cause serious harm to an innocent person when it is unnecessary and has no valid reason to be allowed to occur.

As I see things, if a person does not want to be vaccinated they should have to show where it harms them at the same level which is used to adjudicate other legal questions- that of a reasonable level of doubt. And I have not seen one single instance where enough evidence of harm from a vaccine has reached that level. With some vaccines there is a slight risk to some individuals- sometimes a dangerous risk- but it's not always predictable to whom that harm may happen to. The percentage of persons at risk is very small and the chance of catching a far more serious disease from not being vaccinated is very large, so a reasonable person would conclude that unless clearly and directly contra-indicated medically, it is reasonable to require everyone to have the vaccine to best protect the innocent citizens who would clearly be adversely affected and harmed otherwise.

Whew, that's a lot of words- sorry about that, but it's the best I can do to explain what I see and why I believe I'm right. As well as what I see coming soon here in the US.

Death count marches higher!
Death count in Britain is normal for the time of year!

Up to the beginning of November, for the UK, deaths were actually a little higher than normal:
"The number of deaths in hospitals was above the five-year average in Week 44 for the second week in a row (244 more deaths)"
"London was the only English region to have fewer overall deaths than the five-year average."

While total hospital deaths for the full year are still a little above average, the care home deaths never went very negative so never made up for the losses, there was a big loss in the care homes although some of that was making up for low death counts last year due to lack of flu, but the care home deaths are currently below the 5 year average:


A look at the government released data for the British Isles with the "mad" Irish "scientist":
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On a related but different aspect, I also expect we're all going to see something which was previously discounted and denied- a "Covid-free" passport for international travelers. This time not based on testing which might be flawed, but on whether one can prove they've been vaccinated or have other acceptable Medical proof of immunity :cool: International law already allows denial of entry to diseased persons and for quarantining people before that allowance when it's clearly needed so again there is precedent for something like this.

I expect it will be implemented as an "either/or" thing where either you have that proof or you will have to be quarantined for a long enough time to ensure that you're not contagious. And of course we know which course almost everyone will take with that- the right one ;)

There is no such thing as proof of immunity, so that passport is not possible, although that may not stop it being created!

Even if you did have proof, a USA citizen may still not be immune to the particular strain of covid found in Denmark!

Once enough people are vaccinated (maybe 20%), there will be no need for the passport anyway since the virus will never spread far even if it is introduced to a virus free area.
But we do accept (and sometimes require) such proof- usually of vaccination- in international travel for other diseases, so it's only logical to add this one to that list. It won't be perfect; we humans aren't capable of that.

Proof of vaccination is possible, although there may be arguments about how long before it expires given the different vaccines, and of course the vaccines main purpose is to stop you becoming sick, which does not mean you can't carry the virus into another country, so it is currently very questionable if a proof of vaccination is of any use.

UK airports currently have a quick test, with the result available before you take off; seems a much safer check to ensure that you don't take our virus out of our country!
I'd like to see mandatory testing both before leaving a country and on entering another one, with the process repeated when leaving there. I simply feel that we can't be too careful as long as we're not being so restrictive as to be causing undue harm to someone. Testing isn't harmful.

I'd like to see mandatory testing both before leaving a country and on entering another one, with the process repeated when leaving there. I simply feel that we can't be too careful as long as we're not being so restrictive as to be causing undue harm to someone. Testing isn't harmful.

If you want to fly from USA to Australia today then that testing is not anywhere near enough, since too few people there have immunity and a single case getting out into the population is causing severe lockdowns. Only sensible option is what they are doing - quarantine under guard.

If you want to fly from USA to UK, probably no need to worry since there are sufficient people immune in the UK for it not to spread far even if you do bring it. Only real risk is that you may bring a new strain that we are not immune to, but so far that has not been an issue. Once countries have enough vaccination, you can be blocked/allowed based on your country.

Flying from UK to USA, well the new case figures in USA collected by Trump's government look horrific, so I wouldn't want to do that! 150,000 new cases per day, 1500 deaths per day! But you can't trust Trump figures, so what is actually happening? Your excess death figures look like almost everywhere has finished the first wave and you are about to meet up with the normal winter increase in respiratory illness, your epidemic is nearly over, in fact excess deaths will probably now go negative for a few months. Far more likely to be the truth than Trump's figures!

Death count in Britain is normal for the time of year!

Up to the beginning of November, for the UK, deaths were actually a little higher than normal:
"The number of deaths in hospitals was above the five-year average in Week 44 for the second week in a row (244 more deaths)"
"London was the only English region to have fewer overall deaths than the five-year average."

While total hospital deaths for the full year are still a little above average, the care home deaths never went very negative so never made up for the losses, there was a big loss in the care homes although some of that was making up for low death counts last year due to lack of flu, but the care home deaths are currently below the 5 year average:

View attachment 54096

A look at the government released data for the British Isles with the "mad" Irish "scientist":

almost all people who would have died within a couple of years anyway

It is truly appalling that you constantly make such false, outrageous, dismissive remarks. You exhibit no concern for other people's lives other than your own. Such nihilism is simply shameful.

Vast numbers of otherwise perfectly healthy younger people have lost their lives to COVID including teenagers and even infants. And healthy middle aged and older folks who would otherwise have had many more years ahead of them are now empty seats at the family dinner table.

A great many doctors and healthcare workers have died from COVID and these people were certainly not in any way going to "die in a few years anyway".






Vast numbers of otherwise perfectly healthy younger people have lost their lives to COVID including teenagers and even infants.
Throughout Europe it has been a record year for deaths of the young, a record low:

And the slightly older have seen only a very minor increase over last year's record low:

Just because some news reporter has created a sensational story about deaths in the young, it doesn't mean that vast numbers are dying, they are definitely not.

Graphs from EuroMOMO.
Death count in Britain is normal for the time of year!

Up to the beginning of November, for the UK, deaths were actually a little higher than normal:
"The number of deaths in hospitals was above the five-year average in Week 44 for the second week in a row (244 more deaths)"
"London was the only English region to have fewer overall deaths than the five-year average."

While total hospital deaths for the full year are still a little above average, the care home deaths never went very negative so never made up for the losses, there was a big loss in the care homes although some of that was making up for low death counts last year due to lack of flu, but the care home deaths are currently below the 5 year average:

View attachment 54096

A look at the government released data for the British Isles with the "mad" Irish "scientist":

Well, Congratulations! The Untied Kingdom has now exceed 50,000 deaths from COVID since March, a new record dwarfing every other nation in the EU. This is a remarkable number considering that the arbitrary and capricious 28 day positive cut-off for COVID deaths is design to suppress the death toll.

Interesting how you cherry pick charts and post them without citation in order to mislead and misrepresent what is really happening.

You really want people to somehow believe that thanks to COVID people are no longer dying from heart disease, cancer, strokes, etc, in the UK. There is a huge scandal brewing as the numbers are being covered up by your government. Just yesterday, the BBC reported 70,000 excess UK deaths.


Yesterday a record number of new COVID deaths were reported in the UK, the most since early May. The chart has gone parabolic and shows no sign of a downtrend, despite your ridiculous claim in August that the "epidemic is over for us".


Some sources put the "True" UK death toll above 65,000.


Up 27% assuming you believe the 28 days of positive scam but even that is a dramatic rise.


The scandal is that vast numbers of Brits are dying at home and at care homes and thus not being included in the official excess death.

Throughout Europe it has been a record year for deaths of the young, a record low:

View attachment 54126
And the slightly older have seen only a very minor increase over last year's record low:

View attachment 54130
Just because some news reporter has created a sensational story about deaths in the young, it doesn't mean that vast numbers are dying, they are definitely not.

Graphs from EuroMOMO.

almost all people who would have died within a couple of years anyway

Once again you are attempting to distract from what you actually said, "almost all people who would have died within a couple of years anyway", which is a blatant lie (and a a nasty insult to those that did die as well as their families.)
Very few covid deaths are in people younger than the average age of death, the average person who dies of covid is older than the average death age!

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