COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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And now, to soften the mood, a bit of Culture (not really OT but....)

And info-comedy

Stages of " extinction of mankind":
2001: anthrax infection will kill us all.
2002: the West Nile Virus will kill us all.
2003: SARS will kill us all (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
2005: avian flu will kill us all.
2006: E. Coli is going to kill us all.
2008: a bad economy will kill us all.
2009: Swine flu will kill us all.
2010: BP Oil is going to kill us all.
2011: Obamacare is going to kill us all.
2012: the" End of the world " predicted by the Mayans will kill us all.
2013: North Korea will kill us all.
2014: Ebola will kill us all.
2015: Disney Measles and ISIS will kill us all.
2016: zika will kill us all.
2017: Fake news will kill us all.
2018: migrant Caravans in Mexico will kill us all.
2019: Measles will kill us all.
2020: the Coronavirus will kill us all.

Two things all these events have in common are the doom and gloom prognostications from instant 'internet experts' and the 'media frenzy' doing the same. :banghead:
Aiiiii es una rata. :eek:
So now it seems like we're NOT following a 'herd immunity' strategy any more:

"We have a plan, based on the expertise of world-leading scientists. Herd immunity is not a part of it. That is a scientific concept, not a goal or a strategy." - Matt Han**** -****s-sunday-telegraph-op-ed

Express: The UK Government has carried out an embarassing U-turn over its strategy to delay the coronavirus pandemic. On Friday, the UK’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said the Government’s approach to tackling coronavirus was to create a “herd immunity” to the virus. However, less than 48 hours later, Health Secretary Matt Han**** confirmed that herd immunity “is not our goal or policy”.

Metro: A No 10 source said: ‘It is nothing to do with herd immunity, it is to protect as many people as possible by timing our interventions to perfection. If that also leads to mass immunity, that is a bonus – but it is not the aim’.

Hopefully now we will see clearer and more consistent messages coming from our politicians and scientific advisers
Two things all these events have in common are the doom and gloom prognostications from instant 'internet experts' and the 'media frenzy' doing the same. :banghead:
The common danger should unite people , not turn them into madmen. We need to learn to think with our own brains and listen less to various soothsayers. Otherwise, a reasonable person very quickly turns into a brainless RAM. And, of course, more humor and irony - it has never hurt..
Hopefully now we will see clearer and more consistent messages coming from our politicians and scientific advisers

As I wrote quite some posts ago, all countries will be forced by inaction to use the "nuclear" option which Italy (then Spain, France not yet, Germany a bit) used.
So much time lost.

Check this out for those who can understand french what is happening in Belgium:
6 days ago Antwerp's Mayor was against the central government "strict" measures because they would have affected the economy.

TODAY, after 6 days he is asking for a curfew
Oogle have made every one 5 minute experts.

Today's Danish numbers.

Total tested: 5749
Infected : 898
In hospital: 62
In ICU: 10
Total dead: 4

Graph of cases ( total and daily new )
After march 12 only serious sick people are tested here, and still a lot of those are "other"
We need to keep this in perspective. Naturally if you or a loved one were to die from this the statistics mean nothing to you. However, the odds of dying from corona are not very big. Corona could kill me. I am old enough with a less than perfect body meaning I have some risk of death from this virus. However, the odds against this virus killing me support my surviving it. I do not recall all of the panic buying with the the other pandemic panics in past years.

Coronavirus has a death rate that varies somewhat based on demographics. The China CDC Weekly reported the results of a major epidemiological study into this question. That study analyzed 72,314 patient records, including some that were suspected cases. It determined that coronavirus had an “overall case fatality rate of 2.3%.” The study was called Vital Surveillances: The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) and it was conducted by the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Epidemiology Team.

However, USA Today, on March 13, 2020, put the death rate as higher; “Of the more than 127,000 people who have been infected worldwide, more than 4,700 have died. That’s a death rate of about 3.7%, and the WHO has previously estimated the rate at about 3.4%,” the newspaper reported.

What’s the death rate from the flu? How many people die from it? Some estimates give the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States as less than 0.1%. Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%. The New York Times puts the death rate for flu at typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times.
We need to keep this in perspective. Naturally if you or a loved one were to die from this the statistics mean nothing to you. However, the odds of dying from corona are not very big. Corona could kill me. I am old enough with a less than perfect body meaning I have some risk of death from this virus. However, the odds against this virus killing me support my surviving it. I do not recall all of the panic buying with the the other pandemic panics in past years.

The odds of the virus killing you are small, as small are the odds you and others will be able to access any hospitals for at least the following 2 (or more) months.
This perspective is not so nice.
as small are the odds you and others will be able to access any hospitals for at least the following 2 (or more) months.
This perspective is not so nice.
And where did that bit of statistical 'information' come from? :banghead:
For those who have been living in a cave, btw 10-20% of those infected needs hospitalization and, of those, 1-5% needs ICU.
Depending which study you consider, these are the values, which are beyond every health care system in any country.
"A dramatic surge in coronavirus infections in Southeast Asia in recent days has increased doubts over a theory that warmer weather could stem the spread of the virus, health experts say.
Relatively low cases of infections in many Southeast Asian countries had been cited as possible evidence that hotter weather was suppressing the virus, giving hope to Europe and the United States as they head into spring.
But countries from Indonesia to Thailand to Malaysia and the Philippines have recorded their highest rate of infections in recent days as testing has ramped up, in a sign seasonal factors may only play a limited role in coronavirus’ spread."

“The temperature theory doesn’t really hold up given what’s happening right now in much of Southeast Asia,” said Tikki Pangestu, a professor at Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

It appears that humor comes from tragedy (and toilet paper shortages).

Snap 2020-03-16 at 12.37.39.png

Snap 2020-03-16 at 12.38.25.png
For that they put emergency laws up here, they can also enter a apartment / house with no warrant in case of virus suspensions.
The do say the laws will go away in a year, but i will believe that when i see it with those guys.

I was also thinking, what about commercial shipping, there are not many people on a ship today, so will not take much decease before you have big floating "mass" graves.
But so far i have only heard about that cruise liner.
There must be ships out there now flying the yellow jack.
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I was also thinking, what about commercial shipping, there are not many people on a ship today, so will not take much decease before you have big floating "mass" graves.
But so far i have only heard about that cruise liner.
People of working age normally don't get seriously ill with the virus, so it shouldn't be an issue. Might have to have an oxygen ventilator on board just in case someone does, but that has always been an issue with ships.
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