COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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get up - go to work - go home - sleep - repeat.

I think that's the wet dream of Danish government, do note i dident write go to work and get paid, i think its probably better in their world if we gave them 100% tax and then they just give each of us what we deserve.
Which are probably very far from what they themself deserve, judging by their current pay and pension.
I will just spice that vomit in own mouth above, with today's Danish numbers.
Total tested: 18,810
Total infected: 2201
In hospital: 459
In ICU: 121
On ventilator: 104
Total dead: 65

Spain set new record with 832 dead in 24 hours :(
American hospital ships are quite a bit larger than Danish ones,,,,,, well i think the one we had and which we sent to Korea in the 50ties to help,,,,,, American and wounded civilian people.



A old Danish ferry ( former M/F Dronning Ingrid, now M/V Africa Mercy ) are serving as a floating hospital with mercyships.
Spain set new record with 832 dead in 24 hours :(
Thankfully, Spain has also leveled out on the new cases now. I think their figures have been so high because it got to several of their big cities at the same time, and now they don't have a lot left to go, so figures may plummet soon. whereas other countries like UK have plenty of big cities left to go up the curve.

The internet thing,,,,,, well it don't appear to make people smarter, at least not the bulk of people in the world :(
Pretty sad such a big change just thrown in the garbage bin.
And kids just walk around in a daze and heart this and heart that. :rolleyes:
The Danish test method, that don't need any of the reagents so many hospitals lack are pretty simple.

Take 5 drops of test material, boil it at 98 degrees C for 5 minutes, and you have your test, accuracy 97% in the lab tests made here.

So to me this would be a valid way to test people with just slight symptoms, and then use the more complicated and slow tests for the critical ill.
The current way are a 8 step deal.

1. swap the person.
2. send sample to microbiology DPT
3. test sample go in little vile where the sample are scrubbed / cleaned
4. your end product virus RNA go into a machine that look for virus.
5. in the machine chemicals are added to make the virus multiply so its more easy to spot.
6. if virus are percent a certain wavelength of light will be reflected by a specific compound that attach to the virus.
7. result get transferred from testing machine to a computer.
8. if there are high levels of reflected light the test are positive.

Good thing is those machines do all the work, but i assume there are also machines involved in the Danish way of testing, but none of the rare chemicals are needed which are the main point.

As i understand it we Danes should soon be able to screen upwards of 10,000 every day if need be, all without the damn compounds / chemicals the whole world are fighting over.

win / win

EDIT: it is in Step #3 the Danish way come in and where the rare chemicals are used, so instead of those boiling the sample a little will remove the unwanted stuff and do the magic need doing.
The renaming liquid are the RNA you then pass on to the testing machines, where i assume the chemicals / compounds they use are not in short supply

Its pretty much just like boiling a egg, the hard boiled egg being the RNA left.

Other microbiology labs around the country hearing of this of course had to try and see if it is really that simple, and they have all reported back that yes it work.
So should be something highly educated wizz kids have no problem replicating.
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There is some inappropriate language used.

This doctor says:
Doctors and nurses have died from this virus at 26:42
We will not hit a peak of 100,000 infected people in the U.S.A. until May 15. at 27:15
Come July we will start burying our family members. The death toll will increase in July 30:30
This is a best case scenario. 1 million will get infected. This will be terrible 31:25
Italy has a 10% death rate. 33:25

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Thats a thing for me, getting cash in the ATM machine ever so often, but even that can not bush me towards getting a new visa card with a new code so i can use it in the stores.
You could say i am willing to bet my life VS going off cash.
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Doctors and nurses have died from this virus at 26:42

I don't know if that is in American but in Italy,,,,, O hell yes.

I remember 2 cases i have read about.

So down there feeling the pressure they call out for help and a +70 YO retired doctor come to aid,,,,,, days later he is dead by the virus.
And a priest getting it, and his friends in the Parish buy him a ventilator,,,,, he say no and give it to a young man and then proceed to die.

Damn hard to compete in class act with people like that, even for a guy like me that give nothing for religion or priests, cuz i fear as people like that die they are not replaced in this day and age.
Thankfully, Spain has also leveled out on the new cases now. I think their figures have been so high because it got to several of their big cities at the same time, and now they don't have a lot left to go, so figures may plummet soon. whereas other countries like UK have plenty of big cities left to go up the curve.

Too soon IMHO.
Spain has hel BIG rallies (March the 8th, women's day).
And they started late the lockdown.

They might have also reached testing limit capacity OR this was due to a lot od DEFECTIVE testing kits from china,
Too soon IMHO.
Spain has hel BIG rallies (March the 8th, women's day).
And they started late the lockdown.

They might have also reached testing limit capacity OR this was due to a lot od DEFECTIVE testing kits from china,
Italy, Spain and Switzerland all appear to have leveled off at around 1000 positive tests per million population, Austria is just reaching that level and appears to be flattening off, all consistent. The late lockdown and rallies have just made things go a bit faster, and probably increased the death total.
Italy, Spain and Switzerland all appear to have leveled off at around 1000 positive tests per million population, Austria is just reaching that level and appears to be flattening off, all consistent. The late lockdown and rallies have just made things go a bit faster, and probably increased the death total.
they are not "cases" they are tested positive.
In Italy real "cases"might from 2x up to 10x of those tested.
DIY temp solution here

Yeah, I saw that one on a Twitter video earlier in the week but couldn't find a way to re-post it here. Didn't know there was a GIF of it. Pretty clever! Necessity is the mother of invention!
NY stats.
"...While total hospitalizations and ICU cases have increased, the percent of positive cases requiring hospitalization or ICU treatment has remained fairly steady, at around 14% and 3.5%, respectively....."
"...Professor Neil Greenberg said the psychological distress can result from actions, or lack of them, which violate someone’s moral or ethical code. In an article for the British Medical Journal, he wrote: “During the Covid-19 outbreak many healthcare workers will encounter situations where they cannot say to a grieving relative, ‘We did all we could,’ but only, ‘We did the best we could with the staff and resources available, it wasn’t enough.’ That is the seed of a moral injury. It will hurt, and perhaps hurt for a long time, unless we now start to prepare and support our staff who will have to face this challenge.”
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