COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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recommended range here is from 50 to 140, I have a full blood count every few months and haven't dipped below recommended levels since I've been adding a bit of sun

Yeah, some doctors here (including mine) recommend much higher Vitamin D levels but that's not the mainstream recommendation here.
Yeah, some doctors here (including mine) recommend much higher Vitamin D levels but that's not the mainstream recommendation here.
the recommended levels they quote here are on the pathology reports, 50 to 140 is the suggested healthy range, it's not just something my doctor suggests
I attended a lecture at our local hospital by a doctor who spent years studying vitamin D. It seems that people in certain locations in the northern hemisphere don't (can't) get enough vitamin D during the winter months from sunshine and supplements are recommended during that time. One finding was a correlation between vitamin D levels and breast cancer rates for women in New England compared with women in sunny southern regions.
My wife who is a surgeon has been telling me that for years, as well as echoing what @jokiin posted about sunshine.
The only sunshine i get is what is reflected of mi cerveza :)
im working on it, but no freebies in my geographical location.
I have actually been outside every day in the past week or so, and weather have been really good, at least in regard to the sun, but temperatures barely hit 10 degrees in the daytime.
But yeah, the current situation are far less taxing on me than the rest of the country, and if it wasent for my mother needing visits from me i would also be out even more, but for her sake i have to be a little careful.

Praying hard for a summer like 2017, and even more for the lotto gods to take pity on me, but those gods are hard to please it seem.

I dropped to my knees here today,,,,, but just to take the picture, maybe i should have gone inside the Jesus heart church as its called

I will see if I can find the picture of a small, SMALL, restaurant in a nearby city, I like, and don't get to eat at often. :(

The local officials came in, and told him only one diner allowed per table. I think he has 5 tables that can seat 4 each? Now each table has one chair.

Most places are trying to survive on takeout or delivery
Yeah, i doubt the Thai government are throwing billions after their companies like other countries do.
Here the government pay up to 75% of wages if companies don't let people off,,,,,, so you could argue that the whole of Denmark are on welfare at the moment.
Then again, the building industry are looking for people high and low, and that mean in other EU countries cuz it seem for Danish kids / youth having a traditional education as some form of craftsman are a done deal.
I do wonder, one of the first things they closed down was hairdressers.

And i was and am like WTF ????? i have never seem more than 2 people at my hairdresser and his place are at least 10 x 5 M in size and its just him though he do have 3 chairs.
So really no problem keeping a corona healthy distance at his place.
But ! maybe more trendy / hip hairdressers have more customers and more hairdressers working at one time, just never been the case at any hairdresser i have ever been at my whole life.
I just tried to get a haircut....the barber I have been using was closed, but it may be hangover, not covid. ('flexible' hours even under better circumstances.) He was open a few days ago, but had a few customers waiting.

One of the problems I am having is it's hard to tell the difference between hysterical BS, and Thai nonsensical rules.

I'm blaming my foreign friends here, equally, with the thai government sources and media. They mangle the facts and gossip like old ladies.

I went to a large tool store yesterday, there at opening. LARGE. The parking lot was empty so I assumed closed, but as I rolled past the entrance....could see lights on inside.
Turned around, parked in the empty parking lot. Walked up to the front door, and there were paper signs in thai. I thought maybe they were only open for contractors, or something.

Translated the sign with my phone....'wait here if you don't have a mask'.
Go inside, girl was sitting at table with sanitizer. I pointed to the bottle, she nodded. Picked it up, and she jumped up and sprinted ten feet away. I thought maybe she was terrified of foreigners...(some are, the media was blaming tourists for covid).
I finally figured out the hand sanitizer was a mist type, and I was holding the nozzle toward her.


Things are ok, now, but rumours there may be increases in restrictions. I can order food to be delivered, a few restaurants are open, maybe 5-10% of the street vendors that used to be open, are open, some supermarkets are open at some level.
Very shocked and saddened to hear that John Prine is hospitalized in critical condition from coronavirus. Everybody's pulling for him.

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Me too, he's one of my favorite musicians. Saw him in concert last time he was through here. Wasn't too long ago he had throat cancer ( I think) and he beat that so I'm hoping he will beat this too. Not ready for "Sam Stone"to go home yet!

Me too, he's one of my favorite musicians. Saw him in concert last time he was through here. Wasn't too long ago he had throat cancer ( I think) and he beat that so I'm hoping he will beat this too. Not ready for "Sam Stone"to go home yet!


He was also diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013 and had part of a lung removed. :(
The internet thing,,,,,, well it don't appear to make people smarter, at least not the bulk of people in the world :(
Pretty sad such a big change just thrown in the garbage bin.
And kids just walk around in a daze and heart this and heart that. :rolleyes:

I remember when the internet was touted as the world's best tool for education, but since nobody forced that to happen it became the worlds largest toy :rolleyes:

He was also diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013 and had part of a lung removed. :(
I do recall that for awhile his voice got pretty rough from all that (and it may be his lungs I'm remembering as the problem) but he can still write em as good as ever!

You may have heard of apple cider vinegar being used as a general health tonic.I figured it would be worth a try but I couldn't handle the taste. The rest will be good to clean the coffee,maker with though!

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