COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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This is very cool although quick engineering that just may make a huge difference.

This is very cool although quick engineering that just may make a huge difference.

Clever bit is that it doesn't use any electronics, or even any electricity, no need for power or batteries. All the power is extracted from the pressure in the oxygen supply.

However the UK government decided to go for a fully functional electronic ventilator instead, I guess on the basis that these simple ones require too much monitoring by staff, and experienced staff are in very short supply, anything that reduces the workload will save lives.

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Latest numbers from the Danish hospitals.

Total tested: 20198 ( up 1388 in past 24hours )
Total tested positive: 2395 ( up 194 in the past day )
In hospital: 499 ( up 40 in 24 hours )
In ICU: 131 ( up 10 in the past 24 hours )
On ventilator: 113 ( up 9 in the past 24 hours )
Total dead: 72 ( up 7 in the past 24 hours )


Italians working in a nursing home in N Italy, when the thing turned ugly and knowing the risks, they said goodbye to their families at home, and moved in with the old people to minimize risk. (y)
No one asked this of them, simply just something they all agreed on must be done, and so earning my respect.
Sadly this will go the other way just as fast.
If my grey goo serve me right i think it is estimated that air pollution kill 3000 Danes every year.

BUT ! the saying that living in a major city and being a jogger it would be more healthy to stay at home and do nothing are not true.
BUT ! the saying that living in a major city and being a jogger it would be more healthy to stay at home and do nothing are not true.
At the moment you want to spend a reasonable amount of time out in the sunshine to create the vitamin D your immune system uses to kill viruses!

Not convinced that jogging is the way to stay healthy though, joggers don't seem to have long lives.

While enjoying today's sunshine I saw an aeroplane pass over, with contrails! Only one of it though, otherwise a nice clean blue sky.

they are not "cases" they are tested positive.
In Italy real "cases"might from 2x up to 10x of those tested.
I think 10x is far too low, it is more like 300x for countries near the peak.
I need to eat pills to have any measurable level of D vitamin, when they tested me they was surprised of my low levels, they actually said that might be one factor of my mental problems.
Dont get me wrong i like the sun and when it is warm, but i have to eat pills to have a minimum of vitamins and minerals, at least that is what they recommended me to do.
Only problem is i often forget to eat them as taking pills are so far from my nature, even if i ate like 25 a day for 2 years when i tried to gain weight in my 20ties.
I need to eat pills to have any measurable level of D vitamin, when they tested me they was surprised of my low levels, they actually said that might be one factor of my mental problems.
Dont get me wrong i like the sun and when it is warm, but i have to eat pills to have a minimum of vitamins and minerals, at least that is what they recommended me to do.
Only problem is i often forget to eat them as taking pills are so far from my nature, even if i ate like 25 a day for 2 years when i tried to gain weight in my 20ties.
You could go for some of that Danish Herring that your fishermen take out of UK waters at the moment - won't last much longer!
Alternatively some Scottish smoked herring, or red herrings... much tastier than pills and probably has more vitamin D than the pills.
Not convinced that jogging is the way to stay healthy though, joggers don't seem to have long lives.

"Jogging regularly increases the lifespan of men by about six years and women by about five and a half, according to data from a Danish study that has tracked the cardiovascular health of 20,000 people since 1976."
I only catch fish, have not eaten fish in like 30 years or so, only seafood i do eat and love are prawns but they are expensive.
The pharmacy almost dident want to sell the D vitamin pills to me, at least not until i told them well the doctors cant find any of it in my blood.
I think they are 85 milligrams or so, the biggest ones i could find.
Hehe o yeah everything are logged here, DOD / NSA have wet drams about the information there are on Danes, they like to have similar files on all Americans.
Also if you want to do a long term study on something, chances are we have tables going back much longer than many other countries.

Worst part "they" are really,,,,, like REALLY bad as securing data here, a few years ago they sent a few DVDs full of medical data on a few 100,000 Danes ( unencrypted ) directly to the Chinese embassy for some reason.
Okay the DVDs was supposed to go elsewhere, so it was probably the idiot mailman or something :rolleyes:
15 minutes of sun a day will do more for you than the pills will

I attended a lecture at our local hospital by a doctor who spent years studying vitamin D. It seems that people in certain locations in the northern hemisphere don't (can't) get enough vitamin D during the winter months from sunshine and supplements are recommended during that time. One finding was a correlation between vitamin D levels and high breast cancer rates for women in New England compared with women in sunny southern regions.
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I attended a lecture at our local hospital by a doctor who spent years studying vitamin D. It seems that people in certain locations in the northern hemisphere don't (can't) get enough vitamin D during the winter months from sunshine and supplements are recommended during that time. One finding was a correlation between vitamin D levels and breast cancer rates for women in New England compared with women in sunny southern regions.
not sure how things are up there, we have too much sun here and I'm not a fan of the heat, I was prescribed 1000IU a day of Vitamin D to fix a deficiency, I didn't like the tablets though so changed to getting some more sun and got my levels up without resorting to supplements
not sure how things are up there, we have too much sun here and I'm not a fan of the heat, I was prescribed 1000IU a day of Vitamin D to fix a deficiency, I didn't like the tablets though so changed to getting some more sun and got my levels up without resorting to supplements
I think even in UK, 30 minutes is enough even in winter, further north supplementing your diet with oily fish solves the problem, herring, mackerel, sardines.

A brisk walk, preferably uphill is plenty for the exercise though, jogging not necessary, and running kills:
Yeah, the people on Greenland, and other innuit people get plenty of the stuff from the stuff they eat, even if they don't see the sun for 3 months or so.
But i am not hungry enough to eat what they eat up there.
not sure how things are up there, we have too much sun here and I'm not a fan of the heat, I was prescribed 1000IU a day of Vitamin D to fix a deficiency, I didn't like the tablets though so changed to getting some more sun and got my levels up without resorting to supplements

As long as you keep your vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL it really doesn't matter whether it's from sunshine or supplements. Some practitioners recommend higher levels (as much as 60 ng/mL).
As long as you keep your vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL it really doesn't matter whether it's from sunshine or supplements. Some practitioners recommend higher levels (as much as 60 ng/mL).
recommended range here is from 50 to 140, I have a full blood count every few months and haven't dipped below recommended levels since I've been adding a bit of sun
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