COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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The guy that coughed a cop in the face and yelling corona, have been cleared for that in court today, but he do get 30 days prison for running from the police and being a fugetive for a few days.
I guess his gangsta street credit will go up a notch for that,,,,,, in my cay we would have laughed at a dumb move like that.
Police might also take the case to a higher court.
Germany will start testing a "cure" for the corona in a few days,,,,, gott in himmel we will have German speaking zombies running around soon.
Those who live in cities may require a different approach. Small town America is very different when compared to a packed city.
Delivering needed goods to those who need them makes more sense when compared to putting everyone together in a few select stores hoping not to infect others also needing food. Making delivery the only option to get supplies could remove a great amount of illness and if done with the proper PPE would make a safer situation for everyone. I am positive the government could make a call center to begin door to door delivery of food and medical supplies happen.
The UK has done this, however the supermarkets do not have the delivery staff, refrigerated vehicles, packing staff, equipment, PPE, etc. to be able to do it for all, so although I used to be able to order stuff for home delivery from my favorite supermarket, now the capacity is prioritised for those on the government's elderly and medically vulnerable list, and healthy people are being asked to go into the stores even if they normally use home delivery.

If you follow the distance, time and single shopper (no groups/pairs) rules, the supermarket is well ventilated, and you wash your hands afterwards then there is very little risk anyway.

And until we get a vaccine, unless we put in a huge effort to wipe it out through isolation, a bit of social contact in the supermarkets simply increases the speed of the epidemic, a less flat curve. It does not increase the total deaths as long as the hospitals are coping, just gets it over and finished sooner.
Google admits that android based cell phones are spying on you gathering information about where you are at all times.
You can search by country (and state) here.

The data has been released to the news media.
On any day, 40 percent of Mainers aren’t leaving their homes
About 40 percent of Maine residents have stayed home completely on any given day over the past few weeks, according to new cell phone data that offer a glimpse into how much residents are socially distancing in response to the coronavirus pandemic.​
The new cell phone data show that Maine residents were already staying at home more before Gov. Janet Mills formally issued a stay-at-home order at the end of March, and compliance with social distancing measures has remained high through the first few weeks of April.​

Apparently I never leave the house because I do not live with a cell phone that is always--always turned on. We did not need cell phones in the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's or any time prior to that in history. I see no need to have a cell phone turned on and ready to disrupt my life all the time today.
Danes practicing social distancing on the lawn by the river today, as they have done any day with the good weather we had lately.

Besides social distancing that's only for strangers right :rolleyes: it dont apply to your friends - class mates and so on. :sleep:

BTW the fastest a vaccine have ever been made is 4 years,,,,,, but granted it was a lot of years ago, in another time when it come to this stuff, so there are some hope still.
We did not need cell phones in the 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's or any time prior to that in history. I see no need to have a cell phone turned on and ready to disrupt my life all the time today.

Maybe you don't need to keep your cell phone on at all times but I'll bet during the 50's, 60's 70's, 80' and 90's you had a land line. I'll bet you still have a land line. People who have a land have the option of turn off their cell phones. But a large and increasing number of people today, especially younger generations (50 yo & below) no longer have land lines. Even people who have both a land line and a cell phone tend to keep their mobile phones turned on.

Just because you may be part of a tiny demographic who turns off your cell phone periodically doesn't mean statisticians can't obtain meaningful, accurate information by looking at location data from the thousands or millions of people who don't turn off their phones.

It's fascinating to observe how you have a tendency to reach conclusions by leaving out half the facts.
I think its okay with the phone on all the time, but it have taken me many years to train the 10 -12 people that have my unlisted number to only call me with stuff that matter, and even then get it done with ASAP.
CUZ i really get annoyed holding a phone to my ear for long,,,,, and it would probably also go for a land line.
Face 2 face i can talk like there is no tomorrow and you will have to kick me to get a word in, or if i am watching something interesting on TV, you also have to kick me or as my M8 do throw something at me, cuz just saying my name dont mean you will get in contact with me. ( okay this was back when i was a pothead, maybe its different now )

It is somewhat scary the amount of money a company like Oogle cam make by providing free stuff in return for making you the user the product, if it is that easy and lucrative maybe there should be some law work made in this regard.
I dont mind people making a buck or even a mountain of those, but it do annoy me when it appear to be too easy for them. or in some cases eople make money on what can barely be described as a actual product with any value.
Like the game fortnite, it now sell thru the google store, but in return google will take 30% of every in game transaction,,,,,,,, that seem like a big cut for not much work ( a few microseconds of data traffic )
So say your kid buy a new gun skin worth 10 USD, Oogle will take 3 dollars for that, and they have not made the skin and the game are not running on their servers, so 3 USD for a minuscule bleep of data on the internet i feel are a bit steep.

Most countries also have laws in regard to monopolies, but the only time i can recall them getting used was for Standard Oil in 1912.
That also worry me.
Okay EU some times do a little in this regard, but to be honest to me it just seem like a show they put on to make people happy.
I think its okay with the phone on all the time, but it have taken me many years to train the 10 -12 people that have my unlisted number to only call me with stuff that matter, and even then get it done with ASAP.
CUZ i really get annoyed holding a phone to my ear for long,,,,, and it would probably also go for a land line.
Face 2 face i can talk like there is no tomorrow and you will have to kick me to get a word in, or if i am watching something interesting on TV, you also have to kick me or as my M8 do throw something at me, cuz just saying my name dont mean you will get in contact with me. ( okay this was back when i was a pothead, maybe its different now )

It is somewhat scary the amount of money a company like Oogle cam make by providing free stuff in return for making you the user the product, if it is that easy and lucrative maybe there should be some law work made in this regard.
I dont mind people making a buck or even a mountain of those, but it do annoy me when it appear to be too easy for them. or in some cases eople make money on what can barely be described as a actual product with any value.
Like the game fortnite, it now sell thru the google store, but in return google will take 30% of every in game transaction,,,,,,,, that seem like a big cut for not much work ( a few microseconds of data traffic )
So say your kid buy a new gun skin worth 10 USD, Oogle will take 3 dollars for that, and they have not made the skin and the game are not running on their servers, so 3 USD for a minuscule bleep of data on the internet i feel are a bit steep.

Most countries also have laws in regard to monopolies, but the only time i can recall them getting used was for Standard Oil in 1912.
That also worry me.
Okay EU some times do a little in this regard, but to be honest to me it just seem like a show they put on to make people happy.

I have both a land line and a cell phone but I use them in different ways. Like you I try to manage who I give out my cell number to. One reason for that is that I seem to be getting more and more spam & scam cell calls and texts and by managing who I usually talk to or text with on my cell phone I am better able to weed out the scammers.

I do keep my cell phone on all the time even though I still have a land line. One reason for that is living on a mountain out in the countryside we lose power and sometimes the phone line on a fairly regular basis. Just last week during a fierce wind storm a tree came down somewhere nearby and took out the phone line and the power for several hours. That's when I'm really happy to have the cell. Back in December, 2008 we had a really bad ice storm and I lost power and phone for nearly a week and the cell phone was a lifesaver. So was my 8K generator and food stash. With the generator I can keep my freezer frozen, flush the toilet, take showers, charge my devices, etc. I'm not really what you would call a survivalist but you do have to keep extra supplies on hand for the times when we get periodically cut off from society here when there is some unexpected weather event and some of those supplies have been coming in pretty handy for us during this coronavirus sequestering. One cool thing is that I've been able to grow fresh greens and lettuce even though it is still way too cold to plant a garden because of having growing media, seeds and a unique DIY cold frame system on hand.
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Calls like that dont exist here in Denmark, but i some times ( every 6 months or so ) get a call from some far off exotic number where if you just puck up on it it will cost you ( how that's even possible i dont know )
But in general i dont pick up on callers i dont know, though now i have to do that for the sake of my mother that is now in a almost helpless state, so have to make myself available for caretakers ASO
Every one else i know also have public numbers, its just me that's the weird one, also as i am on the so called Robinson Caruso list, it is actually illegal to unsolicited contact me on phone or even snail mail with offers ASO.

My phone are of course on mute when i sleep, and i have to admit it is not all the time i remember to turn sound on, and also even if it is on the volume are so low often i dont hear it ring even if the place i am in are not that loud.
Also even if i did hear it, i do not make or take calls in public places, that's just so stupid to me, so a caller would have to wait until i have removed myself or are back in my car ( not driving )

If any of my internet friends have my number and feel like calling international, they better send a E-mail or text first saying so, otherwise i will just look at my phone in disbelief.
I do not need a cell phone. I have never texted and see no reason to. If a phone call is missed it is not a big deal just like it was not a big deal further back in time. The only reason i see to have a cell phone is to make an emergency call. Since so many others have cell phones someone is likely to offer assistance (outside of pandemic times) so normally there is really no need to carry one.

Back in time even with a ma bell provided phone I never had an answering machine. Why would I need one? If something is important they will call me back. My combined cost of phone (with answering machine built in) and internet runs about $35 a month. It should be $25 like it used to be but the charge went up. If I had an emergency situation that required around the clock potential communications I would use a pre-paid phone for that purpose. The fact that many options exist for pre-paid phones proves many people do not need or want a cell phone to be on 24/7. I know people who have a pre-paid phone just in case of an emergency who almost never use it. Those people can't be tracked by google by a cell phone that is turned off.
Scam callers are out of control here in the US. Same with my land line. The new thing (not so new actually) is neighbor spoofing. Caller ID shows a name and number from a nearby address when the call is really coming from somewhere else. I even got an apparent call from an old friend of mine, a local doctor, with his name and number on the Caller ID except that he died about a year ago. Then I got a legitimate looking call from the local hospital so I answered it and it was a guy in India trying to convince me I had a computer virus that he could help me fix if I gave him access to my machine with a screen sharing app!
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Same here, before i got a phone again in 2009 or something i had gone about 10 years without one ( okay did have land line in house ) so a phone in the pocket i dont really need.
And i also see upon emergencies just like you do country_hick, we use to have emergency phones lining at least motorways, but these have of course been taken down as phones in the pocket became a norm.
Same goes for the public pay phones.
My current phone are actually in my own name, but the previous 2 ones was in some other persons name,,,,, not that is it that hard to figure out who is actually using a devise in today's big data world.
I have of course never used the sync to PC features ASO, cuz why the hell would i, i cont have a schedule and meetings to coordinate and attend, so my computer better bloody well see my phone as a external memory devise and nothing else.
Yeah seem like you Americans really need to do something about that massive problem, many would probably like what i have with the Robinson Caruso list, the right to be forgotten and not approached in any way.
This guy ROCK the scammers.

Yeah seem like you Americans really need to do something about that massive problem, many would probably like what i have with the Robinson Caruso list, the right to be forgotten and not approached in any way.
There is a USA do not call list that people from other countries ignore.
There is a $500 fine per violation...
I do not need a cell phone. I have never texted and see no reason to. If a phone call is missed it is not a big deal just like it was not a big deal further back in time. The only reason i see to have a cell phone is to make an emergency call. Since so many others have cell phones someone is likely to offer assistance (outside of pandemic times) so normally there is really no need to carry one.

Many people, including me don't always "need" a cell phone but it sure is handy to have one when you do. It's not only a question of missed calls or emergencies. Just the other day I needed to renew a prescription and when I got to the pharmacy I called to let them know I was parked outside and one of the guys (wearing a mask and gloves) came out to my truck and handed me my prescription.

The other day after the power and phone went out I used my cell to double check that my land line was receiving calls properly after the repairs were made. And sometimes I use the Call Forwarding feature on my landline to forward certain calls to my cell phone. I wouldn't be without a cell. This is the second decade of the 21st century. :)

The fact that many options exist for pre-paid phones proves many people do not need or want a cell phone to be on 24/7.

I don't see how that proves anything. Many people I know use pre-paid phones and they keep them on full time. With a prepaid they just don't have to bother with or commit to a contract and can buy the minutes and data they need.
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