COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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In November and early December there were a bunch of people getting a particularly nasty cold, which we know is a corona virus too. Some of those folks were nearly bedridden for weeks. and it seems to have hit worldwide.
There are many colds that visit parts of the world that they haven't been to recently every few years, some of them more nasty than others, probably just one of them. But it could also have been another one out of the wild animal population, since it didn't kill significant numbers of young healthy people nobody investigated. Humans and animals have been mixing for ever, this is not something new.
Strange things do happen in this world so I'm not discounting this possibility,
When it comes to viruses, they have no brains, so they are perfectly logical and everything about them can be explained by science once the scientists have enough accurate data. Nothing strange about it, just not understood yet.
Sadly, science itself works rather differently under Trump than it does anywhere else.
Yes, that does seem to be true:

Flanked by doctors in the White House's press briefing room, Mr Trump cited US Government research suggesting coronavirus could be killed off more quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat and humidity, and is destroyed altogether when hit by disinfectants.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that has not been checked but you're going to test it," he said turning to some of the medical professionals present at the press conference.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.

"And I think you said you're going to test that, too, sounds interesting.

"Right, and then I see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."

Mr Trump's comments prompted British company RB, which makes Dettol and Lysol, to release a statement saying that "under no circumstances should disinfectant products be administered into the human body, through injection, ingestion or any other means".
Virus = make copies of self
Humans,,,,,, actually the same, it all started with a glob of goo starting to make copies of itself, and then you just add time and chance / mutation, and suddenly you have legs - eyes - fur and what not.
It seem corona will be giving Denmark our version of a new deal, so construction of the tunnel to Germany will start next year.
This will be the worlds longest tunnel with 18 Km ( under water tunnel i assume cuz otherwise there are much longer tunnels out there )
The price tag will be 58 billion DKkr, and using toll it will be slated to pay for itself in 36 years.

Of course this being little old Denmark the actual price for the tunnel will probably be +62 Billion DKkr, and the time to build it will be 1-2 years longer, and the toll will probably take 40 years to pay for the damn thing.
Anyway Danes will be mighty happy and clap our little hands, and that's it.

The tunnel i think are called a caisson tunnel made up of 200 M long and 42M wide caissons, each holding 2 railroad tracks - two 3 lane motorway lanes ( one of them EMG lane ) and smaller emergency / service tunnels.
These will be lowered into a trench dug on the sea floor, and after installing it will be secured with gravel and sand, and then on top a layer of stone.

They say this will create 7000 new jobs, not sure if they mean Danish jobs, i am not sure if a Danish company will be the one building it.
This will be the worlds longest tunnel with 18 Km ( under water tunnel i assume cuz otherwise there are much longer tunnels out there )
Last I knew, the 50.45Km tunnel from England to France was under water...
Yes, that does seem to be true:

Flanked by doctors in the White House's press briefing room, Mr Trump cited US Government research suggesting coronavirus could be killed off more quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat and humidity, and is destroyed altogether when hit by disinfectants.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that has not been checked but you're going to test it," he said turning to some of the medical professionals present at the press conference.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.

"And I think you said you're going to test that, too, sounds interesting.

"Right, and then I see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."

Mr Trump's comments prompted British company RB, which makes Dettol and Lysol, to release a statement saying that "under no circumstances should disinfectant products be administered into the human body, through injection, ingestion or any other means".

Just when you think Trump's inanity can't possibly exceed anything that he's uttered before, he outdoes himself. It boggles the mind!
You're probably right but who knows; perhaps we will see a WWII level application of effort and resources.
Yes, looks like we will:

WHO launches plan to fast-track vaccine
World leaders have launched a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative to speed up the research, development and distribution of vaccines, drugs and tests against the coronavirus.

Of course our Oxford vaccine trail will be included, and of course:
The US, whose President Donald Trump recently said he would withdraw American funding from the WHO, says it will not take part in the initiative.
USA citizens won't be getting any :unsure: ... Sorry :cautious:,
Maybe you should select your presidents more carefully :oops:
Yes but it is a drilled tunnel, ours are a concrete pipe laid on the sea floor, the Gotthard base tunnel are also like 36 Km or so, but also a drilled tunnel.
Directly translated from Danish we call a tunnel like that a sink tunnel, in that you sink it to the sea floor, and then pump out the water out in it to make it sink.
Which do raise a question in my mind, so of it was not for that water ballast it would not sink, then when its removed it want to float, but i assume the layer of rock they put on top of it prevent that, or maybe some level of ballast water will be left inside the segments.
At its deepest place it will be 49 M below the surface.

Ours is also a combined road and rail tunnel, yours are just a rail tunnel.
If we made it same size but all rail it would be 5 tracks, in you multiply that up 18 km X 5 you get a lot of railroad track under water.

BTW: The assumed done date are now 2029
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The people elected. It also say a bit about the people doing the voting, often making it very hard to be a optimist.
It is one of the areas where i think democracy as we practice it now is flawed.
The people elected. It also say a bit about the people doing the voting, often making it very hard to be a optimist.
It is one of the areas where i think democracy as we practice it now is flawed.

The reason Trump got elected is because the US uses an Electoral College system. He actually lost the popular vote.

Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US President

The Electoral College made sense back in the day but in the modern era has become a hindrance to free and fair elections.
Yeah, that Electoral system,,,,,,, that's something my American friends will have to explain the why it exist today to me in great length, cuz to me it appear a very strange way to do it.
That alone will probably take a while, and i have many other questions.

And i am of course also open for telling as far as i know how Danes perfected socialism in a way communist leaders never made work.
And other things of course.
The electoral college was designed to protect the interests of small states from being overrun by large states like California and New York. Just a few states with the largest populations could determine every presidential election if the popular vote was counted. It might mean smaller states rights could be destroyed or removed.

The same thinking of trying to protect states rights was applied when the senate was filled with senators chosen by the state legislators to protect states rights against a federal government that might not consider the states rights. A constitutional amendment removed the only protection the states had against federal overreach against states rights by allowing the popular vote to choose federal senators who could then vote completely against their own states interests without fearing their states governor or legislators would not reappoint them to the federal senate.

Presidential candidates do not try to win the popular vote. That is a waste of resources with the electoral college in place. Candidates run their elections so they can win the electoral college. Every election cycle the news outlets talk about the electoral college requirement for a candidate to win. The popular vote is never a news issue until after the election results are already decided by the electoral college.

These larger articles explain this in much more detail.

Yeah EU have sort of the same problem, with a little Country like Denmark risking getting steamrolled by the big nations.
Not aware what if any system in place to prevent this.
Also one reason as to why my issues with the EU get bigger and bigger as it spread into every nook and cranny.
It is funny some EU countries can run a national debt of +100 % of their GNP, but there are no reward for other countries taking better care of their economy, actually right now in this virus mess it seem like those "messy" nations would like us not as messy nations to pay their corona related bills.

The good thing is this might actually kill off the EU which is a good idea if we just get back to it being a trade organization and not attempting to be a new super nation.
Cuz that will not happen, and the proof is in after the 2008 crisis the EU was very slow in getting back on track, where the US for instance did much better with a speedy recovery, and the EU was to blame for that i think.
Yeah EU have sort of the same problem, with a little Country like Denmark risking getting steamrolled by the big nations.
Not aware what if any system in place to prevent this.
Also one reason as to why my issues with the EU get bigger and bigger as it spread into every nook and cranny.
It is funny some EU countries can run a national debt of +100 % of their GNP, but there are no reward for other countries taking better care of their economy, actually right now in this virus mess it seem like those "messy" nations would like us not as messy nations to pay their corona related bills.

The good thing is this might actually kill off the EU which is a good idea if we just get back to it being a trade organization and not attempting to be a new super nation.
Cuz that will not happen, and the proof is in after the 2008 crisis the EU was very slow in getting back on track, where the US for instance did much better with a speedy recovery, and the EU was to blame for that i think.
When you elected your president - Ursula von der Leyen, it was done via secret ballot, so you don't actually know what way your representatives and thus yourself voted!
Thanks to corona and no airline traffic, a new Danish altitude record for hot air balloon have been set.


That is 8253 Meters in Euro language.
Would be cool to try if it wasent for the -38 degree C temperature up there.
Hope they managed to land back in the correct country, crossing borders at the moment might get you in trouble!
Yeah they started over east near the capitol and flew west, but i think they landed on Fuen and dident even have to go as far wast as Jutland.

When they dont burn and its dead quiet aside for the pilot flame, what a way to see your country it must have been.
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