COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Science funding under Trump seems to work a bit differently to UK funding!
The team at the University of Oxford had been preparing for an event like the Covid-19 pandemic before the current global outbreak. They had already created a genetically engineered chimpanzee virus that would form the basis for the new vaccine. They then combined it with parts of the new coronavirus. The result is, hopefully, a safe virus that trains the immune system to fight Covid-19.

The big question is whether this experimental vaccine will actually work. Prof Sarah Gilbert, the lead researcher developing the vaccine, says she is 80% sure it will. "This is my view, because I've worked with this technology a lot, and I've worked on the Mers-vaccine trials [another type of coronavirus], and I've seen what that can do. "And, I think, it has a very strong chance of working."

But even if it does work, and they do produce a million by September, supplying billions to the world will still take until at least next year.
I thought you didn't believe in herd immunity! :D

No, I never said I don't "believe" in herd immunity. Herd immunity of at least 60% is vital in stopping a viral infection in a society.

I don't believe in what you have repeatedly advocated which is to infect as many people as possible as fast as possible to "speed it up and "get it over with" as you put it because that would cause an unnecessary and perhaps even more extreme number of deaths than we've already seen and potentially overwhelm hospitals and other systems. It is better to "flatten the curve" as they say, until a vaccine is developed and other measures can be put into place.
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An American doctor and his team developed a vaccine in 2016 and nobody would fund the trials

Yeah if the horizon for a return on your investment get too long, in normal business environment that mean people stop throwing money at something.
A practice that are only superficially used here in my country on the government level when they invest in the future of the Danish society, i am not sure but i assume when we build a bridge the time it take to have funded itself by tolls are much longer than a similar project in another country.
And its not like passing a Danish toll bridge are dirt cheap, as most know cheap are not a thing in this little country.
Science funding under Trump seems to work a bit differently to UK funding!

Sadly, science itself works rather differently under Trump than it does anywhere else.

But even if it does work, and they do produce a million by September, supplying billions to the world will still take until at least next year.

You're probably right but who knows; perhaps we will see a WWII level application of effort and resources.
Parts of this little place ( like northern Jutland ) have a much lesser problem with this, but i doubt we will see a phased opening, though in my eyes it make good sense.
Okay up there we also dont have our industrial heartland, not even the farming heartland, still if they could i think they should if not then for the sanity of the people living up there, they could also sort of be a test bed for the rest of the country trailing by some weeks.
But our glorious leaders are probably not able to handle such a thing, after all their workload now must be at least 100% over their normal level.

HEHE i find it really hard to cut those bastards just a little chance.

Many nursing homes here have not seen a single old inhabitant getting the virus, though only one municipality have dont testing on caretakers early on to keep a clean slate.
I don't see how that proves anything. Many people I know use pre-paid phones and they keep them on full time. With a prepaid they just don't have to bother with or commit to a contract and can buy the minutes and data they need.
same here, prepaid is just for people that can't get, or don't want a post paid/contract based service, people that turn their phones off are in the minority, the majority still provides enough data for the purpose of establishing percentages of who is staying home and who is going out
But even if it does work, and they do produce a million by September, supplying billions to the world will still take until at least next year.
depends which method is used, if it's grown in eggs like they normally are then it will take longer than a few years to get into the billions, not enough eggs
depends which method is used, if it's grown in eggs like they normally are then it will take longer than a few years to get into the billions, not enough eggs

Just the other day there was a report on the news about how egg suppliers have not been able to sell as many eggs as usual because of the stay-at-home restrictions so they've had to dispose of the excess. Seems eventually, these excess eggs could go into vaccine production.
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People in the Danish capitol practicing social distancing in the good weather today. :rolleyes: my not favorable take on people over there are not totally without merit it seem.
Maybe the world famous Danish phenomenon "hygge" will be the end of us :ROFLMAO:


In the regular new is is very important for the American president that Greenlanders are happy, so he will spend 83 million DKkr up there, Denmark spend 4 - 5 billion DKkr every year up there.
So maybe Mr Trump, will fold now, maybe check,,,,, either way that's not how you win a game, or hearts and minds. :)
Yeah they have seen way more dead than us Danes, but of course its just old and week ones, so maybe there are still a little viking in the Swedes.
In the Gotland questions they are worried about not getting the herd immunity and thus being at risk from tourism in the summer.

Lastly, two reporters asked about two high tourist areas—Blekinge and Gotland, both isolated, what have almost no “cases,” a number below 20. They want to know whether the parts of Sweden with very slow spread will be behind the rest of the country, meaning not have achieved herd immunity. (Though nobody expressly uses the term.)

The reporter persists, asking: “What are the chances that Blekinge and Gotland are so isolated that they will continue to have fewer cases when the pandemic is over?”

A reporter asks yet another question about Ingmar Bergman’s beloved island, where he lived most of his life: “On Gotland, we’ve had 19 positives for a very long time, which is very good and there’s great hope that we should be able to travel this summer. Since Gotland has these very few cases, won’t we be more vulnerable if we can’t get these numbers up?”
New York is getting herd immunity.
New York's early antibody tests finds 14% with coronavirus

The distribution of confirmed cases here in municipalities and cases in 100.000 inhabitant.

From 0 ( intet tal ) to 400 or more

Cellphones can be a PITA, and they facilitate stupidity quite well. I lived quite well without one; there was a fully functional and more productive world before cellphones. It required that you learn and retain knowledge, and think ahead since you had no way of getting 'instant' results. It made stupidity more obvious and more painful, and I can see no wrong in that. Including texts, I'm on my phone less than an hour a week and that's almost too much.

There's a lot of things with this virus that don't 'add up' such as testing revealing more people who have been infected than can be explained by what we think is happening with this outbreak. Testing revealing persons apparently getting re-infected, including some who seem to have caught this twice. Various unexpected symptoms like maladies in one's toes, permanent damage to organs rarely affected by colds or flus, Cases being discovered who long pre-date 'patient zero' and could not possibly have been infected at that time. It seems that the more we learn about it the more we discover that we don't know things which should have been long known about viruses (and it seemed that we knew those well-proven things). If not the worst pandemic ever, this one is tops for being weird.

In November and early December there were a bunch of people getting a particularly nasty cold, which we know is a corona virus too. Some of those folks were nearly bedridden for weeks. and it seems to have hit worldwide. The symptoms were the usual ones, but far more severe. I'm beginning to hear some non-clinical discussion that these two events could be related and they're making complete sense when compared to the known facts. One manufacturing plant here had numerous cases of this cold just after a visit to their plant from executives of a newly-acquired Chinese company. As best anyone can tell, those cases of that nasty cold began locally from that time as nobody had anything here before that. Is it possible that Covid-19 mutated from that? From what little I know medically that possibility exists. Or perhaps some but not all of Covid-19's characteristics were in that cold, which could explain why antibody testing is revealing those 'impossible' early infections and the 'reinfections' as those tests cannot tell from where the antibodies came from, only that the one's they are looking for are present. I don't know enough to make any claims for this theory, all I can do is see how it apparently can explain a lot of the proven anomalies we're finding with Covid-19. Strange things do happen in this world so I'm not discounting this possibility, only filing it away in my hea to see if our end results with Covid-19 show a connection- now that would be really interesting- and scary as heck too :eek:

New York is getting herd immunity.
New York's early antibody tests finds 14% with coronavirus

Also interesting that New York City (rather than state) was 21.2%, which seems a better match for the curve to level off.

Note that antibody tests can't detect antibodies until your body has produce significant numbers, many experts saying that it can take 28 days before you get a reliable test result, so these figures give us the infection rate from around 3 weeks ago when NY was still on its way up the curve, there should be double the number by now, especially as the people tested were people found out on the streets and so presumably didn't include anyone who still had symptoms.

If that is correct then there is not much scope for the "second wave" that the press seems to have got fixated on recently, or if there is one then it is going to be very minor.

Of course it could be just another unreliable antibody test.
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