COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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I seriously doubt this was a previously organized protest.
You're wrong. That 'protest' has been planned for at least a week and was well publicized. The 'armed' individuals are open carry extremists trying to get any media exposure they can, and show up at just about any protest regardless of the underlying issue just to get any spill over limelight. You see the same faces over and over.
It is incredible i cant even post a line of a fairy tale, and its not like i am marked either i have never gotten a warning from youtube or had any of my own taken down.
So either its a oversensitive censorship algorithm, or some woke human censorship that just delete as default without even reading what they delete.

Either way i see it as personal or political persecution of me or the channel owner, cuz it is not like it in any form are no way near the rules of youtube, cuz if it was you would get a warning i assume.
personal or political persecution are both illegal in Danmark, so either youtube get in line or we should block the damn thing.
You've obviously drunk so much right wing Cool Aid that you are now completely out of your mind! :hungover:
Then I plead insanity to avoid any responsibility.

The legislature has to write the rules of court so the court can operate. The legislature does not have to write anything that I am aware of for a governor to perform his duties.
You're wrong. That 'protest' has been planned for at least a week and was well publicized. The 'armed' individuals are open carry extremists trying to get any media exposure they can, and show up at just about any protest regardless of the underlying issue just to get any spill over limelight. You see the same faces over and over.
I had no idea. I can accept it was planned by men who just want to get coverage in the press so they could get publicity.
I only believe in protesting for specific reasons that are very clear. Even then I am extremely unlikely to protest.
I could be convinced to testify regarding an upcoming proposed law.
I was just shocked to see that protest happen as it did.
Then I plead insanity to avoid any responsibility.

The legislature has to write the rules of court so the court can operate. The legislature does not have to write anything that I am aware of for a governor to perform his duties.

Each and every state in the US has a mechanism for authorizing emergency powers to the executive branch in times of major crisis and emergency.

A state legislature designating temporary broad powers to the chief of the executive branch to act in the interest of protecting the population and then having to seek further authorization from the legislature should the emergency exceed 90 days is the exact opposite of tyranny. That is how a modern democracy functions.

It's bizarre and illogical that you take issue with this concept.
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One guy is a ex cop.
I have no use at all for any mind altering substances and have never used any. I agree with that officer (based on similar reasoning).
I understand punishing people for being under a drugs influence when they become a threat but not for being stoned at home (unless you are their parents).
For me it comes down to asking if alcohol is legal why should any other mind altering substances that also mess up peoples lives be illegal?
Ban all such substances or none and I will be content

I "follow" a couple of Danish channels on youtube, both demonetized and all manner of obstacles put in front of them, pretty much just cuz they are not main stream.
Obstacles put in front of them by who? The Danish state, Youtube, the channel moderator...

In both videos, people are giving their opinions. In China that would not be acceptable, in USA it would. Bit difficult to have a middle ground without ending up with an argument about what is acceptable!

On the first video, his views are in line with Portugal, hard to argue that they are unacceptable : .

If you can't argue, then you will never learn much, and what you do learn is likely to be inaccurate since it can never be corrected.
That is the problem with Trump, nobody will argue with him, not even his experts, so he never learns anything but his own view.
Each and every state in the US has a mechanism for authorizing emergency powers to the executive branch in times of major crisis and emergency.

A state legislature designating temporary broad powers to the chief of the executive branch to act in the interest of protecting the population and then having to seek further authorization should the emergency exceed 90 days is the exact opposite of tyranny. That is how a modern democracy functions.
First, this country is a republic not a democracy. I find it bizarre that so many people do not know this fact. The founders despised democracies because democracies always fail. A republic protects the rights of the minority even when the majority do not like it.
Second, until the legislature passes a law the executive branch has no constitutionally firm law to apply. That is based on the separation of powers inherent in each of the republics constitutions. I find it bizarre you do not understand what separation of powers means.
Third, the legislature could pass laws that require people to stay at home. The executive branch ie the governor could then enforce that emergency clause required law immediately. The judicial branch could then determine if the law passed by the legislature was constitutionally valid or not. This approach is all about following the procedures actually set forth is the constitution and voted upon and accepted by the people in centuries past.

I have never found a clause in any constitution saying this constitution can be violated if it is only for a short time. Have you?
First, this country is a republic not a democracy. I find it bizarre that so many people do not know this fact. The founders despised democracies because democracies always fail. A republic protects the rights of the minority even when the majority do not like it.
Second, until the legislature passes a law the executive branch has no constitutionally firm law to apply. That is based on the separation of powers inherent in each of the republics constitutions. I find it bizarre you do not understand what separation of powers means.
Third, the legislature could pass laws that require people to stay at home. The executive branch ie the governor could then enforce that emergency clause required law immediately. The judicial branch could then determine if the law passed by the legislature was constitutionally valid or not. This approach is all about following the procedures actually set forth is the constitution and voted upon and accepted by the people in centuries past.

I have never found a clause in any constitution saying this constitution can be violated if it is only for a short time. Have you?

Not in an emergency! That's why legislatures put these laws into place before an emergency strikes. A chief executive needs to be able to act swiftly during a fast moving crisis and that is why these temporary measures are in place.

You don't have a leg to stand on in your amateur legal analysis. And this Republic vs Democracy argument has no place in a situation like this, except for right wing extremists like you.
Youtube, they really like to play hardball if you are not on their side of the political agenda it seem.
When i post on those channels i now record my screen while i do it, so i can document the horrible Censorship if someone want to go after Oogle on this.

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say. "
Thats George R R Martin

Danish law say you can say pretty much anything here, really the only worry you have are the racism paragraph in the law, though it often seem to be only a one way law.
Youtube, they really like to play hardball if you are not on their side of the political agenda it seem.
Youtube has a tough job to do, policing false medical claims such as Trumps hydroxychloroquine and disinfectant injections, and unfortunately they don't have enough staff suitable to do a good job of it. It is questionable if they should be doing it at all, but some things do need to be removed somehow. I don't see how they can ever get enough suitable staff, or how it could be done by someone else such as the police, so this is going to be an ongoing problem, maybe worse than the virus!
When i post on those channels i now record my screen while i do it, so i can document the horrible Censorship if someone want to go after Oogle on this.
In the USA the Courts will tell you that the first amendment freedom of speech only applies to government interference. Facebook can remove any speech they do not like for any reason Without violating the USA Constitution. I have no idea how your courts would see this issue. Yes, google and facebook get special government treatment but they can remove any speech they do not like until legislation changes.
This is interesting.

om the 13 studies — including 4 models, 4 observational studies, and 5 pre-prints of one kind or another — there was an overall estimate of 0.75% infection-fatality rate, with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.49% to 1.01%.”
Yes i know facetwitt or youtobe / whoever can do what they please, but when they start to censor people for not much reason, then they should be called out on that, so people dont waste their time on their site.
Every single news outlet is declared to be biased that I have looked at.

Should we trust MSNBC?

Snap 2020-04-30 at 20.32.37.png

Snap 2020-04-30 at 20.31.57.png
Yeah news are poo now, i have not seen a whole news program on TV for a few decades.
Aside for special times like 9-11 which i pretty much saw live as soon as there was a international feed, i was without a job at the time, but the regular TV news programs not so much.
And written news i skim thru and often have to leave it at that as some headline piss me off, or reading a few lines into some article piss me off.
pretty much sums it up
Shouldn't really be a funny subject, but this is a much better way to deal with the USA's verbal attacks and fake claims on China and the WHO's handling of the virus than any other. (Not all in the USA agree with Trump, but he is their leader, it is USA that has ended WHO funding, not Trump.)
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