Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-HD]

Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

My GPS is also working now after the patch. Thanks!
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

SumitB said:

Thank you for the effort you've put in to get this firmware running. I installed this on two 500's and the installation went on smoothly. However, i had to use the patch gps to get the gps to work and followed the instructions in the readme to do it. Now, the camera is working without issues including the gps. Thank you once again. Now waiting for you to release the translated documentation to explore the new features.

Would you like to post the exact way you did all this as I know how to update firmware but found this slightly confusing as after I unzipped it got more folders than expected and unsure if they are all needed
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Hillbilly said:
Would you like to post the exact way you did all this as I know how to update firmware but found this slightly confusing as after I unzipped it got more folders than expected and unsure if they are all needed

I placed the files
- default_sd.tgz
- main_app_DR400G
in the root of the SD card, next to the folder Blackvue

i then placed the folder 'upgrade' the folder in Systems folder
inserted the SD card in recorder and turn it on wait for the download, it said emergency debug mode, waited a minute.
Turned off and deleted files that we just put in and the upgrade folder and contents.
restarted and all ok.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

wozzzzza, Thanks for your response
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Help, I have updated my firmware and now have no gps or voice prompts :o , do I need to pm Mio for the patches? :?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

For installing the firmware:

1. Ensure that you currently run o ne of the firmwares which Mio mentions in his mail which are safe to be upgraded to 1.1.1

2. Unzip the contents of the zip file you donloaded from the lnk provided by Mio.

3. In a FAT32 formatted SD card, copy the folder BLACKVUE to the root along with its contents. You may need to copy he correct timezone file from the TimeZone folder into he CITYTIME folder.

4. Insert this SD card into your DVR and switch it on. The DVR will prompt that it is upgrading the firmware. It will then restart and again prompt that it is upgrading the firmware, etc. Finally, when all done, it will give the usual prompt, "Blackvue for your safety. Starting Normal recording."

5. Let it run for a few minutes and see if the GPS led comes on. If it does not, check if it blinks every few seconds. In this case, you will need to patch your DVR with the second file Mio has linked to.

6. In case of GPS patching, you will need to copy the Upgrade folder to the System folder which is inside the Blackvue folder. The other two files need to be copied to the root of your sd card.

7. Insert the card in the dvr and switch it on. It will prompt hat it is going into debug mode and after a few seconds it will prompt "Blackvue for your safe driving". At this point, switch off the DVR and remove the SD card and remove the Upgrade folder and the other 2 files from the root.

8. Insert the card again into the DVR and let it run. It will patch the files and get into normal recordind mode.

I followed the above steps for both my dvr's and I had no issues. However, I had to redownload the firmware since I got a crc error when I was unzipping it the first time.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

All about steps are right. I did the same and got GPS but the problem with the voice is still there. I mean after patch for GPS, I take the card out and put into laptop to format it then put back to the VDR , it will be no voice ( the version.bin file is Korea ) and the voice will come when I edit version.bin to English
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Firstly, many thanks to Mio and everyone else involved for all the hard work with this firmware and for the patch. Also thank you to SumitB for the step by step instructions.

I installed the firmware but afterwards had no GPS, so I then installed the patch and everything appears to be working properly with the video at 15mb/sec. GPS position was picked up straight away. I've been out for a little test drive and it seems to be much easier to see the number plates clearly of vehicles coming towards me so I am really pleased with the upgrade so far. I'm looking forward to the document translation so i can read more about what the new firmware can do.

One thing I have noticed though. If I play the footage through the Blackvue application/viewer, the video is jerky, but if I play it through VLC Player, it plays smoothly. Does anyone know why this is? Is this because of the very high bitrate now, as I didn't have this problem when it was running at 12mb/sec?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

I got a link to the patch and DLd it but no link to custom firmware. Am I correct there is a link to custom firmware and a patch and they are two separate links?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

After installing 1.1.1aES plus the patch - I have the high bitrate, and voice, and GPS. Very happy! Thank you - this is the bitrate this thing should have come with for that kind of money.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Pappy - send FW. fixed error ;)
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Mio said:
Pappy - send FW. fixed error ;)
Thanks Mio, got it! :D Sent you contribution on PayPal.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Pappy said:
I got a link to the patch and DLd it but no link to custom firmware. Am I correct there is a link to custom firmware and a patch and they are two separate links?

Try to download all files at once here:


I will the download remain open for 2 or 3 days...

[now closed]
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

fkhuebner ,this is the corrected version. Who needs will go ask :!: :?:
what for throw a link does not work with GPS?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

why no one talks about the video?
The changes see properly or not?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

The fix is included in that zip-file.
I've got no link to a corrected version, which already includes the fix. I had only got the link to the first version and a second link to the fix...

But if you want this, i take it down..., should i?
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Ive got a problem with my powercable, so no video yet. Still have the make the power, maybe this weekend.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Mio said:
why no one talks about the video?
The changes see properly or not?
I just installed it last night, initial test shows me video is better, but once I gets tested today after a nice drive I can know for sure.
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

mike1088 said:
Firstly, many thanks to Mio and everyone else involved for all the hard work with this firmware and for the patch. Also thank you to SumitB for the step by step instructions.

I installed the firmware but afterwards had no GPS, so I then installed the patch and everything appears to be working properly with the video at 15mb/sec. GPS position was picked up straight away. I've been out for a little test drive and it seems to be much easier to see the number plates clearly of vehicles coming towards me so I am really pleased with the upgrade so far. I'm looking forward to the document translation so i can read more about what the new firmware can do.

One thing I have noticed though. If I play the footage through the Blackvue application/viewer, the video is jerky, but if I play it through VLC Player, it plays smoothly. Does anyone know why this is? Is this because of the very high bitrate now, as I didn't have this problem when it was running at 12mb/sec?

Have you tried adjusting the speed in the viewer or does that not make any difference
Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

Mio, so the GPS works now. :D I can't seem to get the time to correct itself though. Is there a way to reset the time? It keeps showing up as either year 1970 or 1969. I formatted the card a couple of times and put the correct cityzone file + timezone in the config.