Feitelijk's SG9665GC

Going for drive tomorrow, sun still pretty low here even at noon when i set off from home.
Should allso have a good chance of capturing a low sun around the time when it set and i am on my way home.

yeah anything sunrise or sunset is best chance to catch the most trying conditions
I don't get too much sunset sunrise here I noticed compared to Adelaide as theres mountains all around and sun rises around 5.30am when im still in bed.
I don't get too much sunset sunrise here I noticed compared to Adelaide as theres mountains all around and sun rises around 5.30am when im still in bed.

yeah not everyone is in a position to catch the right situation, sunrise or sunset, travel east or west at the right time etc so the footage is very helpful
Well now, I took off the CPL....
The GT680 is pointing up quite a bit more due to the slope of the windshield in the Daihatsu Cuore.

GT680 is at -0EV, SG at -2/3E, sky on the SG is still too bright. Other parts are better lit.


0EV for both, sun in the back. on the SG the sign left of the road is illegible, sky is too white.


Low sun, both at 0EV


And here's one from the Westfield.
In this situation, directly into the yellow sun, the SG9665 (at -2/3EV) actually looks better than the 0EV GT680.
Yes sky is not as bright but I see less non-sky details. Do you prefer it darker with less detail captured on the ground and sides?
I prefer a natural image. The one with the sun in the back is a good example of where it is too white. Then again the one with the yellow sun looks quite good.
First two image show the smoothing of the SG, and the brighter image.
On the third one I think the GT680 is a bit sharper. (Look at the P-sign)

I would expect that with the increases sensitivity of the IMX322 the exposuretime would be a bit shorter, and therefor sharper.
This is why I preferred to run -2/3EV on the GT680W. And with the whiteout on the SG I like it there as well. Does the EV setting influence more than the exposuretime? Is the iso reduced when you do this?
Just a post to illustrate the amazing sound on the SG9665C, as you can imagine there's quite some wind and exhaust noise in the car. Bu listen how clear my abusive comments on the idiotic driver are!
Both cams @EV=0.0 , WDR on.

Interesting I think. Sky is overexposed, but when it passes the viaduct I first overexposes more but then recovers!

The GT680W apparently is in the dirty part of the window(which holds also for the daytime vids above)
SG is much clearer.
Comparison between a G90C (0EV) and the SG (-2/3EV) and the SG was pointed down 250px more.


will be good if you can do these same types of comparisons once the new firmware is released, will be interested to see the difference
Yes, this was in anticipation of the AE table update. ;)
bit darker with the trees and so on.
Can see the fisheye correction of the ambarella at work.
Sound comparison:

Engine noise is more prolific on the SG, but the conversation with the person in the car next to and behind me is clear on both cams.

(For non dutch speakers: he noticed me that my brakelights were not working, I applied the brakes and then he saw that they were working, I just did not brake where he expected me to)
G90 in the back, SG in front. I can read the plate (GX-606-J) on the G90 :) but not on the SG. :(

(Note: the location of the telephone on the window directly in front of the driver)
Still on the beta 9, I was going to upgrade to 16. (Or at least try if this version works on linux)
SG starts normally as a mass storage, but after a few seconds reboots.
Looks like it's power issue, which is strange because a moment ago I had three devices (SG, G90 and a GPS) on that USB module to transfer the files and it worked fine. Funny.

Got the file on the card but SG will still not recognize it as a firmware if I copied it from linux.
$ sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,user,umask=000 /dev/sdb1 /media/TMP/

What it did do was set my time and date back to 2016/01/01...

Will upgrade on a windows system later.

What I do find is that my thin mount developed some slack. Thick mount is still solid. How thick does the foam have to be?
