First-Time cam buyer


New Member
Dec 9, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
United States
I've been researching for a dash cam, but I was looking for a discreet one that clips over the rear-view mirror so it points forward.
Also a lot of the rear-view cams have a separate secondary rear cam that I have no use for.
I was looking at the 'Falcon Zero F360+' which has two cams, but those are attached to one unit, so that's the only exception.

Has anyone tried/use that model ?

I'm willing to spend up to $200
A cam that is heat resistant, I really just want to leave it in the car but don't need overnight recording.
Any help would be appreciated.
Welcome to DCT, Bklyn78! :)

I'm not going to recommend you any camera or tell you if the F360+ is good or not (I'll leave it to our "experts" ;)), I'm only going to comment on the heat resistance: if you're talking about leaving the camera inside the car while parked in the sun (even if it's not recording), then no camera is heat resistant enough, unless it's completely made of metal. The direct sunlight and UV radiation will cause more damage than the heat inside the car itself, so unless the camera is mounted away from the windshield, you'll have to find a way to protect from the sun whichever camera you buy, instead of expecting it to withstand the heat.