FlyMod for Nextbase 512GW

Yeah, I think it's only natural for a company to have it on as default because like I say I don't think people would actively switch it on. I think the problem with the Nextbase logo is it is too big and distracting. I think if it sat smaller down by the other information it would probably be fine. It's just too....yellow. Perhaps if it was faded slightly it would be better received.
I have a 312 and you can switch the branding logo off.
I have a 312 and you can switch the branding logo off.

It's still on my 312; I've never updated the firmware so I don't know if they've removed the option in later versions. The point is they have removed the option on the 512 firmware.
The Lo files are an issue with me as pointed out by Jacko956 if 128gb sd card bought one wants to be able to record all necessary files to it and not useless Lo files that might never be used and I looked on the nextbase site and could not find the logo free firmware
I have recently purchased the Nextbase 512GW, and was wondering how to get rid of the logo on the footage, thinking there must be a way to disable it in settings.
Apparently not, this is ridiculous.
Imagine the outcry there would be if Canon, or Nikon, inserted their logo on every picture their cameras take, and then told customers that they have got to live with it because the logo can't be removed. Come on Nextbase, give us the option to remove your logo, from our video recordings, using cameras that we have purchased with our money, to display our footage that we have taken, without your logo. Photographs and videos are not designer items, they should not have logos stamped on them.
Thanks, Tiffany, I had read your earlier comment, where you stated that it was available by special request, but it is now 4 months on, and I would have expected it to be incorporated into the main software by now.
I shall be contacting support after sending this.
Hi Tiffany, I have just requested from support for the firmware to remove the logo and hope they let me have the file...thanks
Thanks Tiffany, just received the updated bin file, I will install it later.
Thanks again Tiffany, firmware updated, and logo not showing now on footage.
I was going to mention that my only other gripe would be that the power 'on' button is too sensitive, but I see that has also been adjusted in the new firmware, and the power button now needs about a two second press, and hold, to switch on, which is much better.
That sounds good. I was forever accidentally turning my 412 on when carrying it out to the car.
I was the same, every time I touched it, it would burst into life ;)
My firmware was for the 512GW, so I don't know if the firmware for the other models will be the same, regarding the 'on' sensitivity.
Hi Tiffany,
Can I thank you for the updated no logo Firmware. It was in my email, inbox, less then a minute after I had sent it requesting it.
For Tiffany, the new firmware does not seem to have the option to turn off the 'Lo' recording mode, (which the original version had), so I am having to use up space on the sd card for recordings that I will never use, is it possible to get the no 'Lo' option back on the no logo firmware please.
Thanks again Tiffany. I am not a software writer, but I would have thought, from the various adaptions of the firmware produced so far, that most of the code has been written already to achieve this,, so it should be just a matter of integrating the components together to get the desired results.
Yes, it isn’t a case of not being able to write the code. It’s a conscious decision to have standard firmware releases and one version for use without the logo.
Thank you Tiffany I have received the firmware and will install it later