G1WH can take firmware from DOD LS388W, Shadow GT300W 1306180 and others

Thank you for your answer. I've study this thread before but didn't find the answer if upgrading from 12 to 15Mbps will do any diffrence in quality. Someone write here that he didn't notice any diffrence. I would check it myself if I only have backup of existing firmware (can't find my firmware anywhere, can't also find information how to go to service mode). For now I'm happy with DA380-150424v01, everything works fine and don't know if upgrading to much older firmware is a good choice.

Are you sure your camera records at 12Mbps only?

15Mbps was introduced at some point as the standard bitrate for this camera within a firmware update. In other words, it was no longer needed to upload a firmware from other cameras as the stock one already increased the bitrate do 15Mbps. I have the firmware from the beginning of 2015 that was posted in this thread and it records at 15Mbps. Works perfectly fine and I can tell the difference in quality between this firmware and some older one the camera came with.

I would find it really strange if a newer firmware (that you have) would decrease the bitrate back to 12Mbps.


Apparantely as strange as it looks, it actually seems to be the case that the newer firmware versions dropped the bitrate back to 12Mbps.
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Hi Wookie,

I have the same Proc as yours and after checking the sotck firmware, it said, G1WHT-301-150629V01LD. If your current formware looks like mine, then try the name FWG1W.bin. It worked for me after several weeks testing all the names thrown here. I found this name on a Polish site. Yes I translated the whole webpage with Google :).

Here is the Polish link: http://www.wideorejestratory24.pl/kamera-samochodowa-g1wht-fullhd

And the Google translated Firmware Page: https://translate.googleusercontent...rmware&usg=ALkJrhjYfLAV5Id-AGH8zRhPRSELDV_z6A

Hope this helps

PS: By the way, I am new on the forum.

So the instruction is a fake ?? how should I call name this BIN file ?

Just got a G1WH from Spy Teck via Amazon, the firmware is listed as 2015.1028.11

Windows properties details on a video file reports 13620kbps

Size of 5 minutes video file is 512MB

Be aware guys of the stock power adapter. I just found out today that the main cause of my endless ON/OFF issue is a lack of juice from the adapter. As a result, the camera couldn't fire up. From my previous messages, I already knew that my battery is dead but I couldn't understand why the camera kept going ON and OFF continuously even though it is plugged to my car. Once I replaced the adapter, the silly boy worked like a charm since this morning without crashing. Note also I took off the battery. So now the camera is directly powered with its adapter on permanent 12Volt. I ordered a capacitor and should arrive in the coming days.

Cheers! \m/
After fiddling around with the latest G1WH_DA380_2015-12-18_01 firmware most of today, I thought I’ll share this so you won’t have to waste your time working this out.

Here is the instructions for those who are interested in the trying out the latest firmware on their G1W-H from https://wr24support.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/8000022188.

My unit was purchased back in 2014 and can only update the firmware with the file name FWDM800H.bin and the new firmware filenames in G1WH_DA380_2015-12-18_01.zip are LDS1088.bin and FWS1088.bin. It is NOT as straight forward as renaming FWDM800H.bin to flash, you’ll also need to rename the loader.

Here are the instructions:

1) Download the file G1WH_DA380_2015-12-18_01.zip from https://wr24support.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/8001851201

2) Extract the files from the archive to a temp directory

3) Rename LDS1088.bin to LDDM800H.bin

4) Take out the microSD card from the Dashcam and insert it into a computer

5) Copy the file LDDM800H.bin to the root of the microSD card

6) Eject the microSD from the computer and insert it into the dashcam

7) Power on the dashcam and it should boot like normal without you noticing that the bootloader has been updated and now the dashcam can only recognise FWS1088.bin filenames for firmware upgrades. Firmware with the file name FWDM800H.bin WILL BE IGNORED by the unit.

8) Take out the microSD card from the Dashcam and insert it into a computer.

9) Delete the file LDDM800H.bin

10) Copy the FWS1088.bin to the root of the microSD card

11) Power on the dashcam and the red led should light up then blink while it flashes and then boot up with the new firmware.

12) Remove the microSD card and delete the file FWS1088.bin. Restart the dash cam.

13) The default language is Polish so if you need to change it back to English you’ll need turn off recording then to press the menu button 2 times, the down button 5 times then press the record button then use the up and down buttons to select the language you want.

The camera should report the version as G1WH-380-15119CBBE.

If anything goes wrong and the camera turns on with only the red LED, You can flash any valid firmware with the filename as FWS1088.bin, even with the Shadow (seezeus) GT300W 1306180-SC-2 firmware.

Have fun. Let me know if you have a newer firmware and better firmware. Cheers.
Hi All,

I have been trying for last 2 days to update the firmware on my G1WH which I have had for over a year. It currently runs the OEM firmware.

I firstly followed the guide one page1, renaming the file and making sure it was on root of SD card, also making sure the SD card was freshly formatted prior to placing on the root. None of the flashes have been successful, Basically put the card in the cam and then turn it on and it just boots like normal.

I then decided to move onto the guide above for the fresh firmware. Followed all of the steps exactly as documented but it still does nothing and just boots as normal into the OEM 2014 firmware.

any ideas?
Hi All,

I have been trying for last 2 days to update the firmware on my G1WH which I have had for over a year. It currently runs the OEM firmware.

I firstly followed the guide one page1, renaming the file and making sure it was on root of SD card, also making sure the SD card was freshly formatted prior to placing on the root. None of the flashes have been successful, Basically put the card in the cam and then turn it on and it just boots like normal.

I then decided to move onto the guide above for the fresh firmware. Followed all of the steps exactly as documented but it still does nothing and just boots as normal into the OEM 2014 firmware.

any ideas?
Are you sure the name you gave the file is the right one for your camera? I have a G1W and a G1W-H. Both boards say S1088. The G1W only accepts files renamed FWS1088.bin and the G1W-H only accepts files renamed FWDM800H.bin, but somewhere deep in this thread there are reports of people who could only flash their H's with firmware renamed FWS1088, so if isn't one it's the other.
I tested all compatible firmwares, and personally, I chose the DA380.
I have a G1WH with firmware number 2015.1028.11 what benefits and extra features will the dash cam have if I update the firmware to say DA380?
Mike :)
I have a G1WH with firmware number 2015.1028.11 what benefits and extra features will the dash cam have if I update the firmware to say DA380?
Mike :)
The DA380 firmware has the same features as the original, the menus look similar (give or take) but it has the time stamp on the left (as opposed to some firmwares that have it on the right). The main reason why I did the update was because it gave the camera better video quality and had a higher bitrate (15 Mbps against the 12 Mbps of the original) but I don't know what bitrate your camera's firmware has, since it's newer than the DA380 I was talking about.
I only advise to update if you have the original firmware, or at least a similar version of it, so you can go back if you're not happy with the upgrade.
If you're camera is compatible with these firmwares (Novatek processor) and you have an original file, why not try a different one?

A typical file with the G1WH set to 1080FDH is shown in Windows 10 as: Type MOV File, Size 616,655 KB Length 00:05:01 Bit Rate 512kbps. Not sure how that works out as Mbps?


How can you work out the video bitrate of the camera?

Are you sure the name you gave the file is the right one for your camera? I have a G1W and a G1W-H. Both boards say S1088. The G1W only accepts files renamed FWS1088.bin and the G1W-H only accepts files renamed FWDM800H.bin, but somewhere deep in this thread there are reports of people who could only flash their H's with firmware renamed FWS1088, so if isn't one it's the other.
I tested all compatible firmwares, and personally, I chose the DA380.

I will give this a try again tomorrow got a few days off!
Looks like a new firmware has been released: https://wr24support.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/8002101963

Updated my G1WH and the Version lists as: G1WH-380-160107CBBE

At first I tried using the default FWS1088.bin and LDS1088.bin but that didn't work.
Luckily I saw De-Occultist's post above and renamed them to FWDM800H.bin and LDDM800H.bin and tossed them on the card
Powered up the camera and just got a black screen let it sit for several minutes and then powered off using the power button. Powered back on and it was reporting the new version (after switching to English of course)
Decided to try the 1088.bin files a second time around and it looks like the camera took the firmware the second time and applied it either again or fully. It only took a few seconds and then the camera fully booted up.
I just bought the camera and I went for the update. I didn't need to rename any files, I just formatted the card and I copied over the files.

Plug camera into usb
Powers on and you will see a red splash screen.
Delete the files from SD card.
Restart camera
All set
Welcome to DCT, Hmike!

I just bought the camera and I went for the update. I didn't need to rename any files, I just formatted the card and I copied over the files.

Plug camera into usb
Powers on and you will see a red splash screen.
Delete the files from SD card.
Restart camera
All set
No one said it's mandatory to rename the files. If the original name fits one's camera hardware, good.
A bunch of instructions on this thread all say to rename the file name. I did that first thinking it was the only way.

The very first post in this thread says:

1.Download the firmware file to your computer
2.Unzip the file
3.Format your memory card in your computer (or unit)
4.Copy the bin file to the root of your memory card
5.Change the name of the firmware you would like to flash to FWDM800H (required as the G1WH will not update with bin files with names other then this)
6.Put card into camera
7.Power camera on (make sure the camera is plugged in)
8.The camera will update automatically. The screen will stay off but the status light will ight up; it will take 30-60 seeconds
9.After updating, remove the memory card and test with another memory card. Remove the firmware from the memory card you would like to use or it will flash every time"

Also the post above mine says:

At first I tried using the default FWS1088.bin and LDS1088.bin but that didn't work.
Luckily I saw De-Occultist's post above andrenamed them to FWDM800H.bin andLDDM800H.bin and tossed them on the card.

So I thought it was necessary to rename the filename.