Git G3 Duo Firmware Mod


Active Member
Aug 19, 2018
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Hi, guys!
New firmware mod for Git G3 has been created. Image processing settings have been adjusted, bitrates doubled and new video resolutions (1080p50, 1080p48) added.
UPDATE (2019-02-06): Fixed issues with default sensor mode added in previous version, adjusted AE and noise reduction settings, better image quality.
Check detailed list of changes:
UPDATE (2019-02-22): Additional fix for custom sensor mode, updated color correction, reworked Low Light feature to reduce motion blur (Off) or reduce noise/increase brightness (On) for 30/60fps.
UPDATE (2019-03-09): Resolved frame sync issue for 1080p60 by switching to 59.94fps and updated autoexposition and color correction settings. Introduced "mod of mod" with settings for EIS of 170° FOV version of camera.
UPDATE (2019-03-30): Added ISO Limit feature, 1080p25/1440p25 video resolutions and updated settings for AWB and Noise Reduction.
UPDATE (2019-04-21): Fixed issue with broken EIS for 1080p60

Git G3 Duo 90 firmware mod (based on official v2.2)


1. Fix issue with broken EIS for 60fps modes.

2. AE and AWB settings adjusted.

3. Changed Effect Sepia to convert from full range to limited range (same as Black&White) with increased saturation.


1. Added ISO Limit feature: setting ISO with Shutter Speed Auto will prevent ISO rising higher than specified value, except for ISO 50 - max ISO 6400 will be used.

2. Video resolution WVGA replaced with 1080p25 and 1440p25 for High bitrate.

3. Noise reduction parameters tunning.

4. Updated video resolutions for WiFi enabled mode to match new resolutions (1080p50, 1080p48, 1080p25, 1620p30)

5. AWB settings updated.


1. Changed video framerate for 1080p60 from 60fps to 59.94fps to resolve sensor sync issue.

2. Updated color correction settings.

3. Automatic exposure settings adjusted.


1. Another fix for new sensor mode used for 1080p30/1080p48/1440p.

2. Updated color correction settings.

3. Feature "Low Light" is enabled again with following functionality: Low Light On - lowest shutter speed set to 1/30s for 30fps, 1/60s for 60fps (50Hz, will cause flickering with some light sources); Low light Off - 1/50s for 30fps(50Hz), 1/60s for 30fps(60Hz), 1/100s for 60fps (50Hz), 1/60s for 50fps and 60fps(60Hz).


1. Fixes for ISO50/ISO100 issues in new sensor mode used for 1080p30/1080p48/1440p.

2. Tuned noise reduction settings to improve image details and reduce noise level in low light.

3. Changed sensor timings for 1620p30 and 2160p24 modes to avoid frame doubling/skipping.

4. Added missing support for VGA 240fps video resolution.

5. Adjusted parameters for AE for all modes in order to improve highlights in bright light and avoid frame doubling in low light (720p120/VGA240).

6. Lowered compression level for .jpg photos for better image quality.


1. Sharpness settings changed: Strong - same as original Normal; Normal - external edges disabled; Soft - sharpening disabled.

2. Changed params for Auto WB.

3. AE params and gamma curve for Normal contrast adjusted.

4. Color correction changes.

5. Changed sensor timings from 29.97fps to 30fps, 59.94fps to 60fps to match recorded video framerate and avoid frame doubling/skipping.

6. Doubled bitrates for video (Low: ~32mbps, Med: ~52mbps, High: ~70mbps). Make sure your sd card is fast enough.

7. Adjusted settings for noise reduction filters.

8. Image effect "Black and White" has been changed to adjust video luma component to limited range.

9. Replaced 1440x1080x60 (1080p60 4:3) video resolution with 1920x1080x48 (1080p48)

10. Replaced 1296p30 video resolution with 1920x1080x50 (1080p50)

11. Replaced 2160p24 (16:9) video resolution with 2880x1620x30 (1620p30)

12. Changed sensor mode for 1440p30 and 1080p30 video resolutions.

Make sure, that official firmware v2.2 is installed on the camera before installing this mod.
Please note, that it is based on firmware for "no distortion" 90° FOV version of camera, but might be working properly with 170° FOV version, although it has not been tested yet. but it works fine with 170° FOV version, as it was confirmed by several testers.

UPDATE (2019-04-21)
: Modified firmware could be downloaded here
Please leave your feedback and comments!
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Interested it the new firmware but need to know that It works OK with170 lens before I will flash. I especially like the more useful resolutions. I have downloaded the file in anticipation.

I think there a slight typo in the update notes it says that the Med bitrate is 520mbps. I wish.;)
I especially like the more useful resolutions. I have downloaded the file in anticipation.
Previous model Git2P was 170 and 90 FOV too, with the same hardware, but different lenses and parameters for distortion correction used in EIS. That was the only difference between them, so, firmware from 90 could be flashed to 170, and it was confirmed by manufacturer and several people. I believe, the same applies to G3 too, but we will now it for sure, when some volunteers test it. I think, that even if this firmware is not compatible with 170 FOV model and camera is bricked, it would be possible to just flash original firmware back, using standard firmware update procedure. I have bricked Git2P and G3 lot of times during my experiments.

I think there a slight typo in the update notes it says that the Med bitrate is 520mbps. I wish.;)
Thanks, that's really typo, as medium bitrate is ~50-52Mbps, During my experiments with limiting h264 QP for Git1 and Git2P I have seen bitrates ~100-140Mbps or even more, but it seems to be too much for this hardware, while bitrates lower than 80mbps are pretty safe, according to my tests.
Updated version of firmware is available, please check first post in the topic.
We still need volunteers to test mod compatibility with Git3 170° FOV and/or additional devices (secondary camera/remote control/gps)!
just saw your mod. have 170 FOV model. would like to test. can you confirm that going back to original fw is possible if any problem occurs?
just saw your mod. have 170 FOV model. would like to test. can you confirm that going back to original fw is possible if any problem occurs?
I will try to flash original firmware for 170 FOV model to my 90 FOV model, to make sure these 2 cameras have identical hardware and let you know about results.
Please note, that current firmware mod release has issue with 1080p30/1080p48/1440p video resolution used in bright light. Next version of mod will be released soon with fix for this issue and some additional improvements.

is the BT remote still working with your fw mod?
are you able to fix this issue with timings as well?

is the BT remote still working with your fw mod?
Yes, BT remote seems to be working fine.
are you able to fix this issue with timings as well?
I have tried to investigate this issue, and seems to be not directly related to .jpg save speed, and correct timeout value is set (0.5s). I believe, it is related to the way this feature implemented: looks like it is built on top of another "Self Timer" feature, so when still shot is captured, it restarts self timer with specified delay. As result, intervals between shots are not precise, as it does not take into account time spent for capture itself and saving .jpg, and another bottleneck seems to be related to quick preview and UI refresh after each shot, which is very slow - you can notice how long it takes to redraw all UI elements (shots count, current settings etc), while in continuous shot mode UI is refreshed only when burst is done, also it uses different buffering settings during this operation. So, no solution for this issue at the moment.
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In original fw version 2.0_0802 I found this wifi bug, can you check if this is fixed?

I choose video resolution 2160P 16:9. Recoding is fine.

As soon as I turn on wifi, and the display still says that 2160P 16:9 is selected,
the video is recorded in 4:3 and looks ugly.


- in video mode with resolution 4:3 interval snapshots are 16:9 with black bars
- all resolution with 60FPS have smaller FOV, this even changes after recording is started
- why does the resolution of 2160P 4:3 gives much more FOV than the other 4:3 resolutions?
- could the naming of the video resolutions be optimized?
- colors are sometimes not very natural, they are too strong
I have not checked WiFi mode at the moment, as quite low video quality mode is used in it due to hardware limitations, so it seems pretty useless for me. I believe, due to my changes with sensor modes, things could be even worse at the moment, as video resolutions for WiFi do not match with resolutions with normal mode.

There are several sensor modes used for different video resolutions, e.g. 60FPS resolutions are using sensor mode which provides image with dimensions 4096x2160, so it has to be cropped to 3840x2160 to keep aspect ratio 16:9. As result FOV is bit narrower compared to full readout mode, which has 4000x3000, and used for 2160p/1440p in original firmware. I have added support for another sensor mode, which has same image dimensions as one used for 60FPS, but with 12-bit color depth and 48FPS. It is used for 1080p30/1080p48/1440p in my firmware mode, with same FOV as 1080p60 in original one. For 1440p 4:3 same mode is used as for 1440 16:9, so image cropped to 16:9 AR is cropped again for 4:3. I have switched it to the mode used for 2160p with 4:3, so it should have full FOV now. Also, original firmware has framerates for video 30/60 FPS, while sensor readout timings are set for 23.98/29.97/59.94 FPS, as result, frames are often skipped/duplicated in video, as video recording is out of sync with readout. I have corrected it for 24/30 FPS modes, while this issue is still not resolved for 60fps, as I have not figured out proper settings for it yet.

Resolution 2160p24 4:3 seems to be hardware limit for this camera, video in it seems to be not very good, as frames are often skipped and bitrate and framerate are low. I prefer 1080p modes, which seems to be optimal for this hardware. In case higher resolution is required, 1440p seems to be ok. Also, in modded firmware, 2160p24 16:9 resolution has been changed to non-standard 2880x1620 30FPS, which provides good quality in bright light but is not practical indoors and same as original 2160p24 it suffers from codec bitrate limitations, although not so severe.

Currently I'm working on updates for color correction, and I believe, it should be more natural now. Previous releases of firmware mod had some changes for color correction too, but it was too over saturated.

Also, what is interval snapshots in video mode, and how naming of video resolutions should be optimized?
- naming of video resolutions should be optimized?
the naming is mixing up the ratio and FPS. eg 1440P/30FPS and 2160P 4:3
I think I reported this to Gitup but can not find the mail anymore... :-(

- interval snapshots are snapshots taken while in video mode recording

further finding:
  • LED blink frequency is very slow, a bit faster would be better so see if you are motorbike riding and only can look very short on the cam to check recording
  • when doing long time exposure pictures (eg 20sec) with interval, there is no LED blinking. So you do not know if camera is still taking pictures if you leave the camera outside to take nightsky pictures
  • On the Git2 you could easily see the setting values in the menu. With Git3 you always need to open a setting to see the values. Would be good to have an overview page with the current active settings.
  • Is there a way to start/stop the wifi by button? If the cam is in a housing I would like to change settings, without taking the cam out of the housing in order to use the touch screen.
Updated version of firmware is available, please check first post in the topic.
We still need volunteers to test mod compatibility with Git3 170° FOV and/or additional devices (secondary camera/remote control/gps)!
I have 170deg G3. If I have time I will try this mod.
I have tested flashing original firmware for 170 FOV version on my 90 FOV camera, and shot some test videos with it, and flashed back to modded version of firmware. So, I believe it should safely work in other direction too, as hardware is identical. Probably, original firmware ver2.2 should be flashed first, and modded one after it.
I have updated link in top post with latest mod, which contains some fixes and changes, please check changelog for details.
I try to change sensor timings value to more lower value(Example 29.97fps->29.00fps).
But I cannot find where to modify because firmware doesn't include 29.97(floating value).
Would you mind telling me how to modify sensor timings value?
I am also interested in this. Which software do you use for editing and compiling? Where did you find the source?
I have no sources of this firmware, all changes are done with original firmware binary using plain hex editor, so it is mostly impossible to implement some features you have mentioned earlier.
Sensor timings are 2 integers, and sensor target framerate could be calculated according to sensor clocks and these 2 numbers. Each sensor mode has its own settings, and video resolutions and bound to one of sensor modes. Recorded video framerate should be the same as sensor's one, otherwise frames will be skipped or dropped. So, it is not just changing one number in firmware from "29.97" to "29.00". Also, it is not clear, what is purpose of such video with 29fps, what do you want to achieve with such non-standard framerate? Original firmware has 24fps, but it looks like kind of jerky, and any other framerate, which is not in sync with your display refresh rate will have jerky look too. I can enable 1440p/1080p 25fps video resolution, if somebody needs it, at least, it makes sense for PAL support.
I try to change sensor timings value to more lower value(Example 29.97fps->29.00fps).
But I cannot find where to modify because firmware doesn't include 29.97(floating value).
Would you mind telling me how to modify sensor timings value?

30fps is actually 29.97fps, that is normal, it's a standard framerate
30fps is actually 29.97fps, that is normal, it's a standard framerate
Devices based on Novatek chips write .mp4 with integer framerate - 30/60fps etc, it could be checked with any video editing tool or even in file properties on Windows. While other devices, e.g., based on Amba, are writing .mp4 with different framerate - 29.97/59.94fps etc. This difference could be ignored as negligible, but in case video is recorded for more than several seconds, sensor clocks are out of sync with recorded video clocks more and more, and at some point, recorder wants another frame, but it arrives too late, so previous frame is duplicated in video, and late one is dropped. Such situations will be repeated with some almost constant period.
For some reason, Novatek sensor drivers have timings for 29.97/59.94fps, and you can notice this issue with naked eye and check it reviewing video frame by frame. In case timings are set absolutely correctly, no frames are dropped. Unfortunately I was not able to find proper timings for 60fps mode, so used imperfect ones, which are 1.00001 of correct value, and frames start to drop after 5-6 minutes of video recording, while original settings are set to 1.001, and you can see dropped frames even during first minute. For my 1080p50 video resolution I have set proper values, and no frames dropped at all. So, 1/1001th makes huge difference for video in long run.
Thanks for reply.Traffic lights in western Japan blink at 120Hz.If I start recording with video fps divisor of 120 , color of traffic lights is invisible for few seconds.This is example -->
I tried recording with video 28 fps and frequency 60Hz, but problem isn't resolved.
So I need to change sensor timings to something from divisor of 120 to resolve this problem.