GitUp F1: any good for dash cam use?

F1 seems a little over exposed for dashcam use and it doesn't have a Car-DVR exposure mode like the other Gitup cameras. Maybe set a little -EV.
What's interesting is the relative inability for the F1 to capture text at night compared to the A119. However, from what I see, it looks like the auto-exposure needs to be turned down a bit. It's seriously overcompensating in the shots where there are almost no light sources (approach to junction), but where there's enough light, it's fine (at junctions, also daytime shots).

I'm grabbing the laptop to watch the video, but the stills seem to paint the picture of oversensitive auto-exposure, at least.
F1 seems a little over exposed for dashcam use and it doesn't have a Car-DVR exposure mode like the other Gitup cameras. Maybe set a little -EV.
Is there a car DVR mode on the G3? I've not found that yet.
Is there a car DVR mode on the G3? I've not found that yet.
Please check the Ext Power option in system setting, choose the Recording option.
Please check the Ext Power option in system setting, choose the Recording option.
I have the Ext Power option set to record. @Nigel was talking about an exposure mode for car DVR?
Is there a car DVR mode on the G3? I've not found that yet.
Yes, on the G3 under "Metering", along with "Spot" and "Average" there is a "Car DVR" mode.

Should set the exposure from the road and ignore the sky and streetlamps.
Yes, on the G3 under "Metering", along with "Spot" and "Average" there is a "Car DVR" mode.

Should set the exposure from the road and ignore the sky and streetlamps.
Thanks for that. I only opened the box yesterday and had not found that option. I agree that might be useful in the F1 - sounds like a variation on centre-weighted metering.
Here's a few low light frames from the F1 and A119.

F1 1440p 30fps 43.7Mbps
A119 1440p 30fps 24.3Mbps

The first set is on approach to the junction at approx 30mph. Note it's raining so the wet screen adds to the glare.


The next set is stationary at the junction


This is the same junction, recorded yesterday in the dry at 4k25

F1 4k 25fps 60.4Mbps
A119 1440p 30fps 24.3Mbps

Approach to junction at approx 40mph


Stationary at the junction


Short comparison video from yesterday's night scene.

F1 is brighter, but still I like A119 better..... actually I'm very happy with my A119S... seeing these samples, I see no reason to switch.
F1 is brighter, but still I like A119 better..... actually I'm very happy with my A119S... seeing these samples, I see no reason to switch.
4K resolution and night vision don't normally go well together, the F1 is doing OK at night but in sunny conditions it should do significantly better than the A119, it has twice the resolution of the A119 and 4x the resolution of the A119S. Some of that is lost to the wider field of view, but a wide field of view can also be an advantage to a dashcam.
4K resolution and night vision don't normally go well together, the F1 is doing OK at night but in sunny conditions it should do significantly better than the A119, it has twice the resolution of the A119 and 4x the resolution of the A119S. Some of that is lost to the wider field of view, but a wide field of view can also be an advantage to a dashcam.

I know, but I drive my truck in ALL conditions so I need the best overall performer that I can afford. RC Flyboys don't fly in rain, darkness of night, snow, stormy weather etc (normally... :whistle:) and I use my dashcam for reading license plates (even the fast moving upcoming ones) as good as possible, and in night conditions that never worked yet for me, nor anyone else as far as I know. Having said that, A119S is the best one I have owned to date and that includes the JooVuu which was my favourite before, still like it, even with it's flaws.

I'm not in it for fancy smancy filming footage.... ;) although it would be a nice bonus of course... :D
I know, but I drive my truck in ALL conditions so I need the best overall performer that I can afford. RC Flyboys don't fly in rain, darkness of night, snow, stormy weather etc (normally... :whistle:) and I use my dashcam for reading license plates (even the fast moving upcoming ones) as good as possible, and in night conditions that never worked yet for me, nor anyone else as far as I know. Having said that, A119S is the best one I have owned to date and that includes the JooVuu which was my favourite before, still like it, even with it's flaws.

I'm not in it for fancy smancy filming footage.... ;) although it would be a nice bonus of course... :D
Agreed, I will stick with my Mini 0906 which uses the same sensor as the A119S as my main dashcam, but if I want a road trip holiday movie then the Gitup F1 will do a better job and when not in use for other things it can stay in the car recording 4K dashcam video because it is going to see things that the 0906 doesn't have enough resolution for or which are out of the 0906 field of view.

Biggest issue with the F1 seems to be that it fills a 64GB memory card as fast as a normal dashcam fills a 16GB card, it needs a 256GB card for a days driving and they are currently the same price as the camera!
Where to find extra batteries for F1? Nothing to be found by searching LB104 battery.If used as an action cam this really needs extra batteries as the recording time is not very long.
Where to find extra batteries for F1? Nothing to be found by searching LB104 battery.If used as an action cam this really needs extra batteries as the recording time is not very long.
I guess Gitup will add them to the accessories soon, but meanwhile you could search AZ13-1.

You should get about an hour record time even at 4K with wi-fi turned on and the app in use.
I guess Gitup will add them to the accessories soon, but meanwhile you could search AZ13-1.

You should get about an hour record time even at 4K with wi-fi turned on and the app in use.

Ok,Thanks! I found some YI cam AZ13-1 batteries on eBay and Aliexpress. Hopefully they will work.
I just got my F1 yesterday and was wondering if I have the latest firmware (F1 V1.0-20171010).I did not find firmware downloads for F1 on Gitup website and android app dont seem to have a way to update it.
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Ok,Thanks! I found some YI cam AZ13-1 batteries on eBay and Aliexpress. Hopefully they will work.
I just got my F1 yesterday and was wondering if I have the latest firmware (F1 V1.0-20171010).I did not find firmware downloads for F1 on Gitup website and android app dont seem to have a way to update it.
That appears to be the only firmware for the F1 at the moment
Ok,Thanks! I found some AZ13-1 batteries for YI cam on eBay and Aliexpress. Hopefully they will work.
I just got my F1 yesterday and was wondering if I have the latest firmware (F1 V1.0-20171010).I did not find firmware downloads for F1 on Gitup website and android app dont seem to have a way to update it.
I think it will be a while yet before a firmware update, although there are some bugs to be fixed.

For firmware update you just put the downloaded file on the memory card and turn on, easier and more reliable than using an app!

I've not heard of anyone using an AZ13-1 in the F1 yet, would be good to know how well they work, and what record time is achieved...
Ok,then have to wait until Gitup uploads updated F1 firmware to their website I guess.I hope they could use h265 as recordings take a lot of space and U3 128Gb and 256Gb memory cards are not very cheap.I currently use 64Gb U3 card.
I have an extra 16GB memory card just for updating the firmware.
Dual charger+2 AZ13-1 1010 mAh batteries were selling for $7.80 on eBay.
I hope they could use h265 as recordings take a lot of space and U3 128Gb and 256Gb memory cards are not very cheap.
I don't think there is any chance of H265 on that processor, but it would be nice to get more on a card! Maybe choose a lower quality setting?

I'm not sure where the requirement for U3 came from, I am currently using a U1 Samsung Evo+ and they are fairly slow on write speed (unlike the U3 Samsung Evo Plus), but I'm having no problems using "Quality = S.Fine". I think Mtz recommended a U3 so there must have been a reason, but maybe that was from prototype testing and the production units/firmware are OK with U1?
I was using a 128GB U1 Sandisk card in mine. No problems so far with Quality = S.Fine and loop recording. Just switched to 64GB Evo+ U3.