GitUp Git2 Firmware

I don't think gitup team are interested in help, I asked already several time for the beta fw and they don't want to share...
I try beta firmware (1,4) and i used the fix for hot pixels and works great, all gone.
But i have some questions about new firmware:

What does:
Shutter speed: 1/30sec or 1/60sec
Sharpness soft/normal/strong - what is best for quality options?

And one suggestion, is possible to make menu transparent ? In photos it would be great.
I don't think gitup team are interested in help, I asked already several time for the beta fw and they don't want to share...

they probably have enough help already. there is such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen.

another factor is that a developer doesn't want beta software being sent around the internet and then other people find it and think it's official, then get angry if something doesn't work right or it ruins their camera. that's why most beta tests are closed - only including people the developers trust.
@wolwzz - sharpness - ideal setting will depend on your shooting conditions and preference for how the video will look.
Hi, i did some tests and found that: in low light sharpness set to soft and it helped a lot to less video noise. I'm starting to liked git2 more and more :)
Hi, i did some tests and found that: in low light sharpness set to soft and it helped a lot to less video noise. I'm starting to liked git2 more and more :)

I would always run the sharpness at the lowest level offered, it always seems to do the exact opposite to what you would want when turned on
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I don't think gitup team are interested in help, I asked already several time for the beta fw and they don't want to share...
Normally everyone send PM to me for asking beta version, I will share on time.
But if just talk on the forum, maybe I will ignore, I have sent PM to you.

As we are still working on another feature, so why we hold releasing the V1.4.
Shutter speed: 1/30sec or 1/60sec
It will work while the ISO is not set for Auto, is useful for special condition, like the light is not change frequently.
Normally everyone send PM to me for asking beta version, I will share on time.
But if just talk on the forum, maybe I will ignore, I have sent PM to you.

As we are still working on another feature, so why we hold releasing the V1.4.
Thanks gitup team. ;)
they probably have enough help already. there is such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen.

another factor is that a developer doesn't want beta software being sent around the internet and then other people find it and think it's official, then get angry if something doesn't work right or it ruins their camera. that's why most beta tests are closed - only including people the developers trust.
@wolwzz - sharpness - ideal setting will depend on your shooting conditions and preference for how the video will look.
I'm not a newbie user... I've done beta testing for other companies before... Like DJI for example, I know I can't share the beta fw.
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I'm not a newbie user... I've done beta testing for other companies before... Like DJI for example, I know I can't share the beta fw.
Then you should also know that developers of anything from toasters to jet fighters can only have so many testers at once or they will have to much info and end up not fixing anything.
Then you should also know that developers of anything from toasters to jet fighters can only have so many testers at once or they will have to much info and end up not fixing anything.
I don't agree with that as a developer myself getting as much feedback as you can is always good to Polish the code.
I don't agree with that as a developer myself getting as much feedback as you can is always good to Polish the code.
As a developer you should know that support is almost non existent in many mainstream electronics device companies. Just be thankful that they are actually doing beta tests with real users and that you actually have direct lines of communication with the company itself and not some indian tech support out in the boonies.
I don't agree with that as a developer myself getting as much feedback as you can is always good to Polish the code.
i'm a developer as well and have been flooded with input from users in the past. so based on that, we now start with a small pilot group and slowly increase its membership as we become more confident in each product's stability.
I try beta firmware (1,4) and i used the fix for hot pixels and works great, all gone.
But i have some questions about new firmware:

What does:
Shutter speed: 1/30sec or 1/60sec
Sharpness soft/normal/strong - what is best for quality options?

And one suggestion, is possible to make menu transparent ? In photos it would be great.

Does the shutter speed option for videos? if yes , you whant twice as fast as the frame rate you use to get a fluid look . Ex setting for video with high motion blur :
24p= 1/24sec
30p= 1/30sec
ex fluid video
24p = 1/48sec or the closest option like 1/50sec on dslr
30p= 1/60sec
60p= 1/120sec
ex for stroboscopique effect like in the movie (saving private Ryan) at the begining of the movie
24p= 1/72sec
30p= 1/90sec
60p= 1/180sec

with 30p and 1/60sec exposure on the git2 it should be fast enougth for action video.
When I shoot with my DSLM olynpus cam on the 24p with 1/50sec , I have less motion blur than whit my gitup git2 at 30p on the 1.3 firmware (unknown shutter speed) So I have a better video quality . With the option you refer it will only be good for the 30p and maybe 24p if this option came one day
You just need short press on RC remote. When it show light on RC, means it still have power, if the light is not so brighter as before, means less power maybe no enough power.

FYI, even though the LEDs were working, replacing the battery fixed my pairing and button operations. I'm surprised the RC remote works from several meters away, fantastic!

One side note: when I set the RC remote to be in quick shot mode, it seems the power button on the remote does nothing
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FYI, even though the LEDs were working, replacing the battery fixed my pairing and button operations. I'm surprised the RC remote works from several meters away, fantastic!

One side note: when I set the RC remote to be in quick capture mode, it seems the power button on the remote does nothing
quick capture is not for the remote, it's for the camera. it makes it so that if the camera is OFF, and you press the top shutter button, it will quickly turn on and start recording.

thing is, if the camera is OFF, the remote won't do anything. you cannot turn on the camera using the remote no matter what settings you change on the camera. this is not a defect - it's by design. if the camera had to be on, listening for the remote all the time, it would very quickly kill the camera battery.
quick capture is not for the remote, it's for the camera. it makes it so that if the camera is OFF, and you press the top shutter button, it will quickly turn on and start recording.

thing is, if the camera is OFF, the remote won't do anything. you cannot turn on the camera using the remote no matter what settings you change on the camera. this is not a defect - it's by design. if the camera had to be on, listening for the remote all the time, it would very quickly kill the camera battery.

Apologies, I meant the "Quick Shot" seetting in the RC Operation Mode.
Does the shutter speed option for videos? if yes , you whant twice as fast as the frame rate you use to get a fluid look . Ex setting for video with high motion blur :
It beta 1.4 manual ISO / Shutter speed can be adjusted.
Hi friends. Is it possible to downgrade from 1.3 to 1.2 or 1.1? I need a new loader?
Somebody has problem with 720 120fps and firm 1.3?
Then you should also know that developers of anything from toasters to jet fighters can only have so many testers at once or they will have to much info and end up not fixing anything.
Hey,99: That's like too many cooks in the kitchen!!