GitUp Git2 Firmware

I solved the problem. The problem was the new charger 2A samsumg tablet i have. This one dont charge correctly the battery. Whit charger 1A huawei mobile the camera has back to life working firmware 1.3
I received my Git2 and was pretty happy with the quality in good light, but low-light was very disappointing as I had a number of hot pixels (including a couple right in the centre) which constantly flickered.

In the absence of a solution via the firmware I've had to send it back :( but I'll definitely look to order another if a good fix is released. So, any update on when a firmware with fix for the hot pixel issue will be released?
No one should buy an action camera expecting it to be high quality in low light. Why do you think expensive DSLR cameras need flashes? The higher the Megapixel the lower quality low light images.
Action cameras in my opinion are for outside during daylight. But what do I know.. LOL
Action cameras in my opinion are for outside during daylight. But what do I know.. LOL
Some people do action sports at night:


But of course you should select an action camera suitable for the rather specialist conditions.

Or just stick to photographs rather than video, there are some nice night photos in the Git2 review at .

Those are still shots and this camera can do them just fine using time exposure. However, doing videos at night is not the greatest thing unless there is bright light such as at a football or baseball game where this camera will shine.
Those are still shots and this camera can do them just fine using time exposure. However, doing videos at night is not the greatest thing unless there is bright light such as at a football or baseball game where this camera will shine.
I think you'll find that this is the case for most action cameras, not just this one. Some are slightly better, some slightly worse, but none are perfect unless they're also extremely expensive.
I think you'll find that this is the case for most action cameras, not just this one. Some are slightly better, some slightly worse, but none are perfect unless they're also extremely expensive.

if low light stuff was something that you wanted to do regularly you could buy a Git1 and a Git2 and have something to suit each situation and still be spending a lot less than the cameras that might be able to do it all
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When I say 'low light' I don't mean in pitch-dark or outside under moonlight. I was getting very noticeable hot pixels flickering even on indoor footage at home in the late afternoon with my interior lights on. That basically means I would only have been able to use the Git2 in bright conditions outside, which isn't acceptable to me.

I completely understand about hot pixels being intrinsically part of a higher-resolution sensor, and I'm not expecting fantastic quality in near-dark conditions, however the hot-pixels were just ruining the footage. The Gitup team need to come up with a technical solution in the firmware to identify hot pixels and map from the surrounding ones (other manufacturers have done it).

If it wasn't for the Gyro functionality I'd have probably lived with it, as I could have mapped the hot pixels myself in post-processing (as they would have been in the same position all the time). However, switching on the Gyro moves the hot pixels around and makes dealing with them in post-processing difficult/impossible. That's why the pixel re-mapping needs to be performed in-camera before the Gyro stabilisation is applied.
It's there a bitrate raise planned in the new firmware? Seems that now for 1080p 60fps 27mbs may be not enough for fast scenes.
40mbs would be perfect.
Well, tried to upgrade to v1.3, and am stuck. I formatted a 32g card FAT32, put the LD file on micro card, put the card in the camera, and it has a single green light on front on constant and one red light constant in back and nothing on LCD. Its stuck in the mode, doesnt matter if card is in or not, its connected to laptop or not. When I plug it into the laptop, it doesnt show as an attached device now. Is it impossible to go back to v1.2? It should not run for more than 10 mins, correct?
Well, tried to upgrade to v1.3, and am stuck. I formatted a 32g card FAT32, put the LD file on micro card, put the card in the camera, and it has a single green light on front on constant and one red light constant in back and nothing on LCD. Its stuck in the mode, doesnt matter if card is in or not, its connected to laptop or not. When I plug it into the laptop, it doesnt show as an attached device now. Is it impossible to go back to v1.2? It should not run for more than 10 mins, correct?
Someone tried to upgrade with V1.2 first, then upgrade with V1.3 loader and firmware to solve this issue.

Also you can try to rename the loader name from GIT2LD.bin to LDNH2.bin, we found some cameras require to use the LDNH2.bin, just change the loader name.

Don't worry, you can try to do this several times, normally it can be solved by follow the right steps.

Please connect the camera with computer for upgrade, also normally even for a "dead"(no response) camera, it will show LED after upgrade the loader.
I got it functional again. If you do this where its not connected to the computer, the proper sequence is:
1) Copy just the GIT2LD.bin on the root of the card
2) Put card in camera, turn it on. Green light will light on front, red light will light in back, LCD will be dark. Wait one minute. Turn camera off (its confusing, as those lights just stay on and nothing happens)
3) Take card out, put it in adapter and back into your PC. Delete the LD.bin file from the root, and copy the GIT2FW.bin to the root of the card.
4) Put card back into camera. Turn camera on. Front lights and back lights will blink and update will take about a minute. When lights stop blinking, remove card, delete the .BIN file from the card on your PC, put back into camera, and now you can turn camera on and it will function
Great. Waiting for that. :)

Ps: Or can I test the fw?
Of course no problem, we'd like have more users to test the beta firmware first before official release, we are still working on that, need add the bitrate options.
Because for dashcam usage, no necessary to use so high bit-rate.
I got it functional again. If you do this where its not connected to the computer, the proper sequence is:
1) Copy just the GIT2LD.bin on the root of the card
2) Put card in camera, turn it on. Green light will light on front, red light will light in back, LCD will be dark. Wait one minute. Turn camera off (its confusing, as those lights just stay on and nothing happens)
3) Take card out, put it in adapter and back into your PC. Delete the LD.bin file from the root, and copy the GIT2FW.bin to the root of the card.
4) Put card back into camera. Turn camera on. Front lights and back lights will blink and update will take about a minute. When lights stop blinking, remove card, delete the .BIN file from the card on your PC, put back into camera, and now you can turn camera on and it will function
Glad to see you solved the problem, and thank you for sharing the guide.
I got it functional again. If you do this where its not connected to the computer, the proper sequence is:
1) Copy just the GIT2LD.bin on the root of the card
2) Put card in camera, turn it on. Green light will light on front, red light will light in back, LCD will be dark. Wait one minute. Turn camera off (its confusing, as those lights just stay on and nothing happens)
3) Take card out, put it in adapter and back into your PC. Delete the LD.bin file from the root, and copy the GIT2FW.bin to the root of the card.
4) Put card back into camera. Turn camera on. Front lights and back lights will blink and update will take about a minute. When lights stop blinking, remove card, delete the .BIN file from the card on your PC, put back into camera, and now you can turn camera on and it will function
I solved mine like that too.

Gitup how to apply to test the beta fw?
Of course no problem, we'd like have more users to test the beta firmware first before official release, we are still working on that, need add the bitrate options.
Because for dashcam usage, no necessary to use so high bit-rate.
If you need beta testers count me in.. :) I was beta tester for xiaomi too before I switched to Git2 :)
My tests in a mini quad, seems there is more shakiness than the Yi...

Without Gyro:

With Gyro (the footage gets really weird):

I found the Pro package at 95$ shipped in banggood:
Discount cupon code: f09abc
My tests in a mini quad, seems there is more shakiness than the Yi...

Without Gyro:

With Gyro (the footage gets really weird):

I found the Pro package at 95$ shipped in banggood:
Discount cupon code: f09abc
Just watched the gyro one and the only thing I saw "weird" was the quick roll you did near the beginning... I have a long way to go before I can do rolls or flips with mine. But the footage looks good to me.

I got that email from banggood too but didn't click the link since I already have a git2. $95 is a hell of a deal for the pro pack! Just keep in mind it's like a month for their free shipping.