GitUp Git2 Firmware

Yes I know but this camera is amazing and at 95$ shipped it's a steal. Crazy deal... Mine was 140$
Ok, these might be stupid questions, so apologies if they've been asked before!

1. Is there a way to turn on/off WiFi without the RC remote? I can't seem to find this in the system settings

2. Is there a way to switch between wide and narrow fov for shooting photos?

3. My RC remote is either acting weird, or I'm not using it correctly. When I press the button, like to toggle WiFi, do I need to keep the button down for a while? Also when I press any of the 4 buttons, the green LED flashes once, then the red LED pulses for around 2secs. Am I maybe out of battery?


PS apologies, I should have posted this in the support thread...
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For activate/deactivate wifi, you have to hold (not just push) side button on camera.
3. My RC remote is either acting weird, or I'm not using it correctly. When I press the button, like to toggle WiFi, do I need to keep the button down for a while? Also when I press any of the 4 buttons, the green LED flashes once, then the red LED pulses for around 2secs. Am I maybe out of battery?


PS apologies, I should have posted this in the support thread...
You just need short press on RC remote. When it show light on RC, means it still have power, if the light is not so brighter as before, means less power maybe no enough power.
2. Is there a way to switch between wide and narrow fov for shooting photos?
2. For photo FOV, you need to crop the image in your photo editor to give whatever FOV, width, height, zoom factor and aspect ratio you desire. You don't loose any quality doing it this way since that is what the camera would do if it did have the option. Personally I like an optical zoom, but then it wouldn't be an action camera.
2x and 4x slow motion work great with or without Gyro. However, 8x is still very choppy with or without gyro. Can this be fixed next firmware?
And in the latest beta that works great too.
I got it functional again. If you do this where its not connected to the computer, the proper sequence is:
1) Copy just the GIT2LD.bin on the root of the card
2) Put card in camera, turn it on. Green light will light on front, red light will light in back, LCD will be dark. Wait one minute. Turn camera off (its confusing, as those lights just stay on and nothing happens)
3) Take card out, put it in adapter and back into your PC. Delete the LD.bin file from the root, and copy the GIT2FW.bin to the root of the card.
4) Put card back into camera. Turn camera on. Front lights and back lights will blink and update will take about a minute. When lights stop blinking, remove card, delete the .BIN file from the card on your PC, put back into camera, and now you can turn camera on and it will function

same here. was confused that lights just stay on. is there anyway to check if loader update was successfull?
OSD Interface silly question.

When scrolling thru the stored recording on cam using shutter button the cam uses 2 different icons in top left of screen.
One is the common Play symbol (blue triangle on side) the other one which appears looks like a bit of film.
What is significance/difference?
wild guess but it might be play to indicate videos, film to indicate photos
Actually, it's the other way around!

The film indicates a film (movie) and the play is for photos, I think because it lets you play the slideshow from the menu button instead of showing the movie.
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Actually, it's the other way around!

The film indicates a film (movie) and the play is for photos, I think because it lets you play the slideshow from the menu button instead of showing the movie.

I did say wild guess, haven't had the benefit of actually seeing one of these

with any of these types of things pressing a couple of buttons generally lets you work it out anyway
I did say wild guess, haven't had the benefit of actually seeing one of these

with any of these types of things pressing a couple of buttons generally lets you work it out anyway
The play mode on the Gitup cameras isn't the easiest to use, only 3 buttons on the camera works nicely for recording but it is a bit limiting for playback control and navigation.
Actually, it's the other way around!

The film indicates a film (movie) and the play is for photos, I think because it lets you play the slideshow from the menu button instead of showing the movie.

Thanks Nigel - it was late when I was messing ;-)
I had loads of photos which looked exactly like start of snowboard video because someone had been pressing the buttons in wrong mode when cam was on my helmet!

IMO it would be better if the OSD interface let user scroll thru videos and photos separately - interspersed does not seem very logical.
also normally even for a "dead"(no response) camera
Hi, My Git2 appears to be dead, i.e. it will not turn on and shows no sign of life either with fully charged batteries or connected to a computer or power supply. It had been working fine with V1.2 loaded, but there has been no sign of life since I attempted the upgrade to V1.3. I followed every step to the letter on the Gitup website. I have since tried the advice to rename the loader name from GIT2LD.bin to LDNH2.bin, but still nothing happens when I plug the camera into the computer, as instructed. Please would someone advise me what to do to breath life back into my camera. Thank you.
Hi, My Git2 appears to be dead, i.e. it will not turn on and shows no sign of life either with fully charged batteries or connected to a computer or power supply. It had been working fine with V1.2 loaded, but there has been no sign of life since I attempted the upgrade to V1.3. I followed every step to the letter on the Gitup website. I have since tried the advice to rename the loader name from GIT2LD.bin to LDNH2.bin, but still nothing happens when I plug the camera into the computer, as instructed. Please would someone advise me what to do to breath life back into my camera. Thank you.
go back a few pages in this thread - i had that problem myself. i solved it by NOT connecting to the computer, but also doing a few steps in particular order.
go back a few pages in this thread - i had that problem myself. i solved it by NOT connecting to the computer, but also doing a few steps in particular order.
Thank you, Gibson99, I tried your method again and it worked this time. As you say, "Phew!" However, I have another problem that I have not read about: the shutter/select button and its adjacent light do not work. At first (before I had the firmware upgrade issue) the button became intermittent and the red light flickered, then it became totally unresponsive. I can start/stop recording using the remote, but have no access to the select function to adjust settings. It sounds to me like a hardware issue. Anyone any ideas?
Of course no problem, we'd like have more users to test the beta firmware first before official release, we are still working on that, need add the bitrate options.
Because for dashcam usage, no necessary to use so high bit-rate.
Hello, please can you send me the firmware? I want try him. Thank you
Of course no problem, we'd like have more users to test the beta firmware first before official release, we are still working on that, need add the bitrate options.
Because for dashcam usage, no necessary to use so high bit-rate.
Pm me with the beta firmware, I'm happy to help testing.
I am interested in trying the beta firmware as well. Please PM me!!