GitUp Git2 Firmware

Hi friends. Is it possible to downgrade from 1.3 to 1.2 or 1.1? I need a new loader?
Somebody has problem with 720 120fps and firm 1.3?
i don't think so - i believe @gitup stated that the new loader would prevent you from downgrading to anything below 1.3 once you upgraded to 1.3.
Apologies, I meant the "Quick Shot" seetting in the RC Operation Mode.

Regarding the remote control quick working mode, works as below:
1)Video Button: Start recording immediately in standby mode;
2)Photo Button: Take a video snapshot while in recording or take a photo in standby mode;
3)Power off Button: Stop Recording;
4)Wi-Fi Button: Enable/Disable Wi-Fi.
It beta 1.4 manual ISO / Shutter speed can be adjusted.
it was a reply to a beta tester member of the 1.4 firmware , so I know it was for the 1.4 . I just ask if the option was for the video or picture only .
Can I take part in the betatest of firmware 1.4?
I just like to tinker around with the camera, maybe I can help?
Hi! You can get the 1.4 beta firmware for git2 gitup? Want to participate in testing.
Hi! You can get the 1.4 beta firmware for git2 gitup? Want to participate in testing.
We will share the v1.4 beta tomorrow, look forward to see the feedback.
that's great news.. i'll definitely update and test..
@gitup: With frequent updates like you do, I see big future for your brand. I already bought 5th git2.
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Download link for 1.4 Beta version, look forward to see feedback, changlog and instructions is included in the .zip file. If no further issue report, we will release soon. Beta

Change log:
  • 1. Added: 4:3 video mode, 1440*1080 60fps video resolution.
  • 2. Added: Support remote shutter through HDMI port with special cable
  • 3. Added: Video recording pause and resume via Menu button
  • 4. Added: Video Time Lapse: 1F/2Sec
  • 5. Added: Fast-forward clips during playback through a list of 1X, 2X, 4X, 8X via menu button
  • 6. Added: Video Bitrate options for below modes: 1080P 60fps, 1440P 30fps, 1296P 30fps, 2160P 24fps, 1080P 30fps;
  • 7. Added: Support for sensor calibration (fixing hot pixels) by user.
  • 8. Added: Video shutter speed option: Auto, 1/30s, 1/60s, only works while ISO is not set for Auto;
  • 9. Added: Lock Actual Recording via Menu button
  • 10. Added: Photo time lapse: 0.5s option
  • 11. Added: Polish and Dutch language, improved Portugal, French, Spanish, Italian translation
  • 12. Improved: Delete the firmware after upgrade new firmware.
  • 13. Improved: Changed Custom AWB adjustment range from 0-9 to 0-19
  • 14. Improved: Soft and Strong sharpness, close to the normal option
  • 15. Improved: Front red LED will be blinking for last 3 seconds while taking self-timer photo (When you see the red Led blinking, it is time to smile)
  • 16. Improved: No Wi-Fi info displayed while OSD off;
  • 17. Improved: Do not auto start recording if powered on by battery on car DVR mode;
  • 18. Improved: Removed 1s overlap;
  • 19. Improved: Support real 240fps;
  • 20. Improved: Update the web camera name to Git2 instead of DEMO1
  • 21. Improved: Display shutter speed option on screen on photo mode
  • 22. Improved: LED blinking as normal recording and update the video mode icon on video time lapse mode
  • 23. Fixed: No audio while playback on TV via HDMI
  • 24. Fixed: The date is not shown properly in the preview mode
  • 25. Fixed: Quick start capture is not working while connected with external charger.
  • 26. Fixed: Unmute Recording Audio issue by menu button
  • 27. Fixed: Video shaking on 720P 30fps mode with Gyro on
  • 28. Changed: Top and Front LED blinking on Car DVR mode
Change log:
  • 5. Added: Fast-forward clips during playback through a list of 1X, 2X, 4X, 8X via menu button
  • 7. Added: Support for sensor calibration (fixing hot pixels) by user.
  • 18. Improved: Removed 1s overlap;
  • 19. Improved: Support real 240fps;
  • 22. Improved: LED blinking as normal recording and update the video mode icon on video time lapse mode
  • 23. Fixed: No audio while playback on TV via HDMI
these are my favorites from the list. Nobody can accuse GitUp of not listening to its customers!
Can somebody confirm fix using presets sequence mode 16 megapixels in photo mode? When you take pictures in this mode and set sequence to 10,screen is frozen and you must turn off camera and turn on again in firmware 1.3 is this fix in 1.4 last beta? And when you use git2 as Web cam is the resolution 640*360 finally or still 640*480
No freezing for the setting you asked.


with the latest beta the 720p shakiness is fixed indeed!

Thank you!
one more thing is on my mind :) when you do sensor calibration (fixing hot pixels) and everything is ok, does you need do it again when in future new firmware is released or one time is ok?