GitUp Git2 Firmware

it's related to Firmware 1.3
simple example of video with firmware 1.3....
1080P, white-balance= cloudy and Gyro ON

anyway... what do you think?
Just updated to 1.4, everything works like a charm. Thanks Gitup.
@gitup it would be perfect to have 3 personal modes, you could set them with your own value of sharpness, ev, awb, wdr, etc... then it will be easier and faster to set up in every condition/activity just selecting the personal mode you wish. Thank you!
I repeat my message bcause I dont know if you read it @gitup
@gitup it would be perfect to have 3 personal modes, you could set them with your own value of sharpness, ev, awb, wdr, etc... then it will be easier and faster to set up in every condition/activity just selecting the personal mode you wish. Thank you!
I have this idea last year, now we are doing some research and testing.
Yeah that would be nice, with a custom menu where you can make your own custom settings to choose from. If is is possible, should be but
probably takes some work getting it into the firmware.
@gitup: i really need 1080P50FPS.
Is there a chance to put this in next firmware till Juni 2016?
When not, i need to buy a actioncam which have 1080P50FPS.
That would be very bad...
I just received my Git2 and the new features are simply amazing compared to my Yi ! I love it.

@gitup: First item on my suggestion list would be the additional Contrast settings.
The defult contrast a bit strong for every lighting situations. The ability to use flatter images with less contrast would open new dimensions in post prod.
I have also just received my Git2, looking forward to testing it this weekend.

As for a firmware update request, I would like to see a noise reduction setting, as I want less NR for increased sharpness without the ill effects of oversharpning in daytime rides, and reducing noise via post process usually works better.
Combine that with personal modes and we can have a cam with ideal settings for day and night.
Yes, I know, if I needed a good cam for nighttime I should just get the Git1 too, but being able to squeeze the most out of Git2 would be nice.
@gitup: i really need 1080P50FPS.
Is there a chance to put this in next firmware till Juni 2016?
When not, i need to buy a actioncam which have 1080P50FPS.
That would be very bad...

if you put the setting to PAL instead of NTSC , you should be able to have 1080p 50fps I belive!!! Is it what you want?
if you put the setting to PAL instead of NTSC , you should be able to have 1080p 50fps I belive!!! Is it what you want?
Your right, thats what i want.
But unfortunately it doesent work when i switch to Pal in settings.
that must be a bug in the firmware . What is the firmware you use? Maybe @gitup miss that one!!!
@gitup any news on my findings?

@gitup here are my findings with v1.4. and some requests. may be for v1.5?

video mode:

- where do I enter custom text, when option is enabled?

- 10 sec timelapse and 5 sec snapshot enabled: front yellow led is turned on every 20 mins for about 10 min

- 10 sec timelapse and 5 sec snapshot enabled: timestamp only appears on every 10th picture

- request: option to auto adjust light settings during timelapse. especially during sunset/sunrise this would be great. best option would be to have

the last 3 pictures histogram analyse for the best setting in order to avoid flickering in the timelapse video. but it must be an option to to enable disable.

- request: instead of high, medium low display the reals BPS values

photo mode:

- request: rename of timelapse to interval ( as it is no real timelapse)

- no display of active interval mode when taking a picture

- no custom text option

- request: shutter speed 1/100 and 1/60

play video:

- request: move timer below video

play slideshow

- how does it work?


- resorting of menus. some often used options are at the end, while unimportant options are in the front

- request: option to set the max ISO level in auto mode (eg max 400 ISO)

- sometimes mode button does not function

- request: option to go back in playback mode

- cam becomes not responsive after wifi is disabled (need to remove battery)

- not possible to connect to final cam
- request: option to auto adjust light settings during video-timelapse. especially during sunset/sunrise this would be great. best option would be to have the last 3 pictures histogram analyse for the best setting in order to avoid flickering in the timelapse video. but it must be an option to to enable/disable.
For me Git2 is useless because of no 1080P50FPS.
My new AX53 doesn´t have the option to switch from Pal to NTSC. The Mode there is 108oP50FPS.
No i can´t put both Videos in one Video to edit.

- request: 1080P50FPS !
For me Git2 is useless because of no 1080P50FPS.
My new AX53 doesn´t have the option to switch from Pal to NTSC. The Mode there is 108oP50FPS.
No i can´t put both Videos in one Video to edit.

- request: 1080P50FPS !
I find it hard to believe that many years after old analog TV transmissions were terminated and everyone moved to digital, that companies like Sony are still selling expensive video cameras pre-set at the factory to use either 50 or 60Hz video depending on whether the countries that they are being sold in used to use PAL or NTSC in the last century o_O But if they are then I now understand your request! Seems to me that the problem is with the Sony not providing the standard 60Hz that nearly all our computer monitors are using even in countries that used to use PAL.
offering 25/50fps, 30/60fps video has more to do with dealing with 50/60Hz power, more of an issue for action cams where artificial lighting is more likely than with car cameras, there are other ways to deal with it but it can have negative impacts also